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I felt sweat drip down my forehead as I shakily got off the treadmill.

I wiped my forehead, checking my phone to see how fast I was running, when it began ringing.

My heart skipped a beat, when for moment I thought it was my mom, but it was just Scarlett.

"Hello?" I said answering.

"Hi, Dress or jeans?" She asked, enthusiastically.

"Jeans?" I panted, catching my breath.

"Cool, see you in a bit," she said, and hung up.

Today was the last day of our summer before school started again, and a few of us decided to go out for dinner.

I sat on the bench, resting my head back onto the wall behind me, and running my hands hand over my sweaty hair.

I sighed, feeling significantly better better I was a few hours ago.

My hands were still a little shaky, and my brain was not in the best state, but I was easily a hundred times more in control.

After my breath finally got steady, I picked up my bag and headed out of the empty gym.

I walked to my car, and got in, taking a deep breath in to collect myself.

I drove straight home, thinking about school tomorrow. I was pretty nervous, Senior year and all. Besides, I was a total mess last time I was there.

I parked my car in my drive way, pulled my keys out of my bag, and walked towards the front door, opening it.

I headed to my room, and ran myself a shower.

As I got in, I felt the hot water hit my skin, relaxing me by the second.


"Jones get off your phone!" Scarlet said shoving me with her elbow.
Her pale skin was shinning as the soft light gently bounced of her skin, and her Maroon hair was tied behind her in a long, high pony.

"Yeah, one second, it's my mom," I said softly.

"ugh, what does she want," Scarlett asked, as she stacked her poker chips, one on top of the other for entertainment.

I harshly placed my phone on the table, face down. "All in"

Everyone took their eyes off their cards and looked at me.

"She said she's sorry, but she was really busy," I said.


Yesterday, for the first time ever, my art was displayed at a local gallery. I was really excited about it, and asked my mom to come, but she didn't show up.

I was used to her canceling, I just didn't think she would this time...considering this was kind of a big deal for me.

"I fold," Jacob said, putting out his cigarette.

"Same," Levi chuckled, his light fluffy hair flopping in front of him. He had a little too much to drink that night.

"Show," Ryan said narrowing his eyes at me, childishly, putting a small smile on my face.

"Straight flush," I smiled dropping my 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 of hearts on the table.

He shook his head. "Damn it!"

I let out a small laugh, "I'll be back," I said getting up and walking towards the restroom.

I looked into the mirror.

My dark brown hair was in a sloppy bun at the bottom of my head.
I looked at my Hazel eyes that were slightly red for no specific reason. My nose ring made me look a whole lot more put together than I actually was.

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