❤ Cronkri - Well that was Awkward

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 Kankri walked beside the Violetblood. Ears raised high as his shoes scuffed the soft gravel under the two. Kankri seemed to be lost in a long rant, something Cronus wasn't paying attention to very well. Something about plants and how Kankri wanted to own one but Porrim talked him out of it? Cronus was only really paying attention to bits and pieces.
Cronus walked in front of him for a bit before pausing, his feet shifting in the gravel. His earfins had flared open as his head craned up just a little. He grabbed Kankri's wrist and brought him over to the wall of the alleyway. It was an instinct move, someone was coming and Kankri was wearing his stupid sweater so openly. Putting one hand under Kankri's head to protect it from the damp dark grey bricks. Kankri opened his mouth to protest the others' actions.

" Cr9nus what is the meaning 9f this? D9nt y9u kn9w h9w rude it is t9 just grab a tr9ll with9ut their c9nsent? D9 you want me t9 use my whis-"

" kankri, shut up." Cronus interrupted him in a quick and rather sharp manner. His bright violet eyes trained on the Mutants face. Taking in his features in the darkness of the Alleyway. Only illuminated by a Broken Neon sign. Rain falling down upon the two. Kankri finally heard it, the faint jingling of chains and casual banter between trolls.

" 9h dear... Cr9nus wh9-"

" heeeey good lookin'~" Cronus once again butted into Kankri's conversation. His earfins fluttering as he put one hand on the wall. The other still holding Kankri's head. His eyes plead for Kankri to go along with his odd idea. Kankri was hesitant, his bright eyes wide as he heard the faint shuffling getting closer. So he went along with the idiotic idea that Cronus had.
" Well, Hell9 there... Hands9me."
Kankri cringed at the words that left his lips, Cronus was pressed close to his body, His hips pressed to Kankri's as he used his body to cast a shadow over Kankri's. Almost making him look like a Burgundy.
" you goin' anyvwhere tonight?" Cronus' voice purred but his eyes seemed to be apologizing to Kankri. His breath tickled the Mutants neck as his eyes seemed to glow within the dark and close space between the two. The Highbloods had turned the corner. One had a chain, it rattled with bones attached that dragged behind them. Kankri's body tensed as he now fumbled for words, Cronus brought a hand down to gently caress Kankri's cheek.
" N-N9 I'm n9t, what d9 y9u suggest we d9?..."
Kankri's voice was laced with fear as he looked up at Cronus. Cronus hadn't ever seen such a fear in Kankri's eyes. He had never felt Kankri tremble against him and watched as his bottom lip quivered. Cronus felt something deep within him, a stirring feeling, he oddly enjoyed the fear that Kankri felt. That twinkle of horror that shined in those beautiful candy eyes.
Cronus heard the highbloods grow close, his eyes shifted. The once calm normal yellow and violet had darkened. A deep harsh Red-orange filled his sclera as he then brought a hand around Kankri's waist, the other still around Kankri's head as he stepped closer. A low growl sounded in his throat as he felt the presence of the Highbloods grow closer.
" i say vwe go to my place, and havve a fun time, what do you say, babe?"
Cronus bared his fangs as he spoke to Kankri, his voice hushed and tender as his fingers entangled themselves within Kankri's hair. Kankri felt his breath hitch as he simply nodded to Cronus, his words caught in his throat. The fear that trickled into tears from his eyes gave Cronus an odd thrill he couldn't explain. Cronus brought a hand up and gently wiped one of the candy tears. The faint flickering of the neon light reflected Kankris' soft grey skin in a way he melted to. His bloodpusher throbbing as he pressed his hips against Kankri's.
" Is that what y9u want?"
" more than anything else in the vwhole vwide vworld babe.~ i vwanna make you sing.~"
He liked it, it was a warm and yet cold feeling. The fear that lingered in Kankri's eyes as Cronus brought his face closer to Kankris'. His fins flattened as he just lingered inches from the mutants' lips. He realized after a moment how the fear was emanating from Kankri, he didn't want the other Highbloods to pick up on it. This was his Mutant, he should be the one to taste the fear coming from him.
" shhh kan... its okay."
Cronus murmured to the mutant in a hushed voice. He wasn't used to caring for trolls, let alone when the fear within the others eyes was giving him such a high. He simply knew if he didn't Kankri may break down from the fake scene they were making. The Highbloods barely gave the two a passing glance, continuing on their way. Kankri watched Cronus' vibrant bloodthirsty eyes. The way his chest heaved slowly and how the troll softened his eyes for the other to calm him down.
Kankri listened and waited, just as Cronus did. Inches apart from each other, breath on each other's skin. Rain falling down around them, dampening their forms and making their clothes stick to their bodies. Cronus let out a soft sigh, and began to step back from Kankri. Removing his hand from behind Kankri's head carefully, and lifting up his hands. His eyes began to slowly shift back to their normal hue as he sighed.
" sorry for uh, all that. didn't vwant you to get caught is all."
Cronus mumbled, a hand trailing up to rub his neck. His gills flaring for a moment from the sudden touch and then calming down as his hand slid back to dangle at his side.
" N-N9, I appreciate it Cr9nus, that was 9ne 9f the kindest things' any tr9ll has ever d9ne f9r me." If not a little heated in its manner, but Kankri was truly grateful for it. Stepping away from the wall, Kankri cleared his throat and folded his arms neatly behind him.
" If I may, I w9uld like t9 ask y9u if it is alright f9r me t9 give y9u a em6race t9 s9lidify my eternal gratitude t9 y9u. It shall n9t last l9ng if y9u d9 n9t wish f9r that."
Kankri spoke swiftly, nodding his head and shoulders a bit when he was done. Almost like a half attempt at a bow. Cronus raised his head from the offer, his earfins raising in an odd surprise before he spoke.
" uh, sure kan. I vwont deny a free hug."
" N9w, t9 6e clear, this hug is 9nly t9 s9lidify my gratitude, there shall 6e n9 gr9ping 9f any kind, alright?"
" vwha- yea kankri im not gonna grab at you after somefin like that. i knowv im desperate as fuck for any real affection but after something like that? i think i can livve."
Cronus nodded his head with a rather gruff almost offended tone in his voice. Kankri opened his mouth to rebuttal, then closed it. Simply shaking his head to himself and stepping forward. He was always awkward about affection from what Cronus recalled. Hell, Tula tried to hug Kankri once and Kankri literally froze in place because he was so confused.
Kankri laced his arms around Cronus' torso slowly, bringing himself close to the Seadweller and letting his breath relax. Face pressed into the other's chest as he took a slow breath. Letting the faint sound of rain fill his ears as the warmth of Cronus' arms locked around him. Kankri's bright eyes closed slowly as he stayed close to the other. It was certainly odd, to be cradled and held in such a tender and caring way.
He liked it so much more than he thought he would.

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