Chapter 1

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I entered my korean history class, there were a couple people already here. My eyes wandered across the class, I noticed the pretty cute boy was there too, with a couple girls trying to get his number. I rolled my eyes and sat on the opposite way of them.

"Yah! Yoon Jinah!" I looked up and saw one of the girls who tried desperately to get Minho's number, which happens to be my friend too. "Come here!" She said, patting the spot next to her. She was sitting next to Minho. I rolled my eyes as I got up and sat next to her. "You wanted something?" I asked and she shook her head with a smile. "Just wanted to sit with my friend."

"Then you could've just you know.. sat next to me." I said, rolling my eyes, she shook her head. "Nope! I wanted to sit next to this boy too!" She said and pointed to Minho. I chuckled and shook my head. "So... Minho.. what's you number?" She asked, I mentally face palmed myself, this girl I swear.

"I only give my number to my friends." He said coldly, not even looking at her. "Then let's be friends!" She said, well you see the thing with Eunji, my friend here, wants to be friends with most people she meets, and Minho is handsome so of course she'll be a little interested in befriending him. He looked at her and shook his head. The teacher then entered the class. "Hello students!" The teacher said and started teaching.

The class ended and I was about to head out, Eunji was long gone as she went with her other friends. I also had a free hour now and she had a lesson so I could take my time. "Yoon Jinah." The teacher said. "Yes, Mr. Park?" I asked. "Would you please help me clean the class a little and prepare for my next class? I need to be in a meeting right now and won't have time by my next lesson." I was a little hesitant, I guess he noticed it as he added. "I'll give you some extra credit."

"Deal!" I said and he chuckled. "Thank you Yoon Jinah." He said, he then noticed Minho still in the class. "Oh, Lee Minho, would you please stay and help Jinah in cleaning the class? Two people would work faster." Before Minho had time to answer Mr. Park was already out the door. "You don't have to help." I said as I started picking some papers off the ground, there weren't many as the class was mostly clean.

"No, I'll help." He said, dropping honorifics. I stared at him. "Why are you informal?" I asked as I kept on cleaning. "No reason to use them." He said, I rolled my eyes. "I'm not your friend! Then, I guess I'll drop honorifics too." I said informally and he just shrugged. "I don't care." He said. "Rude much." I mumbled, I noticed his glare at me, I looked up and he was much closer then I expected.

He then leaned closer and stopped next to my ear, personal space much. "Don't call me rude. I'm only rude in bed." He whispered, I pushed him as soon as he said that. "Pervert." I said and he chuckled. We finished cleaning the class, now what lesson do I need to put on?

As I looked through the files Minho came behind me, put his hand over mine which was on the mouse and opened a file which I assumed was the teacher's next class. The main problem was, he didn't pull away. He just stayed there, basically trapping me in between the teacher's desk and him. "Ever heard of personal space?" I asked as I turned around, he raised an eyebrow. "Every girl would dream of this moment you know." He suddenly said. "But you seem unphased. For now."

He suddenly leaned in, he was centimeters away from my face when someone entered the class. "Am I interrupting something?" A deep voice asked, I pushed Minho away, as he was distracted by the new figure, I felt my face heat up. "No, Felix." Minho said. "What he said." I said, I grabbed my bag and books and walked out of the class, I still had around half an hour until my next class. I remembered that Hana is supposed to have no class around this time so I decided to text her. She was next to the dance department. I walked over to it.

"Jinah... do you have anything to tell me?" Hana asked as I reached her, I looked at her, clearly confused. She sounded somewhat excited. I shook my head, as I had nothing to tell her. "What are you doing here? Waiting for your boyfriend?" I asked and she nodded, she suddenly pulled her phone out.

"If you have nothing to tell me then what is this?" Hana asked, again her voice sounded excited. I looked at the picture confused, it was me and Minho almost kissing. I rolled my eyes, how did anyone get the picture anyways? "There's nothing to say, except he almost sexually assaulted me by almost kissing me without my consent." I said and shrugged, Hana's mouth formed an 'o' and and turned off her phone. "Well, the picture spread all across the university so everyone would think you're his new girl."

I rolled my eyes, of course it did and of course they will. I thought that the drama would end by the time I start university but no, it exists here too. Then a young male came out of the dance department building, covered in sweat. And... he hugged Hana, disgusting. Meet Hwang Hyunjin, Hana's boyfriend. They were together for almost a year now. "I missed you." He said. "I missed you too."

I made fake gagging noises. Hana glared at me and then sighed. "Typical Jinah." Hana said, Hyunjin chuckled. "We get it! You have a boyfriend! You don't gotta act all lovey dovey in public." I said, Hana rolled her eyes. "Wait until you get a boyfriend." I shook my head. "Never gonna happen, men are gross."

"Why you gotta be like that sweetie?" An arm suddenly went around my shoulders. I looked to my side to see Lee Minho. Of course. I rolled my eyes, I forcefully dropped his arm from my shoulders. "Don't call me sweetie." I said rolling my eyes, Hana and Hyunjin looked at us with a wide smile. "Then.. baby girl?" I chocked on my spit. "Definitely not."

"Minho, you've been around Chan too much." Hyunjin said and Minho chuckled. "You got a point." He put his arm around my shoulders and I forcefully put it back down again. "What do you want?" I asked as I rolled my eyes. "You." I gagged. "Gross."

I looked at my clock. "Shit, I'm late." I said and sighed. "No point in going now, that teacher doesn't let anyone who's late in."

"You can watch me practice." Minho suddenly said. "And why would I want that?" I asked. "Cause Hyunjin and your friend just escaped." He said, pointing to Hana and Hyunjin walking away, I looked back at Minho and sighed, I looked at the clock again, none of my other friends have no lesson now. I looked at Minho again, he was smirking, well then unless i wanna be a loner on campus for another 2 hours my best option is going with Minho. I sighed. "Fine."

"Great!" He said, grabbing my hand and dragging me along with him to the dance department building, we got multiple looks. Well if people didn't think we were dating from the photos they 100% think we're dating now. Great, just what I needed.

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