63 | :)))))))))))))))))))))

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yeohehetsang // i had a great day for the first time in a while... thanks @marshwa


marshwa: i had a great time to! im glad you enjoyed it :)))))))))))
   yeohehetsang: okay, that was one smile to many
      marshwa: and i here i thought we were getting somewhere -_-
         yeohehetsang: its my way of showing affection 🥰
            marshwa: o- oh

woohooyoung: the way you phrased that made it sound like you guys had sex
   yeohehetsang: no it didnt and im blocking you
      woohooyoung: you wouldnt
         yeohehetsang: watch me.

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marshwa // i already miss you


yeohehetsang: you STILL havent changed out of your date outfit,, im disgusted
   marshwa: i take back what i said
      yeohehetsang: cool

woohooyoung: you two have gone on ONE date and are already acting disgusting
   minionjoong: stfu this is cute
      woohooyoung: i though you were on my side hyung?
         minionjoong: i was... BUT NOT ANYMORE

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okay, i know they're supposed to hate each other but itll all be explained in the next chapter, i promiseeeeee

and also can anyone recommend good seongsang stories or seongsang as a side ship? please im boreddddd

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