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The news of Tyler and I sleeping together was soon replaced with the fact that I'd punch him, but luckily there was bigger gossip than that, when Michaela was found making out with....well I'm not sure who, but everyone seemed to care very much.

Scarlett and Levi found it extremely amusing when I explained to them how I'd gotten detention.

Today after lunch was supposed supposed be my first AP Calculus class with Mrs.Holler, and I thought that maybe meeting her before would help somehow. I picked up a sandwich and ate it one the way to Mrs.Hollers room.

I knocked on the door, which was left ajar, and slowly walked in.

"yes", Mrs. Holler said, keeping her eyes fixed on her newspaper.

"Hi, Mrs. Holler-"

"Hayley, come sit" She cut me off mid-sentence, finally closing her newspaper and placing it next to her.

I sat opposite her and looked around the room. She let me sit awkwardly in silence for a few minutes before she began talking.

"I understand that you'd rather not take my class this year, but trust me, I'd rather you not take it either, it's just the only way. So I'm aware that you're not the best at math, and the way I see it, the only way you're passing, is if I take an extra effort to make sure that you do."

I narrowed my eyes at her slightly.

"I'm going to give you worksheets, a lot of them, and I need them to be given back to me on time, no delay. Got it?"


"And I heard about your little shinangin this morning, you're going to have to be more disciplined, at least in my class, or I will fail you." She smiled bitterly.

I sighed. Ugh, what a bitch. Before I could say anything else, the bell rang.

"Yep, I'm already early for my first class," I said and she nodded, not picking up on the sarcasm in my tone.

"Sit at the front," she ordered as I was walking to the back.

I rolled my eyes and clenched my jaw. I sat down were she told me to, and doodled on the paper as the room began filling in.

Hardly a minute after everyone had come in, the door burst open a last time, and Aiden walked in casually.

"Wow, It's been 4 minutes since the bell is gone, is it vital that you be late to my class Mr.Gray, " Mrs.Holler Remarked, flipping through her text book as her glasses threatened to fall off the top of the nose.

She looked up and pushed her glasses back up.

"Sorry," he mumbled, in an annoyed tone, finding a place to sit.

"Aiden, it's great to have you back, but if you're back with the same attitude that you left with, you are not welcome in my class. Being good at the subject is simply not enough-

"The bell just went off," he finally spoke, turning more than half the heads in the class.

I closed my eyes feeling my head throbbing, likely from my lack of coffee this morning.

"He's so hot," I heard from behind me.

"Where has he been for so long though?"

"I heard that he went to go meet his brother." another voice said.

"I heard he got arrested,"

Hearing multiple whispers around me, it was sort of evident that most them knew who he was.

"4 minutes is not just" Mrs.Holler said, taking a nicer tone, one she would never use with me. "Sit at the front here, next to Hayley," she said, suddenly drawing my attention.

Moments later I heard her chair next to mine scrape against the floor roughly, and the tall boy with beautiful brown hair plopped down on the chair next to mine.

He cleared his throat and rested back in  his chair, as the whispers around him slowly died down.

His jaw line was beautiful, as were his cheek bones that looked like they were carved from stone.

"Can I help you?" He asked looking at me.

Well that was sort of rude. Excuse me for looking at your perfectly chizzled face structure.

"Uhh..your...e..earing is... cool," I grinned sheepisy.

I mentally faced palmed, feeling a little stupid.

He let out a small chuckle and nodded, "thanks," he was cuteeee.

As Mrs.Holler began teaching, he began taking notes or doing sums or something as if he actually understood what she was saying. It was actually quiet amusing.

I rested my head in my palm sleepily, I waiting for the bell to ring.

After what felt like at least a week later, the bell finally rang, and I sprinted out of the class like my life depended on it...which very honestly, I think it did.

My day was going freakishly slow, and my classes finally got over only to have two more hours of detention.


"Just don't go, what's the worst that could happen?" Jacob said as I kept my books in my desk.

He was lying down on Scarlet's bed, throwing a ball towards the wall, and catching it as it bounced off.

"Mmh," I said, pulling my rubber band out.

I picked up one of my books, and slipped back into my shoes.

"What are you doing in the evening?" I asked,

"Football," he said getting up. I locked the door behind me, and we took the elevator down.

"When are tryouts?" I asked.

"Friday I think, but we have all positions, so I don't know what coach is trying to do,"

He walked with me till the room that I had detention in, and then left to the football court.

I sat in my seat, with my head resting on my arm,  doodling on the corner of my textbook, and counting the seconds as they went by.

They just got one of the security guards to watch us.

My brain kept thinking about different ways I could've gotten Tyler back without getting detention, for example, putting a snake on his room or something, they couldn't trace it back to me.

There were also a surprising number of students who had gotten themselves into detention on the second day. That made me inclined to believe that it wasn't the students, but the school that caused so many of us to get into trouble.

After about 1000 more useless thoughts that flashed in and out of my head, I watched the clock intensily as the second hand took its final round.

The bell finally rang, and I was free to go.

I walked out of the classroom, and began making my way back to my dorm.

Once I reached, I kicked my shoes off and hopped onto my bed. I grabbed my paints and art book from the bed side table, and started drawing as extremely loud music blasted through my ear phone.

Laster that evening, I had dinner with Scarlett and a few other girls that joined us, which was sort of nice,

"Wow, you really have changed," one of them said, and I gave her an awkward tight lipped smile not knowing how else to react. That was something I'd been hearing almost every time I spoke to someone that I even sort of knew last year.

Soon enough I was back to my room, and on my bed. Scarlett and I ended up talking for at least an hour after we'd turned the lights off, but dozed of to sleep once it got late....well she did.

As expected I wasn't really falling asleep, but just sort of listened to music until I got sleepy.


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