Deapools specialty

5K 82 22

Resistant to chemicals/Toxins

Can't get drunk

Immune to disease

Resistance to telepathic control

Doesn't get old

Knows that she's in an anime and isn't real. Due to this, she can use this against her enemies.

Due to her insane brain breaks the fourth wall and can pretty much do whatever she wants.

(Info comes from fandom wiki)

Deadpool's primary power is an accelerated healing factor,( It gives him the ability to not die) depicted by various writers at differing levels of efficiency. Artificially endowed by the Weapon X program, this enables him to regenerate any destroyed tissue at a superhuman rate, as well as making him immune to diseases. Deadpool's healing factor is strong enough that he has previously survived complete incineration and decapitation more than once[citation needed]. Although his head normally has to be reunited with his body to heal the wound,[71][72][73] he was able to regrow his head after having it pulverized by the Hulk.[volume & issue needed]

Deadpool's brain cells are similarly affected, with dying neurons being rejuvenated at a super accelerated rate. This allows Deadpool to recover from any head wounds, and it renders him nearly invulnerable to psychic and telepathic powers,[74][75] although this ability is inconsistent.[76][77] It has been revealed that at the time that his healing ability was given to him, Deadpool suffered from some form of cancer. After the healing factor was given to him, it made his normal cells as well as his cancerous cells unable to die, giving him a heavily scarred appearance beneath his suit.[volume & issue needed]

Deadpool's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins, due to his enhanced cell regeneration. For example, it is extremely difficult for him to become intoxicated.[78] He can be affected by certain drugs such as tranquilizers, if he is exposed to a large enough dosage[citation needed].

Deadpool is effectively immortal, although he has died several times.[79][80] He is still alive 800 years in the future when the new X-Force encounters him.[81] In addition, Thanos once declared that Deadpool should "consider yourself cursed ... with life!" out of jealousy over Deadpool's status as Lady Death's love interest.[82]His enemy T-Ray later resurrected him,[79] under Thanos' instruction, using an artifact he had given him.[83] Later, Deadpool was informed that Thanos had placed a curse on him, and tracked Thanos down. He revealed that the only thing keeping Wade alive was his "spell of darkest necromancy". Although Thanos removed this curse in order to kill Deadpool, he felt forced to immediately bring him back using "a fusion of necromancy and science" in order to request his aid in tracking down Mistress Death, who had gone missing.[84]

Deadpool is a highly trained assassin and mercenary, adept in multiple forms of martial arts, and an expert swordsman and marksman. Although in earlier years he was originally portrayed as having superhuman strength, he is no longer depicted as having this ability.[85]

Over the years, Deadpool has owned a number of personal teleportation devices. Also, during Deadpool's first ongoing comic, he possesses a device which projected holographic disguises, allowing him to go undercover or conceal his appearance. He also has a magic satchel containing all of his unlimited weaponry and ammo. Deadpool is multilingual, with the ability to speak fluently in German, Spanish, ASL and Japanese, in addition to his native English[citation needed].

Since Deadpool is aware that he is a fictional character,[62] he uses this knowledge to his advantage to deal with opponents or gain knowledge to which he should not normally have access, such as "reading" past issues of his and others' comics.[86] Deadpool even knows he has a Wikipedia article and hopes his fans keep his page updated.[87]

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