Chapter 4

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It is a bright and sunny morning, the birds are chirping, people opening there windows and breathing the fresh morning air and Mimi had just woken up from her sleep as she runs up to her owner to greet him a wonderful morning... For most people, at the very least. (Y/N) (L/N) didn't seem to have gotten any sleep as he lays flat on his bed with both of his eyes wide-open, until the alarm on his phone starts ringing, where he quickly stands up and turns it off.

(Y/N): Aish... I literally didn't get any sleep, but let's hope I don't fall asleep until nighttime.

Mimi: *Bark* *Bark*

She greeted her owner, standing up on her hind legs with her paws on (Y/N)'s right leg. (Y/N) then picks her up.

(Y/N): Did you get any good sleep, Mimi?

Mimi licks his nose.

(Y/N): I'm sure you did...

Suddenly, he recalls the event yesterday, with him and Sana Minatozaki at the park bench, where an image of them accidentally kissing flashes before him as his face turns bright red.

(Y/N): I-I-I should probably apologize to Sana about that...

He puts Mimi back down then walks towards the dart board. He grabs one dart and walks 7 feet away from it, before turning back and aim the dart on his hand towards the board.

(Y/N): Let's see what's on the forecast today.

As he throws the dart, it landed next to the bullseye.

(Y/N): Huh... I sure hope this luck test is real.


(Y/N) had just gotten off of the bus as he starts walking towards the JYP entrance, yawning his way in with a tired expression, his eye-bags are clearly present and he is walking with his back slumped. As he enters the building, Byungho walks over to greet him.

Byungho: (Y/N), good mor-- WOAH!

He stopped after seeing (Y/N)'s eye-bags as soon as he turned towards him.

Byungho: ... Wow...

(Y/N): It's really out there, huh?

Byungho: Oh, yeah. How many hours did you sleep? 

(Y/N): None.

Byungho: Yikes! What kept you from sleeping last night?

(Y/N): ..... I... I would rather not talk about it.

Byungho: Huh... Must've been a real problem if it didn't give you any sleep. Are you sure you're okay to work?

(Y/N): My rent is not going to pay itself, Byungho.

Byungho: Tough times.

(Y/N): Yeah...

Byungho: What about that dart board? How'd it go?

(Y/N): I got it right next to the bullseye. 

Byungho: Nice! That means you only have 10% of bad luck coming your way.

(Y/N): I think it already did. *sighs* I hope this "luck forecast" is as accurate as you say.

Byungho: You'll be surprised. Trust me. Anyways, you... well... have a good day, I hope.

(Y/N): Thanks.

After their usual morning greeting, Byungho walks the other direction while (Y/N) walks towards the logbook, writing his name and time of arrival, before making his way to the elevator. After getting in and closing the elevator doors, he suddenly drifts off to sleep, forgetting to press a floor to go to.

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