To be close

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POV: Amity

When I woke up mine and Luz's body's were tangled together. My head nuzzled into her neck. She breathed softly as she slept. I smiled and close my eyes to rest a bit longer only for it to be interrupted by my alarm.

Luz stirred. "Morning Beautiful." She said.

"M-morning Lulu." I replied.

She smiled at the nickname I gave her and pressed her lips to mine. After a minute we broke the kiss and got out of bed. Luz grabbed her school clothes and changed in the room while I went to the bathroom. I came back and she was putting on her shoes.

We went down stairs my hand in hers. We walked into the kitchen and saw my siblings and mother sitting down.

"Where's father?" I asked as me and Luz say next to each other.

"He had some business to attend to." My mother said, "He'll be home later today and if we need you we can send Lilith a message." She added.

I nodded and began eating my... I have no clue what this was. It was round, soft, and fluffy with some kind of red substance, but not blood, on top.

"It's pancakes with strawberries. I asked Eda to drop some by I had made yesterday." Luz said. I took a bite and my tastes went into overdrive.

I saw my family looking at me to see what I did next. And what I did next was devour my plate. Luz laughed at me and kissed my cheek. And went back to eating.

After breakfast me, Luz and the twins headed towards hexside. Luz's arm was wrapped around mine and holding my hand. I felt nothing but happiness. As we approached the school we had other students looking at us and whispering things.

"Did Amity bite the human?"

"Why are they holding hands?"

"So she's with that freak."

I growled in annoyance but Luz used her thumb to run circles around the back of my hand calming me down. We saw her friends at the entrance. She let go of my hand and placed a small sweet kiss on my lips. "I'll see you in second period love." I nodded and headed with my siblings for my first period class watching Luz walk with her friends.

I could barely focus during my class. Without Luz near me I couldn't think straight. I needed Luz here. With me. Next to me. As soon as I heard the bell scream I grabbed my stuff quickly and headed for my next class. I walked in and saw Luz and Willow next to each other I walked up and sat on the other side of Luz and took her hand in mine calming down instantly. She smiled at me running circles around my hand.

"Amity your seats over there." Willow hissed at me.

I went to say something but Luz cut in. "Its fine Willow." She said then gave me that look that said 'Dont be bad.' And not wanting to upset her I shut my mouth.

**Time Skip**
3rd period sucked I wanted to sit with Luz at lunch but I knew Willow and Gus wouldn't like it so I would just ask Luz if I could sit with my friends.

I got to the lunch room and walked over to her. "Hey Amity have a seat." Luz said smiling. Willow and Gus made faces.

"A-actualy I wanted to sit with my friends if that's okay?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Sure no problem." I walked and sat at my normal table with Boscha and the rest of the Vampires.

"I want to sink my teeth in her." Boscha said looking right at Luz. "Then I can have her pull all my pranks on the others."

I growled causing the table to look at me. "Keep your teeth away from Her." I said in a dark commanding tone.

"Geez it's not like you would do it Amity. Your to polite and she'd never willingly become your ser~" she was cut off by Willow yelling.

"Please tell me you didn't Luz?!" We looked over.

"Willow what do you mean?" Luz asked.

Boscha managed to piece it together faster than me because she walked up and grabbed Luz's hoodie. I and pulled it revealing my bite mark in her neck. A few people gasped and the table, Gus and Willow looked at me.

Luz calmly swatted Boschas hand away. Suddenly Vines wrapped around me and Willow and Gus walked towards me.

"Guys stop." Luz said

"What's your plan Blight. Make her turn against us? I can't believe you'd force Luz to server you." Willow said.

"I-I di-didnt." I said.

"Right." Gus said. I was scared.

I saw Luz sigh and stand up and coming to me and breaking my Vines. No one stopped her. I hid behind her. "Enough guys I don't server her." She said.

"Um Luz sorry to say but she bit you. So you kinda do." Boscha said.

"No. Because the bite had a reverse effect." Luz said.

"I'm sorry." Gus said, "Repeat that I don't think we understand."

"I don't server Amity. She is mine." Luz said in a calm but protective tone.

"WHAAAT?!" Several people screamed at once. 

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