❤ Arasol - Death has Beauty

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Sitting on a ledge sat a young woman. Her rustic eyes made even the devil himself melt to the core. Raven hair lashed and danced in the wind as the faint memory of rain surrounded her. Dampening her outfit as she only watched the memories around her shift and contort. Forming a beautiful chaos she couldn't experience anywhere else. Horns curled like that of a ram, only rarely catching her wavy hair in their grasp. She was petite like a glass doll as her leg swung ever so slightly in the wind.
The wings that laid upon her back fluttered with a soft yet luminous way about them. Her lips pursed as she seemed to be lost in an odd thought. Perhaps reflecting on a memory of her own. From how she sat, the distant look in her eyes as she looked upon the world below. She looked straight out of a painting from long ago.
Her expression is soft and almost hints at that of a smile that was always on her face. Dimples showing just barely as rain graced itself onto her skin. Her head raised as the rain began to pour on her, and that smile really appeared. A vitalized glow in her eyes as she let her wings open to take in the cold breeze and the now falling rain. It would of course render her wings immobile until they dried off, but the sensation of cold droplets hitting her wings only caused her smile to grow a touch more. This young woman's name was Aradia Megido , and it seems like today she was enjoying herself.
Her quiet time was interrupted as she heard the distant shuffling of another troll. Her head turned just a little, the whipping and lashing of her hair blocking her eyesight for a second or so. Once she could make out the two dual colored eye patches she perked up. Shuffling to her feet she went over to the Goldblood. He reached an arm out and she took his wrist in her grasp. His hand latching onto hers as she brought him into a tight hug. The two embraced, and Sollux could hear the faint and quick fluttering of her wings. His arms linked around her waist as he felt a soft kiss being placed on his cheek.
" i thought you said heights weren't your ' thing'." Aradia teased, scrunching her face up just a little in a joking manner. Of course he couldn't see this, but it was the thought that counts after all.
" 0h beliieve me, iit2 n0t. but iit g0t b0riing 2tandiing d0wn there kn0wiing y0u were ju2t 2iittiing up here iin the raiin. 2o ii f0rced my2elf tw0 h0bble my criippled a22 up here." He snorted just a bit before he spoke. A hand coming up to gently cup her cheek, thumb gently brushing under her cheek.
" hey, 2t0p makiing the face."
" what face?" She grinned even wider from his comment. He was going to make another snide remark. Though he tucked it away and simply opted to press a small kiss to her forehead. Aradia stopped making the face when he had asked, but she still chuckled to herself about it. She stepped back from the blind troll to give him some space, and put her hands into her godtiers pockets.
" what2 20 2peciial ab0ut beiing up here anyway2 aa? y0u c0me up here all the tiime and all ii ever feel y0u doiing ii2 l00kiing 0ne way. what are y0u l00kiing at?" Sollux asked with a small tilt of his head. His own hands resting in his pockets as he looked to Aradia. She always had an odd radiance about her. It seeped into her words and even to just her presence when she was around. It softened Sollux to some extent. She wasn't overbearing like Feferi, she gave Sollux space and options.
" hmm, come over here and ill tell you what i see."
Aradia placed her hand into Sollux's. He laced his fingers in between hers and gave her a small nod of trust as she began to guide him. Stepping to the edge of the cliff memory, she lowered herself to the ground. Sollux slowly followed as he felt his free hand touch the grass. The blades brushed on his skin and easily moved away as he slumped into the grass beside Aradia. He could feel the faint pittering of water on his face. It caused him to flinch a few times at first, but he eventually grew used to the feeling. He turned his head a little towards Aradia, opening his mouth to speak but felt her hand gently turn his head back forwards.
" look before you, and imagine amongst the darkness of your mind. spew your thoughts into a picture that overshadows all of the voices within your mind. you are sitting on a ledge miles high from the ground, before you lay plains of messy memories all coming together. they clash together and transform to merge with each other. it's like a giant blanket of different sized patches and patterns all sewn together."
Aradia spoke in a soft tone, one that barely reached over the sound of the rain falling around them. Sollux took a small breath, closing his eyes behind the eyepatches even though that had no effect on what he couldn't see. He pinched his tongue between his teeth, he was never one to have a good imagination when it came to thinking up places. Yet her words brought him a good base to imagine upon. Slowly he began to picture the world around him, squeezing her hand after a moment for her to continue. Aradia returned the small squeeze of her hand and a subtle smile hinted on her lips.
" the sky envelopes itself in a constant swirling void of darkness and light, streaks of twilight and dawn dance together. the clouds wait above without any disturbance to them except for the occasional rain. like the one we are feeling at this very moment, the trees conjoin together and fuse from different times. as though they are both old and young. the moons look down upon the land and almost seem to be smiling upon the sea of the dead that lays under them. it's truly a beautiful sight. a mixture of calming and an odd nostalgia that i cannot truly describe. "
Aradia seemed to melt into her own description of the world around them. Her body relaxed as her thumb brushed the back of Sollux's hand. He felt himself relax with her, her touch caused an odd warmth to stir in him as he slouched back. Letting the rain trickle down the side of his face in small droplets.
" iit really ii2 beautiiful."
Sollux hummed out the words with the faintest buzz. It lingered in his throat and seeped into his words like warm honey. Aradia looked to him, he could feel her eyes on him. The faintest smile tugged on his lips as he looked at her.
" what ii kn0w ii2 bef0re me, ii2 a maiid 0f tiime. 2he ha2 the briighte2t 2miile ever and the m02t iintere2tiing viiew2 ii c0uld ever thiink 0f. ii fiind my2elf beiing actually happy ar0und her, whiich a t0tal 2h0cker tw0 every0ne iit w0uld appear. maybe iit2 the wh0le ' ii'm 20llux and theref0re can't be happy ' thiing."
Sollux turned to her, now sitting on his knees and letting go of her hand. Blindly reaching and holding the side of her face. Her hand came up to gently rest overtop of his. He could feel the smile forming on her face, and that filled him with an odd exhilaration he couldn't quite describe.
" sollux, your words mean the world to me." Aradia pressed a small kiss to Sollux's cheek, his ears fluttering for a second. Aradia noticed the small motion, it sparked a giggle to leave her lips as she looked up at the Goldblood. He chuckled just a little from the giggle, wrapping an arm around Aradia and bringing her close. Aradia laid her head upon his chest, careful that her horns didn't jab him in the shoulder. Which has happened more than she'd like to admit.
" there ii2n't any0ne el2e ii w0uld wanna 2pend my afterliife wiith, then y0u aa. ii h0pe y0u kn0w thii2."
Sollux nodded, bringing his head back just a little to give the illusion he was looking down at her. Furrowing his brows and becoming a little more serious as Aradia looked up at him. Now rolling over and laying her head in his lap. Sollux shifted to make himself a little more comfortable, now sitting criss cross keeping her head in his lap.
" i do sollux, i'm glad you agreed to stay with me through all these timeline hopping shenanigans. i don't think anyone else would've been a better choice than you."
Sollux brought a hand down to rest on the top of her head, gently papping her head for a moment before starting to comb his fingers through her hair. Mindful of her horns and keeping a rather soothing pace.
" pfft, m0re liike ii wa2 really y0ur 0nly 0ptii0n."
" that too."
" 0h jeez aa, y0u really kn0w h0w tw0 make a guy feel 2peciial."
" you're the one who said it!"
" ii kn0w, iim fuckiing wiith y0u."
" i know. 0u0"
Aradia enjoyed the playful banter they could have. It made her smile widen as she shut her eyes and leaned against him. Her wings folded under her as she nestled up to the Goldblood. The rain around them slowly down to a faint drizzle as the two now sat in the rather calm petrichor that filled the air.
They both relaxed, pressed up to one another and rested their eyes, even if Sollux's eyes were hidden under two designated eyepatches. Sollux continued to comb his fingers through her murky dark hair. Not really having much of any care for the world around him. His focus was on Aradia for the time being. That was all he needed. Death was certainly something the two shared in common at the moment. Aradia thriving in life while Sollux remained untampered and rather calm in death. The idea of being alive again, the thought of it was something almost intangible to him. He couldn't picture himself being alive again, even if he did, it wouldn't be the same.
Karkat and the rest of his crew are who knows where. He hasn't seen any of the alive humans except for ones that aren't from his timeline. The entire narrative speal that Aradia had told him had been a rather relative blur he had almost forgotten about. Aradia herself was still the only thing he really knew anymore. He didn't know any of his friends, hell, could he even call them that? They had all drifted apart so easily it was hard to call people his friends when now all he knows is the doomed versions of them. He let out a sigh, looking down at Aradia, his fingers gently stroked her cheek. Feeling the delicate warm skin filled him with a sense of normality.
" are the thoughts getting to you again?"
She broke his odd silent trance, it jolted him back to life as he then brought his hand from her face and back to her hair. She knew sometimes Sollux's mind wandered and it led to thoughts he would really rather not have. Ones that made him question if being dead was really all that and a little bit more. Aradia watched as his brows furrowed, his breath became a bit ragged and it caused her to perk up a little.
" a liittle, yeah."
" it's gonna be alright. i know sometimes my words arent very comforting but we've gone this long! i promise its gonna be okay, sollux."
Her words calmed him to an extent. The thoughts would always come back, because he cannot suppress them for long. Sollux swallowed his own spit and let out a shaky breath. Giving her a reassured nod before he felt her shift. Aradia now sat up, her hands now cupping Sollux's face in a manner that took him by surprise. Gold splashed onto his face and sparks crackled from his covered up eyes as he looked to her. The Burgundy pressed a small kiss to his lips, her lips brushing against his in a warm harmony. He melted into the kiss, a small breathless sigh leaving him once they parted.
" flushed for you."
" flu2hed f0r y0u tw0, aa."

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