Ch. 4

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[Y/n]'s POV

When I woke up, I was still really tired. I felt something warm wrapped around me. I looked and saw Brendon's arms around me, he was still sleeping. Since I was still tired, I stayed where I was but didn't go back to sleep. I recalled the dream I had last night. Recently I've been having a lot of nightmares. I would've thought meeting Brendon would've helped them stop, but they only got worse. It's not his fault, but he's in them. They're usually about him turning out to be like Jonas, and beating me.
My thoughts were interrupted by Brendon removing his arm from my side, and stretching. "Oh [y/n], you're awake. You could've woken me up."
"That's okay, I liked staying here with you." I didn't realise what I said at first, then blushed like crazy. "I um d-didn't mean it like that." I waved my hands in front of me, my cheeks still crimson coloured. Brendon just laughed and got up.
"Okay, well I'm gonna get some breakfast. Care to join me?" He offered his hand, which I gladly took. We walked downstairs to the kitchen. "So, what do you wanna have?"
"Uh, anything's fine. I'm not very picky."
"Okay." His eyes went back and forth, looking at what he had in fridge. "Pancakes! does that sound good?" I nodded, and he took out a mix and a small carton of eggs.
When he was mixing the batter and I was getting out plates, he asked me about my dream. "Well, um..." How am I supposed to tell him that it was about him beating me like Jonas does? I didn't want to lie, so I just skipped that part. "It was about Jonas hitting me. He kicked and punched me, which he actually does in real life." I tried to cover up my pain by laughing. Brendon saw right though my fake smile, and hugged me, telling me it was okay.
I avoided talking about my nightmare for the rest of the time, and Brendon began cooking our pancakes.
"Bon appetite." He said, placing a plate of golden-brown pancakes in front of me.
"They look delicious!" I cut them and poured a bit of syrup on them. I was absolutely right, they were really good. I know they came from a mix, but these were some damn good pancakes! (Haha, what even is this story? ^-^) I was going to tell him how awesome they were, when he got a phone call.

Brendon's POV
[y/n] was about to tell me something, but my cell rang. I expected it to be Dallon or Patrick, so I didn't look to see who was calling. "Hello."
"Brendon, who was that slut with you!?" Crap, it was Sarah. (Sarah's probably really nice irl, this is just for the fanfiction! ^-^)
I left the room and tried to whisper so [y/n] couldn't hear. "None of your business. We aren't even together anymore, so why do you care?!"
"Brendon," Her voice began to shake, when she yelled "I STILL LOVE YOU!" I wasn't sure if [y/n] heard, but she walked into the room and looked at me. I muted the phone so Sarah couldn't hear what I was saying, and motioned for [y/n] to say what she was going to say.
"Who ya talkin' to?" She didn't seem serious, so I just said 'no one', and unmuted the call.
I was whisper-shouting as quiet as I could, but I could tell [y/n] heard. "Well that's.. too bad! I don't feel the same. You saw I've moved on, maybe you should do the same!" I hung up, but wasn't as quiet as I could've been on my last sentence.
"If you're yelling at someone, it probably means it wasn't 'no one'. It doesn't matter and I don't really care. But I'm just saying, it wasn't no one." I don't think [y/n] was mad, but she wasn't exactly happy, either. I just sort of looked at my feet and softly apologised. [y/n] lightly chuckled and left the room.
I quickly followed her and mentioned "Ya know, today is the day we're supposed to meet at the coffee shop."
"We still could. We would just be going together, so there's not really a point." [y/n] replied, laughing a bit.
I loved how our conversations weren't serious, and we were constantly laughing. But, I felt I needed to ask a somewhat serious question. "Um, I've just been wondering... What would you call our relationship? Are we dating or friends...?"
"I don't really know. I mean, I have a boyfriend but I hate him and he hits me. So... Yeah, I guess we're dating." She smirked, and wrapped her arms around me, resting them on my shoulders. I was about to kiss her, when the doorbell rang. I wish I could've left it and told them to come back later. But, [y/n] gave me a look, telling me to answer it. I dragged my feet over to the door, and grumpily opened it. It was Sarah. Why doesn't she understand, I DON'T LIKE HER!!!
Instead of saying something, I sighed and gave her a very annoyed 'what do you want' look. She started fake crying (I could tell) and asked if we could get back together.
"No. I've told you before, and I'll say it again. I don't like you anymore. I don't want to be your boyfriend. I'm completely over you. In fact, I have a girlfriend. Move on!" I shut the door, and walked away. I didn't care if I was acting rude. We broke up because I caught her cheating on me! Why the hell would I want to date her again?!
[y/n] walked towards me with a concerned look on her face. "I heard someone crying, is everything okay?"
"Yeah. Everything's fine. If the doorbell rings, don't answer it."

[y/n]'s POV
Why wouldn't Brendon want me to get the door? Before I could ask, he walked into his room, partially closing the door. Now, I really wanted to know who was at the door. My curiosity took over, and I crept over to the front door. I looked through the peep hole and understood why Brendon didn't want me to know. Sarah was still outside with her arms crossed, impatiently tapping her foot. It looks as if she'd been crying. I felt kinda sorry for her and opened the door without realising it. "Uh, are you o-okay?" Her head shot up and she gave me a look of pure hatred. She must have noticed I was being nice, because she eyes softened. Sarah just looked back down and began to cry. I put my hand on her back, trying to calm her.
"Why are you out here?" She asked through her sobs.
"I saw you through the peep hole and it looked like you were crying, so I came out here. But, why are you here?"
"I-I want Brendon back. You seem nice, but I know Brendon is meant to be with me."
"You and Brendon broke up for a reason. I'm not sure what your side of the story is, but Brendon told me you cheated on him." I started getting a bit defensive. I came out here trying to make her feel better, and she tells me I can't be with Brendon!
"It was all a big misunderstanding!" I thought Brendon might be able to here her yelling, so I closed the door completely. But, it was too late. Brendon opened the door, and told me to get inside.
"But-" He interrupted me before I could say any more.
"I told you not to answer the door." He said in a hushed tone. "She'll only get lies into your head." I nodded my head and slowly went inside, dragging my feet. Brendon slammed the door, and started arguing with Sarah. I went up to the room I've been staying in, and sat on the bed.
"What have I done? This is all my fault!" I said aloud. I put my head in my hands, and rested my elbows on my knees.
~~~time skip to a couple minutes later~~~

Brendon's POV
I told Sarah to leave as calmly as I could, and went inside my house. I really hope [y/n] isn't mad at me for yelling at her. I didn't mean to yell. It just sort of... happened. Her door was shut, so I went upstairs and knocked on her door. "[y/n], I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just angry that Sarah was here." I gently opened the door, and sat next to her. She wasn't crying or anything, but she still looked upset.
"*sigh* If I hadn't opened the door you wouldn't have had to deal with all that. It's my fault your mad, and you have every right to be mad at me."
I didn't know why, but tears started to form in my eyes. I scooted closer to [y/n] and hugged her. "You were only trying to comfort Sarah. You're just too caring and sweet." [y/n] nuzzled her face in the crook of my neck.
"I love you, Brendon."
"I love you too, [y/n]."
Sorry I took so long to update. I've been really busy this week. I know it's short, but the next chapter will be longer!
HOW DOES THIS STORY HAVE 125 READS!?! Does it just say that and it actually doesn't? Haha. Well, I hope this was alright and wasn't too short.

-Kuma ^-^

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