Chapter 2

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I gasped. Hands still held behind my back with my straight jacket, I had nothing to wipe the sweat off my forehead with. My thin blonde hair was draped over my shoulders. It held in clumps from lack of washing and care. I drew in a shuddering breath and rose from my bed, which was difficult to do when you had no strength and no arms to help you.
I turned to my steel door and stared out the small barred window at the top of it, my only view out of the cell. I walked over to it and stared out of it. Other doors, all lined with numbers and other windows, I backed away from the window and flexed my neck. Suddenly a burning heat grew deep from in me. I shuddered and fell back, the sweat on my forehead ran down heavier and splattered into the gray floor. I looked down and reeled my head back when I saw it. Red. A dark Crimson spot on the cold floor. I reeled back, walking towards my bed slowly. More dots formed in the floor, following me. I landed on my bed and blood stained the bed sheets around me. A scream rose in my throat and erupted through my mouth, burning my throat. It echoed through my bed room and escaped out the window on my door.
I heard shouts people telling me to be quiet, shut up, shut up, shut up. Blood began to pour out of the window spilling into the concrete bedroom floor. I screamed until my throat was raw. Blood flooded the small room and soon covered me. I struggled in my straight jacked to break free.
Blood filled my lungs and I had nothing to scream with. My small arms slipped loose from the restraints with help from the blood ocean swirling around me. I desperately swam to the window and yelled, blood choking my cry. I felt a sting in my arms and looked down. My scars.
All up my arms, memories from the past. Abuse, struggle, why didn't he wait, wait, wait.
I took the clasp from the straight jacked and stabbed my arm. Blood poured out the gash as I let out a ragged scream. Pain filled my body and I sunk to the bottom of the bloody ocean.
I saw the light fading and people approach me. Two men came towards me, the blood pool now gone. One pulled a syringe out and stabbed my neck, I screamed and clawed at his neck. "The blood." I hissed through my teeth. "The blood. I'm drowning." I whispered as he picked me up and carried me toward another door and dropped me into a bed. I managed to catch a glimpse of him before the lights went out.
Pain. Searing hot white pain ripped through my body. I opened my eyes and thrashed out screaming. A man, no a boy, came over to me and shushed me. I hissed through my teeth and tasted blood.
He loosed my restraints and put more fluid into a IV that was running into my arm. My arm. I stared at it, it was bandaged but blood still soaked through, cuts everywhere up my arm. "You hit the bone" he said. I looked at him for real now.
He had a pale face and red rims and bags under his eyes making him look like he hadn't slept in 20 years. His blonde hair was messy and pushed away from his eyes. A wave of pain shuttered my body and I coughed. Blood spurted out of my mouth and landed on my blue gown. "Damn" he said and ran to get a already rusty cloth.
He ran it down my chin and I snapped at him. He picked up the cloth and stared at me. I shook violently as I pulled my head back to avoid his eyes.
"Help me" I said through gritted teeth. "Let me go" I said again and bit down on my lip. Blood spurred down my chin from the wound I had created. He looked at me, hurting myself. His eyes looked calm but full of concern. He walked away and I coughed, more blood escaped down my neck. "Look what they did to me!" I screamed "I'm rotting from the inside!"
He turned, looked at me. He couldn't be older than 17. "Don't you want to die?"
The door suddenly opened and a tall man entered. His hair greying and disheveled. His eyes were only on papers in his hands. He sat down at a desk and quickly jotted something down. His eyes wandered to me and I sucked in a breath, he looked normal except his eyes where cold and gray and dead. He walked over to me and laid a hand on my injured arm. A growl began in my throat but a pain ripped through me and I coughed up more blood. "What did you do to me" I said, tears brimming in my eyes.
"Don't cry, Rhine," He said, his voice low a raspy. "Life is too short for such sorrow. Especially for you." He said and released my arm. My name, he knew my name. A rush of calm came over me, the liquid in the IV he gave me was starting to work. I felt my eyelids being pulled down and a ragged scream pushed out of me and echoed through the room as I fell into the darkness.

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