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The Allied Shinobi Force had won the war and there was great rejoicing. Tinge with feelings of loss and sorrow. Everybody came to this war expecting to die. It was truly a miracle that only a portion of the allied force were killed. As the others cheered in joy Kakashi was busy sharing one last moment with Obito. Finally getting the closure the two absolutely needed. They've had a bitter-sweet farewell.

With Kakashi finally letting go of the demons of the past. And Obito finally able to move on from where his world had stopped. Tears were shed and tight hugs sharing a final message were given. Obito left the world with a smile on his face. Kakashi watched as those eyes closed for good. Shedding a few more tears before leaving a kiss on his forehead.

"Goodbye Obito..." He whispered and clings onto his body.

Team 7, the main reason why Kaguya and Madara were defeated. They've fought tooth and nail to save their world. And in return this is the price to pay. A badly wounded Naruto and Sasuke laid flat on the ground. Blood quickly pooling beneath them. Sakura desperately tries to heal them both. "Why isn't it working?" Sakura hissed. Her impatience was getting on her. Her healing abilities didn't shut the wounds at all.

No matter how much chakra she puts into it, there was no progress; they were still bleeding. 'Please god, someone anyone! Don't let them die!' She kept trying and trying and trying yet to no avail! They were still bleeding and she can't even save them! She was trained for situations like these. So why can't she do this? Why can't she save her precious boys?

She didn't know how much time had passed nor why no one even bothered to check up on them. She didn't look up, super focused on healing her teammate's wounds. Where on earth were the other medic-nins?! She knows they must be busy in healing the other shinobi's but god damn it her teammates need help as well! She focused every last bit of strength and chakra she has in closing these wounds.

She didn't dare stop. She had to save Naruto and Sasuke. That's the only thing she wants to do. The only thing she can do. Sasuke was breathing abnormally, with eyes blinking and unfocused. There was a gush of blood coming out of Naruto's mouth and breathing quite deeply. Both were unresponsive and pale. When suddenly...

"S-Sakura-chan... That's enough 'ttebayo..." Naruto said with a voice far from his usual confident one. Sakura did not stopped, she refused to stop. "He's right Sakura. You're just wasting chakra." Sasuke chimed right after Naruto. "What are you two idiots saying?! Can't you see, you're-!" Dying was left unsaid but they understood.

"Come on! Heal already!" She chokes out unable to keep her tears in check. Sakura continued healing them with trembling hands. "You're gonna be ok you hear me? Once I'm done we're gonna eat ramen and tomato riceballs." Sakura gritted, her voice cracking. Yet through it all her boys smiled at her.

"It's fine Sakura." No its not! "We're fine now Sakura-chan!" You're not! "Just hear us out please?" I don't want to. "You are our teammate. I may have not been the best one but I wished I had been." Stop. "You have been there for us even when we're being complete idiots. Sticking with us through thick and thin." Stop! "I'm glad to have been part of our team. Thank you Sakura." Please. "I'm happy 'ttebayo." What?

At this both Sakura and Sasuke looked at their knucklehead. Looking back at them with a small yet fond smile. "I'm happy because our last moments will end with us being together. It was one of my greatest fears ya know? To die alone. So even if teme and I are dying atleast we're not alone." Sakura could no longer hold back the tears. She sobs and tries to talk yet no words escaped her lips.

Naruto gazed at her form with familial love and then shifts his gaze towards Sasuke. Both met the others eyes and in that moment time had frozen still. They were lost in each others gaze. See the lies they've told, the truth they've withheld. The bond they've shared. A truly special bond no one but them can understand. They also saw in each others eyes the love for one another.

The love they so held close to hide from the other. The love they finally knew the other reciprocated. A shame they danced around the subject for years. And only now to realize that they didn't have to. It's ironic, that they loved each other when all they've done was fight.

Yet it was a universal fact that if you loved someone you were tender to them. You treated them with respect and you showed them how much they meant to you. But... maybe that's how they worked? Maybe their love was different from others but it works for them. Maybe past through the insults and blows they were trying to tell something.

Maybe each glare meant I want you.

Maybe each punch or kick they threw to one another meant I need you.

And maybe... every teme and dobe they yelled meant I love you.

Its kinda late but that's okay! They have eternity to spend at each others embrace. When Naruto could see dark spots in the corner of his eyes he knew it was time to go. Breaking away from their gugu eye loving starring. Naruto looks back towards their female teammate. He grabs Sasuke's hand and put both of their hands on top of hers. Sakura looks at Naruto, and boi did it hurt him seeing her like this.

He smiles at her, hoping it was enough for now. Both his teammates knew what was gonna happen next. They didn't want it however fate is rather cruel towards them. So they spent the last couple of minutes? Hours? With mindless chatter. And the last thing the pair saw was Sakura giving them a soft smile. Sakura watched their eyes close forever.

But Sakura kept talking and talking until her voice became hoarsed. Until her tears had dried up. She held onto their hands even after the warmth had already fade. Sakura didn't hear the rushed footsteps of her fellow ninja. Nor the surprised and shocked yells. She didn't feel her sensei touch her shoulder. Nor Ino's arms when she took Sakura into her arms.

She didn't feel anything. She didn't hear anything. The world around her stopped for all she could see are two bodies. All she knows is that her boys are gone. Once reality had finally sink in Sakura lifts her head up towards the skies and wails.


Author's Note:

I'm back with yet another fanfic about my two favorite people! Gosh I really love writing these two. The cover photo is not mine, credit goes to the artist. I threw canon out the window who knows where it is now. Ok what to expect with this shitty story. First, an awesome life for Naruto and Sasuke. Second, I will be updating the tags as the story progresses. That way I won't be spoiling anything. Third, their inlove and together.

Lastly, read the next chapter to find out. 😊 Like always please point out if you see any errors but be kind about it. I'm very open to criticism because I'm doing the best I can to learn English.
Also if you noticed my tags I intentionally put slow updates there. Because I have no definite update schedule. I just post whenever inspiration hits me in the head.

About the story I changed my perspective from my first BNHA & Naruto crossover. I sticked with Naruto being a male and I tweaked the plot a little bit. And yes if you haven't seen from the tags this is Yaoi. So if you have any problems then please don't read this. Also I don't know when I'll be able to update my other story. Because I still can't get over the fact that somethings missing for the next chapter.

I'm on the process of figuring it out. And I seem to have hit a writers block because of it. I have the next few chapters yet I can't post it because it just doesn't feel right to the plot I'm thinking. So hopefully I'll be able to actually post them really really soon. Thank you so much! Hope to see you guys in the next chapter. Kudos my loves~❤

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