13 | weird...

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minimingi // i met jongho's friends @woohooyoung and @yeohehetsang even though he isnt in the photo


marshwa: what... in.... the.... world
   marshwa: @woohoyoung we should meet up sometime with your friends....
      woohooyoung: okay!
         marshwa: great!

yeohehetsang: thank you for not putting a photo of me, no one should see my ugly face
   marshwa: your not ugly
      yeohehetsang: do i know you?
         marshwa: you will soon :)
            yeohehetsang: creep
               marshwa: i-
                  woohooyoung: thats kang yeosang for you
                     marshwa: kang yeosang? wait. wooyoung priv.
                        yeohehetsang: what just happened.

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52 likes  32 comments  14 shares

yeohehetsang // wooyoung has been acting weird...


youknow: im sure its nothing
   yeohehetsang: you sure?
      youknow: yeo, im sure, anyway want to go get some ice cream
         yeohehetsang: yeah! :))

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so for yeo's last post (above) it says 32 comments but i only showed yunho and yeosang's comments.

because the rest of the comments are from random people who are trying to hit on yeosang lol

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