Chapter 6(I have feelings too, you know)

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3rd person POV

Jeongyeon walk out from her class as the school is over. She went to the toilet first before she head straight to her home. She's in the loo when suddenly someone kick the door. Her eyes are open wide and she screams so loud and kick the door close.

"Haha, so, you easily get scared too huh?" Someone's laughing outside the loo. Jeongyeon open up the door again and find that it is actually Nayeon who's been disturbing her.

"Oh, it's you. Are you attracted to me? I guess you've been following me since we met in the cafeteria that day." Jeongyeon walk to the sink to wash her hands. She looks at Nayeon through the mirror. Nayeon is standing while crossing her arms, leaning on the wall and look straight to Jeongyeon through the mirror too. She's chewing gum and checking out Jeongyeon's appearance.

"Huh, don't make it obvious, Miss Useless." Jeongyeon catches Nayeon's eyes that's been checking her out.

"Who the hell being obvious, Kid? If you're talking about me. well yes. I'm being OBVIOUSly gorgeous here." Nayeon slick her hair back and adjusting her pose.

"Bluerk!!" Jeongyeon feel disgusts by Nayeon's confidence.

"How on earth you have that kind of confidence huh? How can you be gorgeous with that bunny teeth? You only looks cute. And funny. Hahaha." Jeongyeon mocks Nayeon teeth. Which is Nayeon's insecurity as a bully. Jeongyeon move from the sink and walk to the door. But, suddenly Nayeon pin Jeongyeon against the wall. With her both hands on the side of Jeongyeon's small face. Nayeon bring her face closer and closer and closer and closer to Jeongyeon's face. Jeongyeon got scared and shut her eyes tightly. Nayeon smirked at Jeongyeon's action.

"You can just turn your face away if you don't want me to kiss you." Nayeon whispered to Jeongyeon's ear

"But you don't. So, I guess you want to kiss me too right?" She looked at Jeongyeon's nametag. "Yoo Jeongyeon." Jeongyeon got overwhelmed when Nayeon says her name. Nayeon pull away from Jeongyeon and cross her arm again. Jeongyeon open her eyes when she feel that Nayeon's not pinning her against the wall anymore. She give Nayeon a deathly glare but Nayeon just smile sweetly.

"No one wants to kiss some useless person. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to head home." Jeongyeon get out from the toilet and left Nayeon alone in the toilet.

"You're gonna kiss this useless person, kid. And once you start to like it, you can't stop it." Nayeon then get out from the toilet and head to the parking lot and left the school.


Next day.....

3rd person POV

"Okay, class. For this assignment you will work in pair. To make it easier, the person you sit with is your pair. You have this whole weekend to finish the work and submit it next Monday. So, I guess that's it. Class dismissed." Everyone's is YAYing as they got to be pair with their seatmate which are also their bestfriend. But, Jeongyeon feel so awkward because her pair is Chaeyoung which is not close to her and they RAREly even speak with each other. Not after the drawing incident. Jeongyeon looks at Chaeyoung who's look calm while putting in her books in her bag. Jeongyeon was about to poke Chaeyoung's shoulder but Chaeyoung already get up and look at Jeongyeon.

"We'll do the assignment at my place. I don't like going out, so we'll do it at my place. Are you okay with that?" Chaeyoung raised one eyebrow when asking Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay with that. So, when shall we start?" It's Jeongyeon's turn to ask now. Chaeyoung push her chair to her desk.

"Tomorrow. I'll send you my address. Give me your phone number." Chaeyoung slip her hand into the drawer and take out her phone. She gives the phone to Jeongyeon and Jeongyeon quickly saving her number to Chaeyoung's phone. After saving her number, Jeongyeon gives Chaeyoung's phone back.

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