❤ Soft! Damara x Reader

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              [] This version of Damara has yet to be fucked over by Rufioh. So, She soft.

    You feel an intense throbbing in your head, god fucking damnit. Of course, you try to fly a rocketship and fail miserably. Then again that's what you get for failing to understand anything about Rockets. You find yourself lying in a small crater, rubble all around your body as you start to sit up. The dizziness catching up with your sudden movement, you can feel your head waver. Bringing a hand up you clasp it over your forehead and give a small sigh. You sat there in the field with the rocketship protruding from the ground beside you. Steam coming off of it as you start to look yourself over. A good amount of bright blood coming from your knees and elbows, a few scuffs on your arms and legs, but nothing feels broken. Which is good since if anything is broken and you're on an alien planet, that really isn't good for your sake.
You're about to stand up when you feel a hand place itself on your shoulder. Whipping your head you see a rather puzzled looking humanoid. Soft grey skin and candy corn-esk horns much similar to that of a Ram's. She wore a simple shirt, a small symbol stitched on the left breast. A softer shade of burgundy trailing upon the center of her shirt and the collar. Her eyes were a blazing shade of burgundy that made your insides melt. Her brows furrowed as she stared at you, her hand on your shoulder. The skirt she wore softly blowing in the faint breeze.
" You... Okay?"
Her voice chirped in a meek and yet caring tone. Her words are broken up since by what you can tell, she doesn't speak the native tongue very well. You don't even know how you understand the language, but you aren't gonna question it. A creature being kind to is all you really need at the moment.
" Uh, Yeah I'm alright."
You mutter out and look at yourself then back at this odd humanoid.
" Could you tell me where I am?"
She seems to ponder what you said, pinching her tongue between her teeth as bright burgundy lips pursed. The humanoid then gave a small shake of her head and took your hand. Her hand is significantly warmer than your own but you find this oddly comforting. She hoists you to your feet, letting you squeeze her hand as you regain your balance.
" You on Beforus. What are you?"

You look at yourself for a moment, fairly sure you're a human. I mean, you could be something else but you really are just gonna settle on human for now.
" I'm a human, and you?"
" Am Troll! My name is Damara, What human name?"
" Oh, My name is Y/N!"
" Y/N? Certainly strange."
I mean yeah, from what you can tell you are far from whatever home you do have. These troll creatures seem like the closest thing you've seen to humans compared to... Well, Anything on this planet and your five minutes of being here. You give a rather uneasy laugh, and this causes her to awkwardly rub her arm.
" Sorry. Bad Beforian. Speak Eastern Beforian fine!"
Eastern Beforian? You haven't even heard of Beforian, let alone Eastern Beforian. From how she acts you can tell she's a little insecure about the way she talks. Her hand squeezing her arm, her eyes darting away from you as you look down at her. Damara being insecure made you frown, and you gently reach out and rub her shoulder.
" It's okay, I promise."

Your words seem to relax her just a little, she gives you a half hearted smile and lets her hand that was holding her arm drop.
" Your ship broke. You wish to stay with Damara till twilight?"
She questioned, tilting her head just a little as she looked you over. Damara's eyes lit up like a starry night. Sparkling with the faintest shimmer of excitement, it made your heart swell up inside. You couldn't say no to such a sweet face.
" I'd actually really like that, thank you... Da..."
" Damara!"
" Damara, right thank you. Sorry my head is still a bit foggy."
" It okay! Damara understands. Her head messes up words all time! Very annoying when she wishes to talk about Troll Anime with Rufioh."
Oh? They have Troll Anime? That's a slight reassurance to you. You smile at her and she smiles right back. She's starting to open up to you, her hand taking yours. Starting to lead you out of the shallow crater your crash had made. You feel a twinge of guilt trail up your spine at the damage to the nearby vegetation. Damara pulling you along makes your guilt disappear as you are now being dragged onto a shallow path. It barely cut through the tall grass that brushed on your legs. It trailed upon Damara's skirt as she continued to walk, squeezing your hand all the while.
It was taking a while for you to get to this place Damara seemed thrilled to take you to. At a certain point you felt her thumb brush over your cut up knuckles. Bruised and bleeding, Damara stopped the walking. Giving your poor feet a break as she turned to you. Brows furrowing as she now held your hand with both of hers. The care in her eyes makes your face heat up just a little. Her hands clasp over yours and she holds them up to your chest, stepping close to you. Her soft eyes focused on your face as those burgundy lips pulled into a small frown. One that seemed to scar your heart as your brows furrowed.
" Y/N Human hurt. Damara will help Y/N human!"
She chirped, holding your hands close to your chest, there was an odd hopefulness in her voice. One you couldn't help but smile at.
" Well, Thank you Damar-"
" Hush Y/N! No need to thank Damara. She only doing what common sense! Help injured!"
Damara chirped, the voice sweet like candy. It made your heart skip a beat when she smiled at you. You could see the dull fangs she did have just softly touch her bottom lip. Damara was oddly Adorable, a mischievous adorable. One that could become easily devilish and yet had a charm that you couldn't quite place.
" Heh, Well alright. If you insist."

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