Chapter 4

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I went over to the dance building, I got a text from Minho telling me to meet him there after class to practice for the competition. I reached the building and looked around, no Minho in sight.

Lee Minho

im here

ok im on my way

I smiled at the text and put away my phone, in front of me stood.. Seungyeon was her name? "What are you doing here? You aren't a dance major." The girl said, raising an eyebrow. Ugh great. "Waiting for a friend." I said and rolled my eyes, Seungyeon looked at me up and down. "What does Minho even find in you?"

"Excuse you?" I said, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms. "I mean... you're so bland. How can he even date you?" She said and chuckling, I rolled my eyes. "We aren't dating, we're friends. And its none of your business who he's dating."

"Minho!" Seungyeon said, running over to the boy and hugging him. He chuckled but didn't hug her back, he pushed her away gently. "Hi Seungyeon." He said, he noticed me and smiled, he walked over and took my hand in his. My eyes widened at the action. "Let's go Jinah." He said leading me over to one of the dance practice rooms, I noticed Seungyeon was glaring at us.

"Who's Seungyeon?" I asked once we reached the room and he closed the door. "A childhood friend, our parents are business partners." He said, I nodded. "Wait.. business? Then why do you major in dance?" I asked, looking confused, he chuckled pinching my cheeks. "I double major in dance and business." He said, my mouth formed an 'o'. He chuckled and lightly closed my mouth. "Wouldn't want any flies getting into your mouth." He whispered in my ear and for some reason I felt my cheeks getting hotter.

"Ok so... what were you thinking of for a routine?" I asked and he smiled. "Telling a story of love. The female and male are in a dark place alone but once they meet the dancing style gets more cheerful." Minho explained, I thought about it and nodded in approval. "Sounds good-" I started saying but then I noticed Minho being oddly close to me. I cleared my throat.

"We should probably start from different ends of the room, to point out they aren't familiar with each other yet, should we start with the female routine or the male?" I asked looking at anything but Minho. "Female." He said and I nodded. "Ok so.. how about we both start from the floor you know? Like while I do my routine you sit on the floor." I suggested, Minho didn't say anything so I looked at him. He nodded with a smile, he was still oddly close.

"Did you pick the music already?" I asked, he didn't answer so I looked at him. He was getting closer so I walked away and he kept getting closer until my back hit the wall and he put his hand on both sides of me. "Minho?" I questioned. "God, you drive me crazy." He said, I looked at him with a confused expression. "What do you mean."

"God, Jinah you're so clueless." Minho said as he sighed. "I like you, ok?" He said, my eyes widened. "You? Like me?" I asked, he nodded and I laughed. "There's no way you like me. I mean I'm ugly, my personality is shit-" My rumble got caught off by Minho pressing his lips against mine, my eyes widened. He pulled away panicking. "Oh fuck- I shouldn't have done that I'm so sorry Jinah." He said backing away. "You just were talking shit about yourself and I couldn't stand it and you looked so pretty amd-"

"Minho. Its ok." I said sighing, he looked at me with puppy eyes. "Really? You're not mad? But I just kissed you without your consent and that isn't ok-"

"You're right, it isn't ok." His expressions saddened. "But it looks like you genuinely didn't mean it. And..." I sighed. "I like you too." I said quietly, he looked at me with wide eyes. "You.. do?" He asked, I nodded, he had a wide smile as he hugged me tightly. "Oh thank god." He said and I chuckled, hitting his back. "You're choking me." I said, he let go. "I'm sorry." He said with a panicked expression. I chuckled. "Its ok Minho."

"So.. would you be my girlfriend?" He asked, I made it look like I was thinking about it and shook my head. "Nope." I said, his expression showed pain. Oh god, this is golden. I started laughing. "Of course yes dumbass." I said, hugging him, he hugged me back and sighed in relief. "Yah! You gave me a heartattack." He said, laughing. I laughed as well. "You should've seen your face."

We let go of the hug. "Oh god, Hana is gonna remember this for the rest of my life and tease me." I said, remembering about the countless times of telling her we're just friends and nothing is gonna happen. Minho chuckled. I hit his arm. "Not funny." I said angrily and crossed my arms. "You're cute when you're angry."

I rolled my eyes. "You're pretty cute yourself." I said, he smiled and kissed me again, this time I kissed him back.

The end

A/N: yes i know, this is a pretty sudden ending but I kinda lost ideas for this book and thought that ending it here seemed pretty decent. I enjoy writing short stories so this book would have ended soon anyways. Thank you for reading pretty cute!

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