Chapter Thirty four

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Blade's POV

I stormed away from the table, in rage. I couldn't believe she got asked by someone unknown. I really do hope she says no.


Keir leave me alone, I think. I don't have time for this.


I pull my hood over my face and enter the outside world. I just want to be alone.

"Blade Clark Ramose!"

I stopped dead in my tracks. That's the first time in decades that's someone has used my middle name. I turn around furious.

"What did you say?"

"Look, I know you don't like being called by your middle name, but I need to talk to you."

"You know I hated when you call me by my full name!"

"I know that but you need to listen."


"Because what can you do? Huh? What can you do about Sarah being asked out by a stranger whom she doesn't know."

I'm silent.

"What can we do about it. If you wanted to ask her to the dance then you would have."

"I never wanted to ask her Keir. It's just some stranger bumps into her and randomly asks her out. Don't you think that's odd?"

"Yes I think that's odd, but what can we do? If she says yes then we keep an eye on her or something without her knowing."

"So stalking her."

"Sure, but the thing is, whatever she says to this Vanlee guy, we accept it and move on. I'm sorry that the love of your life isn't interested in you."

"H-how . . . How did you know?"

"Please, I'm your best and closest friend. I know that you like her. From your drastic change in the way you talk to her, look at her. The way you want to protect her from the Vanetts. Also I over heated you and Corbin about it."

I sigh. He's right.

"I just want her to be safe. That doesn't mean that I want her to be mine, that means I don't want her going off with guys she doesn't know or trust without fully knowing them."

"I get that."

"So why can't I accept it?"

"Because your jealous. Jealous of this guy who got to ask her and you didn't. Jealous because he could have a chance and you don't. Jealous that . . . She doesn't want you the way you want her. You keep putting on this act and it'll only affect you if you don't come clean soon. It'll eat you inside out for all eternity because you're too scared to come clean about your feelings towards her."

I felt defeated.

"You're right."

"I am. Also, you feel like it's your job to protect her from any harm. That day at the Chase, you stayed with her, when you told me that she was bored and needed help at her moms, you were there. When they stayed over at our place, you offered your room for her to sleep in. You told her about the Vanetts."

"Even before she was born."


The wind howled as it blew right passed us.

"You may be a vampire who kills people to live, but you'll never hurt her."

"Never say never. I could hurt her at some point in time and that's what I'm scared about. Even as she was scared of me, I never let that bothered me, actually, everyone was and still is."

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