Meeting in the East

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Note: The past timeline - Three years before Ryoto and team rescues Aem and friends. ❤️ - represented by this symbol

The present timeline - Ryoto and team rescues Aem and friends. 🟥 - represented by this symbol

The future timeline - one year after Ryoto and team had rescued Aem and friends. ♦️ - represented by this symbol

[The past timeline
Time: four years before the Aem incident
Location: kamakura
Dated 1st June ❤️]

As the first light of dawn painted the sky, a young boy made his way towards the Hasedera temple, nestled amidst lush greenery and famed for its enchanting hydrangea gardens. It was mid-June, the peak of the hydrangea blooming season. The purple flowers swayed gently in the breeze, their delicate petals dancing with every gust of wind.

Approaching the temple, the boy inserted a coin and pulled the string of the bell, its clear chime resonating through the serene morning air. With a bow, he offered his prayers, his intentions shrouded in mystery - were they for someone else's well-being, or perhaps for his own? Nearby, the temple priest emerged, drawn by the sound of the bell, to find the boy standing before the modest temple structure.

The boy's appearance was striking; covered in a layer of sand from head to toe, his tired eyes and chapped lips betrayed the hardships he had endured. His cheeks lacked color, and his torn shirt revealed patches of pale skin. As he left the temple behind, his gaze turned towards the expansive hydrangea garden, often referred to as the Hydrangea Forest due to its abundance of blooms.

Pausing a few steps from the garden, the boy sensed a peculiar atmosphere enveloping the area. Something felt amiss, unsettling even. As he ventured closer, a sudden, thunderous thud echoed behind him, causing him to startle and whirl around. To his bewilderment, the temple had vanished, as if he had been transported to another realm entirely. Fear crept into his heart, his feet trembling with uncertainty as he questioned the inexplicable events unfolding around him.

In the midst of his confusion, a voice pierced the silence, sharp and demanding. "Hey, you! Do you know where you are?" it queried, though its source remained unseen. "No, I don't," the boy responded timidly. "Then why did you come here?" the voice persisted. "I thought it was just a garden..." the boy murmured, his voice trailing off.

From amidst the tall grasses, a figure emerged - a man clad in a pale brown kimono, his gaze piercing as he regarded the boy before him. "Who are you, boy?" he inquired, his tone firm yet curious. "Remeshi. My name's Remeshi, and I aspire to become a magical sword master," the boy replied with a respectful bow.

"Remeshi," the man echoed, scrutinizing the frail figure standing before him. "This place is not meant for young boys like you. Go, live your life," he advised, his words carrying an air of wisdom and authority.

Perplexed but obedient, Remeshi bowed once more and turned to depart, only to find himself at a loss for direction. The temple had vanished from sight, and the once-visible hydrangea garden had faded into obscurity. Lost in the unfamiliar surroundings, he was startled by the sensation of slender fingers grasping his shoulders from behind.

Turning to face his unexpected companion, Remeshi found himself gazing upon a woman dressed in a flowing green gown, its fabric adorned with delicate floral patterns. Her slender frame exuded an otherworldly grace, her emerald eyes sparkling with an enigmatic allure. Pushing her spectacles up the bridge of her nose, she regarded Remeshi with a mix of curiosity and intrigue, her touch gentle yet commanding.

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