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That is not going to happen. You thought inside your head slowly pouting as you recalled the things happened yesterday.

You walked outside of your bed while holding your MacBook. After arriving on the living room, you carefully placed it on the coffee table. Walking on the kitchen, yiu searched for a maid.

"Hello, do we have hard liquors here?" You asked a maid who's wiping the surfaces and stuffs. You immediately got her attention. She smiled.

"Oh, of course! Mr. Jeon have so much stocked. Mr. and Mrs. Jeon would sometimes have their legs soaked on the pool while having a drink." The maid talked as you both walked to the pile of drinks.

You smiled.

You've been lonely right now. Thinking about the shit yeaterday and now, Jungkook is out and no one here knows his whereabouts. The maids told you that they're used to him leaving. They said he would sometimes go partying or hanging around with girls. Neither of that, still no one knows where he is.

How did they knew? His Mom and him were talking in the kitchen sometimes or Mrs. Jeon would ask him when he arrives. Sneaky, I know.

Maybe he's with that bitch who came here last time. You said bitterly inside your head.

"G-Give me the hardest liquor." You smiled and she pouted but listened eventually.

Having the hard liquor in your hand and a champagne flute, you smiled as you made your way back to the living room where you should start working.


"Dela? DEL!" You screamed loudly.

"What?" Dela from her room came. She had a confused look on her face while staring at you. You smiled sheepishly.

Seeing the bright red on your face and the way you smile. She already knew. And as soon as she saw your MacBook, the champagne flute and the alcohol. Her thoughts were confirmed.

"CAn yOu asK whEn JUnGkOOk iS gOInG HoMe?" And by the way you sounded, she almost had her hand out of her body.

"Oh Paisley, why did you drink?" She walked up to you and tried touch you but failed as you push her hands away.

"ASk KookIE!" You shouted and she had her eyes widen, she smirked.

"Kookie huh?" She almost laughed making you pout.

"WheRE iS hE?" You whined and stood up but failed because of how the world spins around you.

"You're drunk Paisley, let's go to your room. You need to rest." She said and you're about to help her up but she only got her hand slapped, clearly not wanting her help.

You managed to sit on the couch by yourself. Not so soon, the door opened and Dela was faced with Jungkook who had his hair a bit messy. Dela's face scrunched at that.

"Jungkook-ah, Paisley is drunk. Can you please lift her inside her room? I just can't carry her and it's the time of the month for me, can't carry heavy things." Dela mumbled the last part. She's a bit TMI at that.

"YAah, I'm nOT hEAvy!" You whined.

"Yeah, okay." Jungkook closed the door and stared at Paisley who's whispering incoherent words.

When Dela manages to leave the couple alone, Jungkook looked at Paisley's mess. He shook his head and chuckled.

"JUst aSk HIm..." You whispered under your breath and that made him angry.

Who the fuck is that him she's talking about? He thought angrily.

He immediately went in front of her on the couch and kneeled in front of her to get a better view of her face. He stared at her for a while.

The red headed Paisley is smiling to herself and saying sweet nothings to herself. Jungkook bit his lip and was about to touch her face but...

Then, thoughts of Sana while ago came across his mind. He shook his head to get ahold of himself.

"Let's go, I'm taking you to your room." Jungkook said as he lifts Paisley without any trouble.

"NoOoo, taKE Me TO mY FiAnCée!" She muttered while trying to push Jungkook away from her but failed because of how strong the man is.

"I am your fiancée." He whispered to her ear making the girl chuckle and stare at his face. Slightly analyzing the face of the guy who just carried her.

"AnIYa, mY.. My FiAncéE is HaNDsOme- yoU aren'T!" Jungkook laughed hearing Paisley and opened the door of her room to gently place her to bed.

"Did she just complimented me?" He chuckled to himself.

"I am your fiancée." He said and closed the door behind him with his foot. And that made the drunk Paisley wild.

She started moving, trying to get away from the man who she believes a stranger. Jungkook was troubled. He tried taming her but it seems like a wild animal is inside of her.

"Yah! Paisley- stop struggling we might fall-" And as soon as Paisley hit his balls, they both fell.

A groan escaped both Jungkook and Paisley. The pain in his groin is very unbearable. Paisley land on top of Jungkook, obviously as he was carrying her a while ago.

"Paisley-ah, you're very naughty when you're not. I'm not getting you drunk again." He said sounding in pain.

Paisley stared at Jungkook who is still trying to calm his tense groin. She sat on his stomach while Jungkook had his elbow to slightly lift himself up. She leaned down and stared more, focusing more on his face.

"Are you really Jungkookie?" Paisley asked Jungkook, a bit calmed down now making the man distracted from the pain as it slowly fades.

Jungkook smiled and placed his hand on Paisley's small waist. He nodded and that made Paisley think.

"Umm, so that means you're my fiancée?" Paisley then again asked Jungkook and he only nodded as he stare at her face.

She pouted and stared down on his lips. He watched her and waited for what her drunk self is going to do. As she started leaning, instead of kissing the man like how Jungkook expected.

She's biting his lip. That made Jungkook gasp in shock. Thankfully her biting was gentle.

"Paisley-ah what are you doing?" He pushed the woman back and she just started playing with his lip.

"I always wanted to eat my fiancée's cherry lip." That made Jungkook smile.

"You wanted to eat my face?" He said slightly liking the idea of getting her drunk now.

Paisley pouted as she nod.

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