Chapter 9 (Date)

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Momo POV


OMG, I can't believe that I am about to have a date with Jeongyeon today. 

"AAAAAaaaAaAa!!!!!!" I screamed in my bathroom as I feel too happy. Well who doesn't? When they're about to go out with their crush. hehehe. I'm blushing thinking about what we gonna do later. I've been imagining sweet things though I'm not sure if Jeongyeon really do that.

"Momoring, are you okay in there, honey? I heard you screaming so loud just now. Are you hurted?" Oh shit, I made my mom worried. I facepalmed myself and giggled.

"I'm okay Mom, I'm just excited for a date today." Heheehee, I know my mom probably grinning now. She's a supportive mother. She always support me and cheer me up in whatever I am doing. Including love matter.

"Oh okay honey, have fun with your date." I hear that my mom already out of my room. So I quickly went to shower. I finished shower and quickly went to my wardrobe. Hmmmmm, what should I wear huh? Should I wear casual? Or cutie dress? Or maybe sexy? Hahaha, I'm grinning to myself. There's no way I'm going to wear something sexy. I'm just going to embarassed myself later on. I then took the colourful tops and my loose jeans that Sana bought for me. Hehe, thank you Sana for buying me this jeans. I can use it for good now. I put on my clothes and then went back to the bathroom to put on some make up. Should I tie my hair or let it down? Hmmm... What time is it now? I look at my watch and my heart almost fall from its place. IM LATE!!! I just grab my handbag and go straight to my front door and wear my shoes.

"Mom, I'm heading out now! Don't wait for me for dinner." I went out and close the door. I quickly book for a taxi and luckily it is nearby. I'm anxious about Jeongyeon probably waiting for me now. Haishhhh. Momo-ssi, why do you have to be so clumsy and stupid. I facepalmed myself. I text Jeongyeon telling her that I'm sorry for being late and I'm on my way. She replied with only 🙃. I don't know what's that supposed to mean. But I hope she's not mad at me.

 But I hope she's not mad at me

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(momo's outfit)

When the taxi arrived at the mall where Jeongyeon and me have promised to meet, I quickly got off from the taxi and rush to the main entrance. I looked around and I see Jeongyeon beside the main entrance, looking at her phone. She's wearing all black outfit, with a high ponytail and bangs. Aww, she's hot. I swear to god, I'm all hers if she ask me out right here right now. Oh wait, she doesn't have to ask me tho. I'm already hers.

 I'm already hers

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