❖ A Surprise Encounter! The Legend And The Beast Meet!❖

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|Wʜᴇɴ Tʜᴇ Sʏsᴛᴇᴍ Sᴇɴᴅs Yᴏᴜ Oɴ A Sᴜɪᴄɪᴅᴇ Mɪssɪᴏɴ, Jᴜsᴛ Tʀʏ Nᴏᴛ Tᴏ Dɪᴇ.|


Third Person

"Ah! Greetings my (now) fellow Pokémon, I am so glad that you had made it to this place. Though, do not worry. You hadn't kept me waiting for I had another matter that I needed to attend to. In fact, I had just arrived here a minute ago so I wasn't waiting that long." The Llama God greeted and informed the levitating and slightly battered Pink Cat from where he sat on a random cloud, eyes closed as he sensed their presence coming closer to his form, while the Pink Cat known as (Y/n) however, just stared at him in mild annoyance as they gently rubbed their bruised fluzzy pink head with their right paw. "I hoped that your journey to get here went well?-" The God stopped once he saw the state (Y/n) was in, surprise and worry evident on what little facial features he had on his face but when he was about to ask what had happened, the angry Cat beat him to it.

"Yeah well- Ouch!" The Cat hissed out in pain when they had accidentally pressed down a little too hard on their bruised head, quickly retracting their paw back, they instead settled to just crossing their small arms while their long, pink and slender tail slowly swished from side-to-side in anger behind them, only to then sigh in defeat as they looked up at the clear blue sky above them. "It could've been better." They mumbled out in annoyance as another tired sigh escapes their muzzle, eliciting a confused and curious expression to surface on the Llama God's face as he then ask, "How so???" to which the Cat sighed again and then began explaining to him on what they had to go through to get to the Baron Archipelago Island.


A pink blur can be seen flying by high in the sky as the residential creatures from down below, whether they were on solid ground or up in the trees, looked up at the pink speck in confusion and or curiosity when they heard the blur cry out in happiness. Prompting some of the creatures to try and follow it on foot only to lose sight of it as the trees continued to block the creatures' view every time the thing in the sky moved around. While others, however, flew up and towards the blur only to lose sight of it as well as the thing dipped in and out of the clouds, effectively confusing and losing their pursuers.

The pink blur, who was actually (Y/n), sighed in relief as they had finally shaken off their curious pursuers, leaving the island- (it's a different one from where they had previously woke up in) -full of curious, otherworldly creatures they were flying over, behind them.

"Finally! Like, jeez... I know their curious but for the love of Omna's Socks! Please stop following me! It's just bringing me nothing but bad memories!" (Y/n) thought in horror as a shudder racked their tiny pink body, mentally pushing away the disturbing memories of being stalked in the middle of the day and night to the deepest part of their mind. "Damn it! Stop being such a pussy me!... Well, I am a cat- but still!" Shaking off the thought, they continued to fly towards their destination, albeit a little more slowly than their earlier rush from before.

"Now that I think about it... Where exactly am I?- Wait no, wrong question cause I could clearly see where I am on the map -which is above the Sea- but I don't know what the Island's name I'm approaching is..." (Y/n) thought once they saw an island appear up ahead of them, confused and weirded out on how fast they had arrived on another island, only to shake their fluzzy head once they realized that they had probably flown a little to fast to get away from their flying pursuers. "Welp, I guess it saves me from the Traveling Time though..." With a sigh, (Y/n) looked back at the island to squint their eyes for a closer look, only to widen them in surprise once they noticed the 'Theme' of the island, prompting them to fly a little faster to make sure they weren't seeing things. "Holy shit, that Island looks pretty sweet..." They thought in awe as they looked down at the inhabited island they were now slowly flying by, seeing people of different sizes and ages walking or talking to each other around the Sweet Themed island with the kids playing around in a Candy Themed playground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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