Chapter 1: Sakura (1)

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading this story of mine. Alright tag update because clearly sleep deprived me forgot I can only put 25 tags in one story! Slight-Sakura bashing, I apologize Sakura fans but it was really really necessary. Events in this chapter are canon but in NO chronological order.

I tweaked the lines a bit to fit my plot so meh details. Also slight-EVERYONE bashing of course I won't tell you just yet who they are but I'm gonna be pretty bitchy about these chapters. Alright you may now ignore this and read the story! Thank you! Happy reading!😘


Sakura's POV

In the middle of the night was where their story stopped...

Quickly running towards the place she knows he'll be there.

Out of breathe yet she perseveres.

And there she sees the boy she yearns.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" He asks.

Noticing the bag on his back she whispers...

"This is the only road out of the village." Afraid to voice out what she really wants to say.

He continues walking, even went past her without a bat of an eye!

She twirls around and shouts, "Why! You're always like this! Always keeping me at arms length..."

He halts, she hopes...

"You've always hated me. Even back then when we were kids. Do you remember? At this very bench you yelled at me for my insensitive words."

("Naruto is such a brat! All because he has no parents that's why he doesn't have anybody to tell him he's being annoying!)

He didn't speak but that was ok all she needs from him is to listen. Tears fall out of her eyes, soft hiccups escape her lips.

"I'll even help you with your revenge! Please just stay here with me..." she sobs and begs any god out there to listen to her pleas.

Sasuke looks back, stares straight into her eyes. He smirks and says, "You're really annoying." He disappears, before she could even react she felt him behind her.

"Thank you Sakura." Her eyes widen and suddenly her world darkens.

He leaves, she cracks...

She wakes up, realizing Sasuke left her on the bench. She runs as fast as she can to find Naruto.

Naruto, her teammate, who she knows will help her. Naruto, her friend, who won't let her down. Naruto who'll ,if Sasuke doesn't ever return, be all she has...

There! She sees Naruto at the village gates about to leave. She shouts, "Naruto!" He looks back, why didn't Sasuke do the same? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?

"Sakura-chan!" Her name leaves his lips with a warmth she wishes Sasuke had as well. Blue eyes adoringly looking at her, why couldn't Sasuke look at her like that? With a smile on his lips she wishes were on Sasuke's.

She couldn't help but wish the things she sees in Naruto can be seen in Sasuke. Naruto who was so full of life, who had so much love to give. Why couldn't Sasuke be the same?

"Naruto... I tried to stop him! Please if there's anyone he'll listen to its you!" Her voice breaks a little bit, tears once again fill up her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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