Chapter 2: Nerves on edge

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I faced the white witch with a glare. She eyed me up and down and with a scornful laugh says:

‘You? You’re just a child. An ugly average kid. Is this what Aslan sends me to fight? Are you his best shot?’ her cackled laughter echoed around the halls of Cair Paravel.

‘You shouldn’t underestimate me, witch’ I said slowly cheeks burning, sure to put emphasis on the word witch. She stopped laughing and gave me a menacing, vile look.

‘Listen child, you irritating pesky child,’ I winced at the word child. I am not a child, Im strong, stronger than her and I was about to prove it. ‘if you really are all that big cat is sending me to win back Narnia and its people then I’m afraid he must not care about it as much as you all thinked. Maurice!’ The wolf stepped out from behind her and snarled at me. ‘Finish her’ she said in a dismissive tone.

‘No!’ I shouted. ‘I’m here to fight you on your own!’ I glanced at Edmund, tied up behind her along with the others. ‘What is it witch? Can’t handle a small child like me? Your followers shall start questioning whether you should really be leading them’ I smirked. I looked back at Edmund who gave me an alarming look and started to shake his head violently. The white witch turned back to face me and gave me a vile look.

‘Well it shall not be much of a fight’ she said slurred icily. I took out my sword when Reepicheep came flying out of nowhere and landed on my head. ‘Wake up wake up wake up wake up’ he chanted, shaking my head vigorously. I tried to shake him off but he had his paws clawed to my face and he wouldn’t let it go.

‘Get off Reepicheep I need to defeat the witch and save Narnia’

I woke up. 

 A sweaty, smelly eight year old monkey wearing football covered pyjamas was on my bed, bouncing up and down. ‘Wake up Larna, its your first day of school and you don’t wanna be late’ he said loudly. He stopped bouncing for a second. ‘Get up!’ he said even louder (if that’s possible)

‘Im up, im up!’ I grumbled and turned around in bed. Dammit that was a really good dream I really wanna know what happens next. I have a talent for being able to go back to a dream that had been interrupted, as long as it had not been for more than a few minutes.

‘Laurenaaaaaaa get up!!!’ said Asher and shoved me off the bed. I landed on the floor, along with all of my bed covers.

‘Asher! Seriously!’

He looked at me and started laughing. I couldn’t resist him, he’s too cute. I grabbed him and pulled him down with me. ‘You know you were talking in his sleep’ he said giggling.

‘Yeah?’ I said hugging him tight.

‘You were saying something about defeating the witch and saving Narnia.’

‘Hmm yeah that reminds me’ I pushed him off me and grabbed my dream jornual. Yes I do have a dream journal thank you very much. No, its not dumb. Your dreams are literally a reflection of what’s going on in your subsscounciouss mind. I for one am very much interested in that. So no judging.

‘Whats that?’ asked Asher, pointing at the notebook

‘This is my dream journal. Its where I write down all my dreams so I can remember them.’

‘Can I read it?’

‘What, let you look through my mind? Na-ah little brother.’


‘Tell you what, I’ll leave you it in my will kay?’

‘What’s a will?’

‘Go ask mum. Now get out of here!’

He ran out the room and I closed the door behind him. I picked up my dream jornual and tried to write down as much as I could remember. Then I went to the bathroom, washed my face and did my hair. Its a lot of work you know, what with it being so curly. I went back into my room and put some light make up on, foundation and a little mascara. I went back into my room and opened my cupboard. I took out my uniform, which had been in there since we bought it. I slowly started to put it on. White shirt, black jumper with the schools logo on it, purple and yellow tie (turns out the tie colours are based on what year you’re in), purple blazer and black trousers. I head downstairs and Mike hands me my school bag.

‘Ready?’ he asks and I nod. Asher comes up to me, now dressed in his own blue school uniform and gives me a big hug.

‘Make friends okay?’ I smile and nod, planting a kiss on his forehead which he shakes off and grins. Me and Mike start heading towards town, lost in thought. I was nervous, like really nervous. Would I actually make friends? Will people be nice to me? Will I have a lot of work to catch up on? Mike on the other hand seemed cool as cool, whistling a tune softly as we reached the bus stops. We found the bus stop we had gotten off at the day before, but then saw that the other Riveside students were heading towards another one. Mike shrugged and started to follow them, and we saw they were boarding bus number 9. We got on the crowded bus. Mike found a seat near the front while I had to head all the way to the back and eventually found a seat by a polish girl. She got up and gestured me to sit by the window which I was fine by, then turned around and started talking to her friends. I felt lonely and awkward, so to distract myself I started to think about my dream. I hadn’t had a Narnia dream in ages. I smiled as I thought about how Narnia literally circled my entire childhood. I thought of the real life Edmund and Susan and Peter and how we would play Narnia in the gardens that seemed like forests, and the pool that seemed like an ocean, and how those were the best times and the precious times a year I truly felt happy...

I was so lost in thought I almost didin’t notice the chatter starting to fade and the bus becoming more empty and quiet. Mike yelled at me and woke me out of my daydream and I hastily got off the bus mumbling a thanks to the driver. We started to walk into school together, and my nerves were at the highest they had been yet.

A/N So I thought Id just write a little filler chapter to get the process of Laurena settled in school out of the way quickly so we can start seeing some real action! I promise, the stuff I got planned for this story is goooood. I cannot wait to start writing it!

This chapter is dedicated to AlexBerry28 who is an awesome friend and well Alex you know why this chapter is dedicated for ya. Check out his book Morglion, a school of adventure, he's a great writer :P

There are some song references in this chapter too, did you spot them?

Vote, Comment, Share, Inbox me!!! Please!! 

Love y'all,  christmas scented candles to all of you(cos hey, who doesn't love how those smell? I've got two  ^^)

Sandy xx

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