Lady Hizakun's Secret

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Note: The past timeline - Three years before Ryoto and team rescues Aem and friends. ❤️ - represented by this symbol

The present timeline - Ryoto and team rescues Aem and friends. 🟥 - represented by this symbol

The future timeline - one year after Ryoto and team had rescued Aem and friends. ♦️ - represented by this symbol



Remeshi trudged along, his legs heavy and his breath labored. He could barely keep up with the others as they navigated the dense forest. The trees were so thick that little light penetrated the canopy, casting an eerie shadow over their path. "Where are we going?" he asked, his voice weary and strained.

Hannako turned back, her eyes scanning the dim surroundings. "The red cross mark should be around here somewhere," she replied, her tone filled with a mix of determination and fatigue. They had been journeying for hours, driven by the promise of finding the elusive mark that signified the end of their second stage.

Suddenly, Ai, who was slightly ahead of the group, stopped in her tracks and pointed excitedly towards the sky. "Ah! I see it!" she exclaimed. Her finger traced the air, guiding their eyes to a floating red cross mark just visible through a break in the trees.

The sight of the mark filled them with a renewed sense of hope and relief. Tears welled up in their eyes as they realized how close they were to completing this grueling part of their journey. They exchanged joyous glances and, as if propelled by a collective burst of energy, raced towards the mark. Their feet pounded the forest floor in unison, hearts racing not just from the exertion but from the thrill of imminent success.

As they approached, the mark seemed to glow brighter, its red hue a beacon in the twilight of the forest. With a final leap, they landed just ahead of the mark, their hearts pounding with exhilaration. "Stage two completed!" Migina declared, her voice a triumphant cheer that echoed through the trees. The group erupted in shared joy, the burden of the journey momentarily forgotten in their elation.

Their celebration was short-lived, though. Konosa, who had been silent during their rush to the mark, spoke up, his voice tinged with apprehension. "I hope we don't encounter any more weird stuff," he commented, almost as if in prayer. The memory of the strange and often terrifying obstacles they had faced so far loomed large in their minds.


[Same time
Location: examination hill, Village atop, masters conference room
Scene: master's discussion] - ❤️

In the grand hall of the masters, Hizakun stood before an array of floating white screens, each glowing with an ethereal light. "Masters, look at this," she began, pointing to the largest screen, which prominently displayed the ongoing trials of Team Eight. The other masters turned their attention to the screens, their faces reflecting curiosity and intrigue.

The screens showed scenes of intense struggle and triumph, with Team Eight consistently at the forefront. One of the masters, Kane, crossed his legs and observed the displays with a smirk. "They sure are merry about this," he commented, a grin spreading across his face.

Hizakun turned to face him, her expression serious. "No, Master Kane," she began, addressing him with respect but firm resolve. "This team, Team Eight, has faced real creatures and evil people on the hill. These encounters were not intended as part of their trials, yet they managed to fend off all threats."

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