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I was in the garden with my younger sister, knelt down amongst the vegetables to pick tomatoes. I pulled a beautifully red tomato off the vine, letting it drop gently into the basket resting beside me, noticing my sister rising off of the ground on the other side of me to stretch. She raised her deeply tanned arms above her head, her toes dug into the ground as she moved her body to stand on her tip toes. Her long, blonde hair fell in ringlets down her back until she swept them up into a quick messy ponytail. She let out a loud yawn before addressing me:

"Rhea, I think I want to be done for the day." She motioned to the basket sitting by her side, filled to the brim with tomatoes, peppers and okra. I glanced at my own, my heart saddened by the lack of produce. I had lost myself into a day dream, as per usual, and would now pay the consequences of doing so by having to work in the garden alone.

A loud popping noise startled me, bringing my attention to the woods right outside the garden. There were no birds singing now, the entire world had gone completely still. No longer was there a breeze, slightly rustling the leaves and grass. I looked at Hebe to see if she was seeing what I was seeing. Hebe's arms had dropped to her side, her body completely turned into the direction that the popping noise had came from.

"Hebe?" I reached out for her arm, but missed when she began walking towards the woods. I turned my attention to the area, and noticed that a strange blue portal had opened between the trees that led to the trail going through to the nearest town. A dark grey mist was now blanketing the area around me, wisps wrapping around my legs like vines.

"Hebe, stop!" I called, my body aching to run to grab my sister but I couldn't move. I could only stare as she stepped through the portal. The mist released, allowing me to run towards the portal. I screamed when I ran into a shield keeping me from going any closer. Hot tears ran down my cheeks, my eyes unable to tear away from the trees.

I jumped, a loud cracking sound coming from behind me. I spun around, my eyes taking in strange creatures coming from within the tree line around the house. Large white creatures with too long legs, and too long arms were surrounding me, their eyes fully black and staring at me. Wait, no, not at me, at the portal.

More animals came forth from the trees, as well as creatures the size of humans with translucent wings half the size of their bodies with different curling designs per creature. Behind those were shorter, stouter creatures wearing what seemed to be leather clothing, peering out from behind the winged ones with concern on their faces. As afraid as I was, I couldn't bring myself to leave where my sister had disappeared.

"Please, please come back out, Hebe." I whispered, pressing my hand against the barrier. A whoosh of air surrounded me and my sister stepped back out of the portal, holding a green glittering bundle in her arms. Her white dress was now covered with dirt and bark and grass. I grabbed her arm, yanking her towards the cottage. Her eyes were still a fuzzy grey, similar to the mist that had enveloped the area around my legs.

I pulled her inside of our home, shaking her hard. I was so afraid and worried, and just wanted to see the bright blue of her eyes, not this far away, non human look in her eyes. She was clutching the green bundle of cloth like her life depended on it, and I couldn't help myself. I tore it from her arms, throwing it to the floor.

A wail broke through the house as Hebe's eyes closed and she collapsed to the ground. I attempted to catch her the best I could, so we both ended up in the floor. I groaned, and pushed Hebe off of me, then adjusted her body to be as comfortable as possible until I could help her to her room. I turned my attention to the wailing bundle across the room, crawling towards it to uncover whatever it was.

I moved the blanket away to reveal a baby the size of my palm. It's face was red from screaming, and little feet kicked and flailed against the injustice being done to it. I picked it up gently, cradling it to my chest while making small soothing noises. The child was just like any other human baby, if you didn't account for the small size.

The longer I held it, the more calm the child became and it began making small gurgling noises. I smiled down at it, my heart filling with so much love I didn't know I could give to a child. I stood to carry the small babe to my room, gently putting it down onto my pillow. I rewrapped the green blanket around the baby, taking in it's large green eyes and strawberry blonde hair. It's complexion was beautiful, like a tiny porcelain doll.

"R-Rhea?!" Hebe's voice called weakly from the front room. I tore my eyes away from the wee babe, and ran to kneel beside my sister. I helped her into a sitting position, my hands running over her arms and eyes taking her in to check for any cuts or bruises.

"Where did you go, Hebe? What is that child you brought back?" I asked after assessing and coming to the conclusion she was alright besides the weird hypnosis she had been in.

"I...I don't know. I just knew she needed to be saved, and she needs us."

"Who is she though? What is she?"

Hebe shook her head, and shrugged, "She's yours. She was meant to be yours. I just had the blessing of bringing her to you."

I could only stare at my little sister. Mine? That small girl child that brought so much joy to my heart was mine?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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