Chapter 29 Attack & Defend

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I woke up with Nyla in my arms and her hair in my face, it felt good. I kept looking at her and still I couldn't believe that we've both settled our differences and came together finally. This feeling was pure bliss, yet right now I'm tempted to wake her up for another round. Then I remembered that we've had sex three times yesterday. So, I'll let her sleep while I get something to drink.

I threw on some shorts and a shirt and headed to the kitchen. When I got downstairs, I noticed my parents were sitting in the living room talking.

"Lauren, wait till you see her. I'm telling you she looks just like her. She's the spitting image." My dad said happily.

"Alright Nolan, I just want to see my son. Its been a while." My mother said and turned to face me.

"Hi Mom, Dad." I hugged her, then my dad.

"Hi Kaius. I thought that you would be at the office today." My mother said. 

"Nope, not today. I'm spending the day with my mate." I smiled and so did my mother.

"That's good and I'm glad that you both came to your senses finally. Is she up yet?" My mother asked.

"I see that Evan has been talking too much." I blurred out and scoffed.

"Well don't ignore me when I ask about you and Nyla!" She said.

I sniffed the air and I knew it was my mate. "Mate is up." I said and turned to face her, coming down the stairs.

"Hey you, I woke up and you weren't there." Nyla said, trying to wake up. I went to hold her.

"Well I wanted you to sleep in." I said, kissing her forehead.

"Ok, but I'm up now." Nyla said, rubbing her eyes then looks at my parents.

"Oh my god, its Abigail! She looks just like her." My mother blurred out and started to cry.

Abigail, I've heard that name before. I continued to watch my mother stare at my mate as if she saw a ghost, but it wasn't in a fearful way. It was with sadness.

"Nyla you remember my father Nolan, this is Lauren, my mother... this is Nyla Brooks my mate." I said proudly as my mother couldn't stop looking at Nyla.

"Nyla, is that really you?" Lauren cried out.

"Uh yea, hi." Nyla awkwardly confirmed.

My mother hugged her tightly and touched her face. Nyla looked to me in confusion, but I was more confused than she was. However, I chose not to ruin the moment.

"Kaius is she your mate? Nyla is your mate!" My mother asked and continued to cry.

"Yes she is." I said and smiled.

"Oh she's so beautiful and has grown so much!" She said, still sobbing and held on to Nyla.

"Lauren!! Don't sob over the girl!" Nolan shouted.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie." She said crying and lets Nyla go.

"Its fine. Hi Mr. Richards." Nyla said, smiling.

"Call me Nolan or Dad, or Da." He smiled and hugged her.

"Ok." Nyla smiled.

"I hope you can call me Mom one day, but Lauren is fine too." My mother said happily.

"You said my mother's name. You knew my mom?" Nyla asked. My mother just looked at my mate with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I did she was my best friend. You look so much like her, she was a good and brave woman... I hope your hungry I'll make you guys some breakfast." Lauren said. I was about to say something till I heard someone walk in.

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