Ch. 5

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I'm sorry this took so long. I'm going to update sooner in the future. Also, this story hit 300 reads!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO, SO MUCH!!!
-Kuma ^-^
Reader's POV
We sat there holding each other for a few minutes before my arms fell to my side. "Hey Brendon, I still have things at my house that I need; like clothes and stuff I need for work. How am I gonna get into my house without Jonas finding me?"
"Don't worry, we'll find a way. If we do run into him, I won't let him lay a finger on you." Brendon promised. "Why don't we eat breakfast, then head over to your place."
"Sounds good. But, am I staying with you? Cause I could always get a hotel room or something." I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck.
"You're staying here. You already have a room." He laughed as if it were obvious. I simply nodded my head in agreement, and we went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Geez, I really need to go grocery shopping soon. Uh, is cereal okay?"
"Absolutely." Brendon smiled, glad I wasn't picky, and got out everything we needed for cereal. I grabbed the box of mini wheats (or whatever kind of cereal you eat), and poured it into my bowl. We both ate our cereal and left fifteen minutes later to retrieve my belongings from my house. As we drove there, I started asking myself a couple questions in my head. I rent my house, so should I stop paying rent? I was concerned about what I should do. If I stopped paying rent, I would need to pack all of my things. But, if I did that Jonas would know and wait at my house until I showed up to get the rest of my stuff. Brendon held my hand, and calmed my nerves. I sighed, putting in my earbuds and turning my phone (or iPod) on shuffle. The first song that started playing was Nine in the Afternoon (by Panic! At the Disco). I smiled and looked at Brendon. Does he know that P!ATD is my favourite band? I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it... "Hey, Brendon. Did I ever tell you that Panic! At the Disco is my favourite band? I wasn't sure if I told you." I looked over at him and he was grinning.
"Really! You never told me that! I'm glad you like my music!" I laughed at Brendon's reaction and leaned over, kissing him on his cheek. He opened his mouth to say something, but instead of speaking he just smiled and chuckled to himself.
"You look like you were about to say somethin'. What's on your mind?"
"I realised that was our first kiss. I haven't kissed you, yet though." Brendon smirked at me for a couple seconds before returning his eyes to the road.
"Well, I wouldn't mind if we changed that." Brendon laughed, but didn't comment. Only minutes later, we arrived at my house. I love my house and never thought I would be moving anytime soon, but Jonas has made that place hell for me. It's his fault that I'm afraid of being in there. It's his fault I have trust issues. It's his fault I have bruises and scars all along my body. Just the thought of that bastard made me want to punch something.
Brendon noticed my sudden anger. "[y/n], he won't hurt you anymore. He'll be gone from your life forever. Now, come on. We're here." When I got out of the car, we walked to the front door, and he held my hand for support.
I got out my key, and opened the door. It creaked open slowly, making my house seem creepier than it really was. "I don't think he's here. I didn't see his car or anything. Well, I guess this would be the perfect time to get my stuff." Brendon let go of my hand so I could get my things quicker.
I gathered only my most prised possessions and favourite clothes. I smiled as I laid my [f/c] Fall Out Boy shirt on my bed. I missed my home. But, it wasn't a home to me, anymore. Jonas made this a place full of painful memories and events that have caused me severe trauma and emotional issues. It is merely a house now, a vacant house.
I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't hear Brendon yelling my name. "[y/n]! There's a car that's parking in the driveway! We have to go!" I frantically packed the rest of my belongings into the large suitcase, and rushed downstairs to Brendon. I could see Jonas getting out of his car through the sliver of light through the curtains. We didn't park in the driveway to be sure Jonas didn't know I came back, so he wasn't aware anyone was here.
"Shit! [y/n], is there a back door? We can't go out the front door or he'll see you." Brendon was being protective, but didn't want Jonas seeing him, either. It was a smart move, though. After years of being with Jonas, I knew Brendon wouldn't be able to take him.
Brendon grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the back of the house. Before we made it out, I heard the door open. "Brendon, what are we gonna do?! He's already inside! We'll never be able to make it out, especially with this huge suitcase!" I didn't want to leave my stuff here, but I could always hide it and come back another day.
"[y/n], you have to decide what you're gonna do, fast."
My mind was screaming at me a bunch of different answers, but I couldn't tell which was the right one.
"I-I don't know. I think we should try to escape with the bag. If he finds us, we can just run faster." Brendon nodded his head, and we began slowly creeping to the door so we wouldn't be heard.
My heart stopped when I heard a door close by shut, but I was glad when I remembered that was where the bathroom is. The long silence was broken by the shower nob squeaking, which was followed by water hitting the shower curtain and tiles. Brendon and I both sighed in relief, and continued making our way over to the door. We easily made it outside with the suitcase, and happily headed back towards the car.
Brendon put the suitcase in the trunk, and we paused for a moment, elated that we successfully retrieved my stuff. I was thinking about how today was actually pretty good, when Brendon made it 1,000,000 times better. He moved closer to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was going to ask him what he was up to, when he kissed me.

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