Xue Hui

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       Xue Yang was walking along a river when he stopped to take a drink of water. He sat near the water and heard rustling behind him, he turned around an saw a man standing there.
    The man looked similar to him, they had the same lips and eyes but other than that they looked different. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Xue Yang asked standing up.
     "Me?" The man said pointing to himself, "I'm Xue Hui."
Xue Hui? Why does he have the same surname as me? Xue Yang thought. He observed the man. "Why do you have the same surname as me?"
      "Because I am related to you," Hui said, "and it's nice to finally meet you...."

      Xingchen woke up with a start and looked around. He looked for his lover but only found Wei Ying and Zewu Jun standing by the door. "Where's Xue Yang?" He asked.
     "Oh! You're awake, Xue Yang left to go investigate something really quickly. He'll be back in a few days, don't worry," Wei Ying said cheerfully, "he also said that me and Zewu Jun have to be sure you eat and sleep well."
     "Why didn't he take me with him?"
      "He saw that you were tired and let you sleep because he needed to leave quickly," Zewu Jun answered this time. 
      Xingchen nodded, "Alright then, if it's only a few days I'll be fine." 
     Wei Ying and Zewu Jun sighed inaudibly and shared a smile. They soon left Xingchen with his thought, the man stood up and walked around the room. He wouldn't leave me even if it was urgent, it must be something he doesn't want me knowing about.
      Xingchen stopped, wait....what happened to Mama? He rushed out of the room and walked around trying to find someone. He finally saw Lan Zhan. "Hanguang Jun!" He ran over to the man who turned to him, "Hanguang Jun, did you figure out what happened to Mama? Is she alright?"
     "She is safe, we found some people surrounding the house but drove them away. She is in a safer place," the man said calmly.
    "Alright, thank you," Xingchen bowed, "by the way, do you know where Xue Yang went. I know he went to investigate something urgent but I don't know what and where."
     The man in white glanced down for a moment before looking back up, "I do not know either, but I know that it was very urgent and it couldn't wait."
     Xingchen nodded, "Ok then, thank you Hanguang Jun," he bowed yet again and then ran back to his room.
     He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed when he heard a knock on the window, he opened his eyes and turned. He saw an eagle, with something tied around it's neck. He opened the window and took the piece of paper.
Xingchen, you have something of mine. If you give it back then maybe I'll give you your lover back. Have a good day, Xue Hui
    Xingchen read it over and over until he felt tears fill his eyes. He rushed outside and barged into the Jinshi.
     "Hanguang Jun! Master Wei!" He called out, "Someone took Xue Yang!" Almost immediately Wei Ying's head popped out.
     "What do you mean someone took Xue Yang?" Wei Ying asked, "That man is impossible to scare much less kidnap."
      "Knowing him he probably went willingly," Lan Zhan said walking in, the two men turned to him.
      "Why would he go then?" Xingchen asked.
      "They might've threatened him," Wei Ying suggested. Xingchen nodded slowly then gave his nephew the note.
      "This is what I got." Wei Ying took the note and read it his face twitching in confusion.
     "What thing is he talking about? And why does he have the same surname as Xue Yang?" Wei Ying asked.
      Xingchen shrugged, "I don't know who he is and what he wants from me, but it must be important."
Wei Ying nodded, "Let's go ask Old Master Lan to see where he went last."
"Alright," Xingchen responded and they left to meet with Lan Qiren.

"So you're telling me Xue Yang left without permission and is now being held hostage?" Lan Qiren said angrily.
"Yes, but it was for a good purpose," Xingchen said quickly, "he went out to look for whoever was at my mother's house."
"That doesn't give him the right to leave," Qiren snapped, "and now look what happened. He's gotten taken by someone who is most likely related to him."
"But that's the thing," Wei Ying said, "he has never mentioned any family. And he wasn't taken he gave himself willingly, they most likely threatened to hurt Xingchen."
Qiren nodded and stroked his beard, "True, but who could it be? You said the person who wrote the note had the same last him as Xue Yang."
"That's what we were wondering, it could be a cousin or possibly his brother," Xingchen said, "it seems unlikely to be his cousin so it must be his brother."
"You're right," Wei Ying said, "let's say it is his brother. What would you want from your brother's lover?"
"Love," Xingchen said thoughtfully, "he might be jealous that Xue Yang got a lot of attention when he grew older. And now he's jealous that he got a lover and has finally settled down, maybe he just wants me."
Wei Ying shook his head, "We can't give him you, besides he said 'if you give me back what is mine,' you were never his so how can we give you back?"
"Then what else could he want?!" Xingchen yelled desperately.
"Your necklace," Lan Zhan whispered.
Lan Zhan looked up, "He wants your necklace."
"But why?" Xingchen asked, "The necklace can only heal, why would he want it?"
Wei Ying tapped his nose, "Didn't you say you can turn pain into energy? Maybe that's why he wants it, and besides he can heal himself with it."
Xingchen nodded, "That's true, but he can't have it. Helia probably won't allow it, and Luan won't let him get Xue Yang's ring," he said.
Wei Ying gasped loudly, "What if he was listening in on our conversation with your mother? What if he's the one who-"
"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan cut him off, their eyes met and he shook his head softly.
"What?" Xingchen asked looking between them, "What happened? Are you talking about my mother's house being surrounded? If so there is no need to worry she's safe now."
Everyone except Xingchen looked down, he stared at them confused.
"Senior Uncle," Wei Ying said hesitantly, glancing at Lan Zhan apologetically, "your mother she...she's dead."
Xingchen felt the world stop moving and heard his heart in his ears. That's not possible! She can't be dead....can she?
He suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe, he gasped for air but his throat was blocked. He felt tears streaming down his face as he let out a choked sob. He was sweating and crying, he pulled at his hair and let out a scream.
He fell to his knees and felt hands touching him, "Don't touch me!" He yelled moving away from the hands. He didn't want anyone touching him but his mother, she was the only one who showed him gentleness. The only one who showed him sweet love would talk in a soft voice.
He suddenly saw a bright light and he looked up to see Helia. "Helia," he whispered hoarsely. The woman ran to him and pulled him in a tight hug.
"It's alright darling, I'm right here. Don't worry sweetie Helia's here," she said and began to stroke his bag soothingly. He hid his face in her chest and cried loudly.
"Why did she die?! She didn't deserve any of this!" He yelled.
"I know sweetie, I know."
"It was all my fault wasn't it?! I was the one who came up with the idea to go to her house!" He wailed.
"No darling, it wasn't your fault. You were meant to go, nobody expected for Hui to follow you," Helia said comfortingly. She rocked him back and forth until he calmed down. His cries turned into small sobs and he could breath better.
Due to exhaustion he collapsed and slept on Helia's shoulder. The woman gestured for Wei Ying to get closer, "Get him to his room please."
Wei Ying nodded and gently carried Xingchen to his room. He returned and stood next to Lan Zhan who seemed wary of the woman. "Who are you?" He asked.
"Oh! Sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Helia, Xingchen's teacher. He was full of too much grief and it connected to his energy which summoned me," the woman said.
"So you're Helia? It's nice to finally meet you, I'm just sorry that we never got to meet in good circumstances," Wei Ying said rubbing the back of his neck at the last part.
"It's alright, I'm here to help after all. He needs someone to be there with him when Xue Yang isn't. By the way, what's this I hear about him missing?"
"Oh yeah. Well you see this man, who we think is Xue Yang's brother, gave Xingchen a note about Xue Yang. He said that Xingchen has to return something back to him in order for Xue Yang to be free," Wei Ying said.
"Well it seems obvious that he wants the necklace and ring, but don't worry. Mama Helia has an idea."

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