The School

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Shadows and voices filled Lilly's awareness as she woke. She felt cold metal around her neck, ankles and wrists. She was laying down on her side. Her eyes fluttered open to see Angelo Bronte staring at her in a chair close by. "Hello, piccolo fiore," he said to her. [little flower]

Lilly looked around. Red walls, red bed sheets, red lamps, a red night stand, a red armoire, and a red lounge chair that Bronte was sitting in. She was in her old room. "Why am I in here?" she asked angrily, slowly sitting up as she talked.

"I thought being somewhere familiar would help you stay calm."

"Why did you team up with Cornwall? He wants me dead."

Bronte sighed. "You really think I would let that horrible man anywhere near you or the bambinos?"

Lilly gaped at him. "But...those bounty hunters had notes on them. They said to take me to you or Uncle Levi."

"I only needed him for the collars."

Lilly rubbed the bridge of her nose. "But doesn't he know where you live?"

"Yes. Which is why we are not at home, Lilly. This is just a replica of your room."

Lilly sighed. "Great," she said sarcastically.

"Yes. I knew Mr. Morgan and Mr. Van der Linde could not protect you. Only I can protect you from Leviticus Cornwall. So now you must stay so I can keep you safe."

Lilly laughed. "That isn't your choice to make. You can't just keep me prisoner here."

"You are not a prisoner, you are an honored guest."

Lilly cocked her head and shook the shackles on her wrists. "Honored guests don't get chained up, Bronte."

Bronte laughed and scooted his chair closer. "Lilly, please, this is for your own safety."

"Why do you care so much about my safety?!"

"Because I am your father," Bronte said innocently.

Lilly glared and lunged at him but was stopped just a few inches from him by the chains. "You are not my father! Dutch van der Linde is my father! Hosea Matthews is my father! Arthur Morgan is my husband, and when they find me, and they will, they're goin' to make you regret the day you were born!"

Angelo chuckled. "Lilly, they will not find us. Only I have the key to get down here and you know it."

Lilly shut her eyes and plopped back down on the bed. "Do you even know why Levi wants me dead?"

Angelo pulled something out of his robe pocket. It was her journal. "I read this, so I somewhat understand. It does not surprise me that you have the soul of a goddess, though. You always were special."

Lilly snarled. "That was not for you to read!"

Angelo set the journal on her night stand. "I apologize, Lilly. Are you hungry?"

Now that he mentioned it, she was starving. How long had she been here? If she wasn't pregnant, she would've starved. However, she had to eat for the babies. "...Yes."

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