Chapter 16

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"What in the name of the Force are you doing here?" Mace boomed as Eclipse walked in, interrupting their discussion.

"Oh, I'm just here to listen. I'll speak after Master Skywalker," the Sith apprentice responded, moving towards a corner before leaning lazily against the wall. Obi-Wan had to admire the girl's guts; though he couldn't help but question if she had a death wish.

Deciding it would probably be wise to move attention away from her and on to what Anakin had come in for, the Jedi Master cleared his throat. "In that case, Anakin, if you would...."

"Uh.... Yes, Master Kenobi," the Jedi responded as he came in and bowed, though he looked as though he'd just been hit broadside by something shocking. "I came with a message from the Supreme Chancellor."

"Contains what, the message does?" Yoda asked.

"In preparation for the new amendment that will give the Chancellor direct control over the Jedi Council," Anakin paused, as though he was realizing exactly how that sounded in a room full of Jedi, "he has requested," Obi-Wan may have imagined the half second look to where Eclipse was watching at the word, "that I am given a seat," again, extra stress on the word as if specifying the fact this had not been his idea nor did he expect the rank of Master from it, "on the Council as his personal representative."

Directing Mace's attention away from Eclipse to Anakin was the worst thing Obi-Wan had ever done because now the Korun Master's eyes were like fire and fixated on the Jedi's old padawan.

"I see," Mace stated, his voice a dangerous calm. "We will discuss this in private, Skywalker."

Anakin bowed and stepped away as he looked back at Eclipse, waiting for her to go.

"Sorry, Skywalker, but unfortunately, I have to kick you out of this one," the Sith apprentice stated, crossing her arms and waving the fingers on her right hand as if shooing him away. "Bye." Anakin opened his mouth to argue. "I'm serious. I will shove you out with the Force myself."

The Jedi glared but, unwillingly, took his leave. The moment the door closed, Eclipse came forward.

"I have a lovely little holo I'd like to show you," the Sith apprentice stated, placing a small projector on the floor in the center of the room.


They'd been in there too long. Too long to be talking about something simple. What the hell had Eclipse decided to tell them?

And why the hell couldn't he listen?

Bottom line, he was confused. Also angry, but mainly confused. For instance, how did Eclipse know what task Anakin had been given before the Council had been aware? And why did she feel it necessary to talk....sense into him—honestly something he was marginally thankful for considering acting confident about it would have probably made things worse—but still odd.

When the door finally opened, Eclipse walked out no worse for wear.

"Your turn. I'll wait out here," she stated simply. Anakin looked between her and the open door before deciding to attempt to drill her later and walking on in. A moment later the door shut behind him leaving him in a room of seemingly shocked, surprised, and somehow calm Jedi Masters. Even Mace Windu looked less....severe than usual.

Obi-Wan looked as pale as a sheet.

Anakin began wondering if he ought to be afraid to ask about what had happened.

"Anakin Skywalker," Mace Windu spoke, "the Council has decided to comply with Chancellor Palpatine's directive, and with the instructions of the Senate that give him the unprecedented authority to command this Council. You are thereby granted a seat at the High Council of the Jedi as the Chancellor's personal representative."

"Thank you, Masters. You have my pledge that I will uphold the highest principles of the Jedi Order," Anakin said, bowing respectfully.

"Allow this appointment lightly, the Council does not," Yoda said. "Disturbing this move by Chancellor Palpatine is. On many levels."

"I understand," Anakin told them.

"I'm not sure you do," Mace said. "You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master."

"Understood," Anakin said, his voice a forced calm as he'd forced himself to come to terms with the likelihood outside.

"Take your seat, Skywalker," Mace said. Anakin bowed again before quickly glancing around to find a now open seat next to Obi-Wan. He couldn't completely hide his smile as he walked over to sit next to his best friend, who despite whatever had happened behind closed doors had a proud glint in his eyes.

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