Chapter 23 - Disrespected

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It has been three weeks since I left the pack house. I've been hiding out in the hotel doing nothing, but watching TV and ordering room service. I was trying to forget what happened during that wolf training. I still can't believe that fucker Kaius put me in that position, but I also could've hurt Malcolm, even though he was an asshole for touching me. What's wrong with me?

I finally looked through my phone and noticed that my voice mail box is full, and I have text messages up to my eyeballs from the pack members and my aunt Janice. Yet, most of them are from Linda, William, Travis, Ashley, Evan and even Kaius.

I decided to get out of this room and just go somewhere. I'm tired of moping around its too depressing. But I still didn't want to be seen by anyone so, I wore dark clothes with sunglasses. I left my room and went out though the back entrance on to the street. I walked around for hours till I saw a tattoo parlor. I was curious so I went in. Big mistake, I saw Evan on the other side of the counter. Oh shit!

I turned around heading to the door. Hoping to god that he didn't see me. Just when I was about to walk out the front door, Evan stops me.

"Nyla!" Evan calls out to me. I turned to face him and he hugs me.

"Hey Evan!" I gave a weak smile, hugging him back.

"Where were you?!... Everyone is worried sick about you!" Evan said, shouting at me as I started to cry.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just couldn't stay after what happened... Is Malcolm ok?" I sat down in a chair while Evan put the closing sign on the window and sits down beside me.

"He's fine, you made him go crazy for a minute but he's ok. He also apologized to Kaius for hitting on you." Evan said.

"Right, sure he did." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Nyla, it's true." Evan said.

"How's Linda is she still mad at me?" I asked.

"Yeah, but she understands that you need your space. She curses out Kaius on the regular and he just takes it." Evan sighed. "Travis, William and Ashley are ok as is the rest of the pack, they want you back as do I... Kaius is..."

"Is what? ... Wait he's still acting like he's god's gift to women?" I asked.

"Actually no. He yells at them and turns them down. He's constantly snapping at every chick that tries to talk to him even Simone. Emphasis on the talk, now he just drinks and mostly stays in wolf form. He's been going bat shit crazy the man has destroyed his office, his room and almost the pack house till Ashley stepped in. William has been taking on his duties as Alpha. Kaius keeps asking Linda and Travis about you." Evan admitted.

"Yeah sure, he does." I said in disbelief.

"Nyla, he blames himself for what happened. Since you left, Kaius became a miserable and broken man, though he tries to hide it. He keeps looking for you, he went ape shit when he saw the text that you sent to Linda."

"Damn." I look down trying to hold back my tears.

"Believe it or not. My stupid cousin and alpha loves you. And I think you love him too." Evan said.

"Please I don't love Kaius." I said. Evan gives me a blank stare and I lightly nudged him in his arm.

"Hey take it from someone who's been there. That mate pull is a bitch, the more you fight it the more it pulls you close... He misses you and I know you miss him too." Evan smiled.

Evan is right, I do miss Kaius. God, I need him like I need air. I never felt this way about anyone. I miss how he held me it was so warm and he smelt so good like oranges and mint. As much as I want to be in his arms again, I don't feel like dealing with him at least not now.

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