Chapter 3

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"Ok now let's be real." A drunk Hana started saying, she gets drunk the most out of all of us, Hyunjin was pretty drunk already too. Me and Minho were sober-ish. "Are you two dating?" She asked, pointing between Minho and I. We looked at each other, both of us clearly confused, we shook our head.

"Whatttt?" Hyunjin asked, dragging the word. "No way. You look and act like a couple." He said, shaking his head. "Stop lying."

"Yah! We aren't dating!" Minho said, Hyunjin shook his head. "You have your arm around her right now. How?" He asked, Minho looked over to me, I looked at his arm. He dropped it lazily. "Its comfortable." Minho said

"Ah huh." Hyunjin said nodding. "Hana, do you believe them?" He looked over at Hana, she giggled drunkenly and shook her head. I sighed and looked at Minho, he just shrugged. "Listen, we aren't dating." I said, putting my arm on the table and leaning forward. "So... do you two have a crush on one another?"

"What? No!" Me and Minho yelled together, a couple heads turned towards us and we apologized. "Listen, a guy and a girl can be friends with each other." I said, Hyunjin nodded. "I know, me and you are friends." I smiled. "But..." My smile dropped. "You two, don't act like friends. You literally act like a couple or just two people flirting with each other."

"No we don't!" I said, crossing my hands. "Yes you do." A deep voice said from behind us, I looked over and saw Felix, a smile grew on my face. "Felix!" I yelled. "How is my favorite aussie doing?!" I hugged him, he chuckled and hugged me back. "I'm the only aussie you know." I chuckled and nodded. "You're right. What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was passing by and saw Hyunjin." He said as he sat down next to me, he waved over at Hyunjin and Minho. They waved back. "Also... what did you mean by 'yes you do'?" I questioned, he chuckled. "You and Minho look like a couple."

"Yah! We do not!" I said, hitting his head. Felix rubbed the place and chuckled. "Yeah you do." I crossed my arms and glared at him, I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked over at Minho. "Leave it, let them think what they want." He said with a soft smiled, I grabbed a drink and poured myself another glass and drank it. I poured another one and another one. I was about to drink more until Minho took my glass away. "Enough."

I crossed my arms and looked at him annoyed. "Yah! Lee Minho! Give me my drink back!" I said, you could clearly hear I was drunk. "You drank enough." He said, I shook my head and reached for the cup, he pulled it away. I stood up and so did he. I came closer and tried grabbing the drink from him. "Yah! Give me my drink!" I said as I tried reaching for the drink, he chuckled and shook his head. I still tried to take the drink back as I tripped over my own two feet. I didn't reach the ground though as Minho caught me.

"Where does she live?" He asked, Felix told him. Minho nodded, it wasn't too far from here so we walked by foot, he tried helping me walk but I was stubborn about walking alone. I tripped a couple times but Minho always helped me straighten up.

We reached my apartment building. "Yah! Lee Minho." I said, he looked at me like a confused cat. I chuckled and he looked even more confused. "You're pretty cute." I said with a smile and walked into the building. Little did I know that Minho was standing there with a smile.


I took a seat in class, there were maybe 2 more students here. I was surprisingly early, even though I thought I would be late since I woke up late. Then someone sat next to me, giving me milk and a perfume. I looked to the side and Minho was sitting there. "You rik of alcohol." He whispered in my ear, I blushed as I put on the perfume quickly and drank the milk. "Thanks." I said, he chuckled. "You're lucky we have the same class right now or you probably would still smell strongly of alcohol right now."

I nodded, its usually what happens if I drink on a school night. So... I'm glad I have Minho now. I turned to look at him and he was staring at me with a smile. "Yes?" I asked, he just shook his head, then the teacher entered the class.

"Wanna have lunch together?" Minho asked as I was packing, I nodded with a smile. "Sure." We both got out of the class and walked over towards the cafeteria. "Minho!" A voice stopped us, a female ran up to Minho. "Did you pick a partner already for the dance competition?" She asked. "Yeah."

"And.. who is it?" The girl asked. "That's a secret Seungyeon." Minho said and chuckled a little. "Now, we are on our way to eat so if you excuse us." He said, taking my hand and walking away from the girl named Seungyeon. I looked back and noticed the girl was glaring at us, I turned around. "Can you let go of my hand?"

"Nah its comfy." Minho said, smirking, I glared at him and he chuckled. "I'm just kidding." He said, letting go of my hand, he had a smile on his face. We entered the cafeteria and went over to a table with 8 more people. "Jinah!" Felix said happily, I smiled. "Felix!" He stood up and hugged me. "Did you get home safely last night? You seemed pretty drunk." We sat down. "Yeah, I did get home safely." I answered, a boy with crispy blonde hair looked at me and Felix.

"Are you two dating?" The boy asked, Minho glared at him and me and Felix chuckled. "We were friends in middle school. Lost contact when she moved back to korea." Felix explained and I nodded. "So no Chan, we aren't dating." Felix looked at me and Minho. "But maybe some other couple will blossom." He chuckled, Chan looked at me and Minho and smirked. "I get you." I rolled my eyes and Minho glared at both of them.

"I'm gonna buy some food." I said and stood up, Minho stood up too. "Me too." He said, I nodded and we both went over to buy some food. I was about to pay until Minho paid for me. "Yah! I can buy it myself." I said, crossing my arms. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "You can, but I want to treat you." He said with a smile, I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry about Chan and Felix. They like... how do they call it? Shipping?" He said and I chuckled. "Yeah that's what its called." I said, he nodded and smiled. "And its ok, I don't mind." I said, we reached the table with our food and sat down again.

"Ok Jinah, I think its time to introduce all of us!" The boy named Chan said. I smiled and nodded. "I'm Chan, as you heard. You already know Felix and Minho." He said. "And Hyunjin and Hana." I added, he nodded. "I'm going to go through this quickly. Jisung, Changbin, Seungmin and Jeongin." He said pointing to each person, I nodded. "Nice to meet all of you." I said. "Nice to meet you too." They all said with a smile.

The rest of lunch was nice and pleasant. The rest of the boys seemed nice. Me and Hana had the same class so we parted away from the boys. "So... you and Minho?" She said, I rolled my eyes. "There's nothing between us." I sighed, she shook her head. "Soon my child, soon. I can't believe you'll finally date!" She said the last part with a squeal. "Not gonna happen Hana. Now let's go faster, we're almost late to class."

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