Chapter 2 (Your Eyes)

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Nayeon POV

"Nayeon-ah, let's go to the cafeteria. I'm sooooo hungry and starving right now. You don't want to see me dying here right?" A girl holding my arm and beg me with her puppy eyes. Aishh~, this pig won't stop whining all day if I say no. Why I even become friends with you Momo?

"Alright, alright. We can go there. It's not like I can say no to you if it's about eating." I got up from my sit and get ready to go to the cafeteria.

"Yeyyyyy! I love you Nayeon-ah. Let me call Sana first." She runs out of our class and I know she's going to Sana's class. This girl really easy to feel excited if it's about food, eating and everything that's related. I don't even know if I'm befriend with a person or a pig.

"FASTER, MOMO-CHAN!!" I have to shout from the corridor as Momo hasn't out from Sana's class yet. Everyone's looking at me when I shout that loud.

"What are you looking at? Mind your own business." I glared at those who's been staring at me. I know I'm the most pretty here, but no need to stare at me like that, freaks. And where the heck are Momo and Sana anyway?

"Nayeon-ah, sorry for keeping you waiting. Hehe." Momo's panting hard while saying sorry with some silly smile on her face. I want to punch her really hard but I can just sigh over her silliness.

"Whatever, let's just go" and we start to walk to the cafeteria which is just one block away from our class.


We're just reach the cafeteria and Momo will be the one that will order the food for us. While me and Sana will find any available table for us to sit. We saw one in the middle of the cafeteria. So we walk to the table, until,


A girl run into me and spilled her lunch to my clothes. MY PRECIOUS CARDIGAN!! I just remembered that I wore my favourite cardigan today and now it's ruined by this stupid girl.

"WHA-." I was just about to swear to that girl when,

"Are you blind?" She looks straight into my soul. I was flustered a bit because her sharp brown eyes are so intimidating. It's like the power that I've held all the time were drowning in her eyes.

"Errr, I'm sorry" Wait, WHAT? Why the hell am I apologizing? She's the one to be blame. Well, maybe I'm in the blame too. But I never take the blame.

"Why are you running anyway? This won't happen if you aren't running." I try to gain back my pride after saying sorry out of nowhere. . I watch her picking up the food and put it back to the tray. She's not looking at me anymore. Well of course she doesn't look at me, she's picking up her food. What am I even thinking.

"Shut your filthy mouth." Again with a deep voice she shut me up and went away from the cafeteria. I look at Sana and she's obviously shook over what's just happen. I am shook too actually. I looked at her tray that she put at the table nearby. I feel guilty, she hasn't eaten yet.


Sana POV

WHAT. THE. HELL. JUST. HAPPEN. IN. FRONT. OF. ME? First, Nayeon got hit by a random girl and I know she's new when she's able to talk back to Nayeon. Second, Nayeon said sorry which she has never said to anyone before like she's somehow got flustered by that girl and I wonder how it can happen so fast.

"Let's go, Sana-yah." Nayeon taking my hand and we sit at the empty table while waiting for Momo.

"What's just-"

"Don't you dare to say anything, Sana." Nayeon tells me without even looking at me. Nayeon is not really close to me. She is originally befriend with Momo and Momo already being my bestfriend since we in elementary school. But Nayeon is my bully mate anyway, so we share something in common despite our awkwardness.

"Food is here~, girls dig in. hahaha" Momo finally here with our food and for God sake she's the brightest when it comes to eating. But I love it anyway. I love seeing her smiling face, the way she eats her food and the way she begs us to buy her food. They just kinda made my day. I smile in my head then immediately rolled my eyes when I look at the food that she brought to us.

"Seriously, Momoring? Jokbal again? Don't you have anything else?"

"Nope. Nothing taste better than jokbal you know?" Momo really are in love with jokbal. I won't surprise if she gets married with jokbal in the future. I pick up the chopsticks and dig in that Jokbal. I wouldn't lie, this Jokbal is pretty good.

"You ate it anyway, Sattang." She teased me for I'm still eating after complaining.

"Well, have you seen any other food than jokbal here? I asked her in sarcastic way. She really just laugh it off. I took a glance at Nayeon and I can see that she's zoning off while Momo finishing the jokbal. I guess she's still thinking about that girl earlier.


Nayeon POV

Who is that girl? Why did she get on my nerves? Why?? I almost drown in her eyes for a while. Why did I feel like this? Wait, I need to reflect myself. I am Im Nayeon, the badass and cool girl in this school. The prettiest among the pretty faces. And that's mean I am the prettiest girl in this world. So, why did I fall head to heels for that goddamn girl??

"Nayeon-ah, we've done. Have you done yet?" Momo's voice snapped me from my little thought.

"Yeah, I'm done too." I look at my food and I realized that I haven't touched it yet. Well, how can I eat when I think of that mystery girl. I wonder where she went. Wait. I ain't gay right? I'm not falling for her right?? Aishii, I don't want to mention that freaking "G" word.

"Yah, Momoya, what are you doing?" she's eating? Again? What should I do with you Momo-ssi....

"Finishing your meal of course." She's munching that Jokbal as if there's no more tomorrow for her. I mentally facepalmed myself. What should I do with you dude?

I look at Sana and she just sit there while smiling. More like flirting if I'm being honest. That's typical Sana, a cutie-sexy heart breaker. She has every man begging for her love. But, wait? There's no boys nor man in this school except for the teacher. At least there's no man right here right now, who is she flirting with? Momo? WTF?!! She can't be gay. At least not a friend of mine tho. Aishii, I really hate that "G" word. Why does it exists anyway?


"Momo-ssi, stop eating now, you raccoon. The break has ended, Let's go to class now." I pulled Momo's arm and drag her out from the cafeteria. This girl won't stop eating if we don't stop her. 

"Yah, Nayeon-ah, I'm not even done yet, you stupid little bunny." And now she's sulking. She's running away from both me and Sana. Screw it, go on sulking, I'm not gonna convince you anyway.

"Sana-ssi, let's-" I look at my side, there's no Sana. I look in front and saw that Sana already running after Momo. Aishhh, these bitches. I'm going to kill you both soon.


A/N: I'm sorry for not updating faster. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you don't just let me know.

And, yes, I made Nayeon as Homophobic person. I hope it won't hurt any of you. 

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