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Okay this isn't an update to a chapter but I feel like you guys really need an explanation of why I haven't updated like I have stated I would in previous chapters.

First reason is that the charger to my laptop broke but if you kept it taped and in the right position it charged the laptop. One night the laptop fell and I heard a snap. Thinking it was just my mind making up sounds or something I went to bed. The next morning I woke up and tried turning on my laptop when it wouldn't turn on. The charger had snapped in haif (before it was just curved and hence the tape) so I tried to fix it. I ended up eletrocuting myself slightly. Well I didn't get the charger until Tuesday and that's why updates may have been poorly written because they were from my phone or Ipod. Sorry about that. 

Second reason is that it was the holidays and I could have updated on my phone all except that Christmas day was crazy and filled with activities and then on New Years week I went on a cruise and couldn't take anything but my Ipod and the boat didn't have WiFi unless you paid for it which was like $20 a day. So yea.

Third reason is that my grades in school have been dropping and I have had to pick them up with a lot of extra credit and so I barely have time for anything other than school work which sucks but I need an education.

Fourth reason is that I got a boyfriend. While this is probably the stupidest reason on here I actually like this guy like a lot. He makes my heart beat fast and all I ever think about is him. He was also my first kiss so he means a lot to me.

Now while all these reasons are stupid excuses they are what has kept me from updating BUT because I love you all so much this Monday which I WILL update on even if it kills me the chapter will either be a pretty long one or there will be two seperate updates. Considering that the next update will include Cherry's first kill it'll probably and hopefully be longer than the other chapters. (There was a spoiler there sorry but it was kind of predictable I mean) 

Again I apologize. Also can you guys read or tell somebody to read 'Not Everything Ends In Happily Ever After' because I want it to get more reads and I like it a lot. I think it's pretty good. But thanks.


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