Chapter 2

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We arrived at one of the dance studios, he apparently booked this room for two hours. I sat on the floor in the corner, Minho shook his head, he made me stand up and sit in front of the big mirror with my back to it, pretty much in the middle. "This is the best view." He said, winking. I rolled my eyes.

He started dancing to a sexy song, I gotta admit he looks different when he's dancing. Even if he's a jerk he's still pretty cute most of the time, but when he dances he completely changes. Suddenly, he walked towards me, he sat in front of me, he was way too close. He was a little sweaty from the dancing. "How was it?" He asked panting. "It was good, you're good." I said with a smile, he smiled back. I saw his bag next to me, I opened it and took his water, I gave it to him.

"You need to drink." I said, he nodded and took the bottle from me, he drank the water. I was getting quite thirsty myself, no not that kind you dirty minded people, and I looked through my bag, looking for my water bottle. I couldn't find it though. "Here." Minho said, giving me his water bottle, I looked at him in confusion and he sighed. "You can drink from my bottle." He said, I shook my head. "No, its your bottle. You shouldn't share it with me. I don't need to drink." I said, he shook his head and shoved the bottle into my hands. "I wouldn't want you fainting on me." He said, smiling slightly. I sighed and drank a little water, I gave it back to him.

"Yah! Drink more!" He said, I shook my head. "If you don't drink now I'll force you to." He said, I chuckled. "You can't force me." I said, he raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Watch me." I rolled my eyes and looked away. He drank some water. He grabbed my chin suddenly, turning it to face him, he opened my mouth slightly as he did so, he put the bottle against my lips and tilted the bottle up so that the water would flow down. Without any choice i drank the water, he put the bottle away. I glared at him. "Told you I can force you." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

He went back to dancing, I can't lie, his dancing is mesmerizing and captivating. You can tell he really loved dancing. "Come on, dance with me." He suddenly said, taking my hands and gently lifting me up, I shook my head. "I can't dance." I said chuckling, he looked at me unbelievably. "I know you can don't lie." Minho said chuckling, I shook my head laughing nervously. "No, I can't." I said, he raised an eyebrow. Ok, I can dance but that was years ago I don't think I can do it anymore.

"Come on." Minho whined. Cute. I laughed and nodded. "Ok, ok, I'll dance but don't be surprised by how bad I am." I said, he shook his head. "I'm sure you're great." I sighed, Irene by Jimmy Brown started playing so I freestyled to it, its been so long since I danced I forgot how much I loved it. I finished my dance and laughed. "It was probably horrible." I said, chuckling. Minho looked at me with a wide smile and shook his head. "It was... great."

I chuckled. "Thanks." I said and smiled back. "Would you be my dance partner for the dance competition?" He asked, my eyes widened. "What?" He sighed. "Well you see, none of the girls who are in the dance major really fit the style I want this time, our dance professor assigned me to couples this year since she wants me to explore something other then solo and big groups dances. She also said its better if the partner is a girl." He explained, I chuckled. "But why me?"

"Well, your style fits the most." He said with a smile. I sighed. "Listen, Minho, I'm not a professional dancer-"

"But you are." He said, my eyes widened. No one knew I used to be a competitive dancer except Hana. "I saw you, back in highschool. Yoon Jinah. I still remember your dance from back then." He said, suddenly the memory hit me. Lee Minho. He won first place in my senior year. My eyes widened. "I quit dancing though. It was 2 years since then. After the competition I quit."

"But you still have the skill, and passion. Please Jinah. You're perfect for the style I want." Minho said. I looked at the clock, it was almost time for my class. "I'll think about it Minho, I have a class to go to." I said and ran off to my next class.


"Hey! Jinah!" I heard someone shout, I looked behind and noticed Minho lightly jog towards me. Some people stared at me. "Hi." I said as he reached me with a smile. "So... did you think about it?" He asked as we started walking down the hallway. My classes ended already, I wasn't sure if Minho's classes ended already or not. I sighed and nodded. "Yeah... I'll do it."

Minho's smile grew wider and he suddenly pulled me into a hug. "Thank you!" He said, I chuckled. "You're choking me." I said, breathless, a of couple people stared at us. One of the down sides to hanging out with one of the most popular guys on campus. Minho chuckled and let me go. "Sorry." He said, rubbing the nape of his neck, I chuckled too. "Nah, its ok don't worry about it."

"Let's go for a drink! To celebrate us being partners in the dance competition." He said, putting his arm around my shoulders. "Sure." I said chuckling. "Can I bring Hana along?" I asked, he seemed to be thinking about it. "Did she finish classes already?" I nodded, he smiled and nodded too.

I quickly texted Hana, telling her that we would go drinking with Minho and wait at the exit. She asked if she can bring Hyunjin, I looked at Minho. "Can Hana bring Hyunjin?" I asked, he nodded. We reached the exit.

Hana looked at me and at Minho back and forth, she looked confused. "Are you two...?" She asked, I looked at her, clearly confused. Then I noticed that Minho still had his arm around my shoulders. "Oh, no!" I said, forcibly dropping his arm. "Yah! I was comfortable." He yelled, crossing his arms.

"Do I look like I care?" I asked, crossing my arms too and raising one eyebrow. He looked annoyed and turned away. Then Hyunjin came, he went over to Hana and pecked her lips. "Hi sweetie. Missed me already?" He asked, Hana smiled and nodded. "Gross." I said, Minho laughed, which I joined him. They both glared at us and we immediately shut up. "Let's go!" Minho said, taking my hand in his and walking away, the lovebirds behind us.

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