Chapter 4: Truth revealed

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Eri is like 18 just so you know

(Y/n) covers her eyes from the light to see Midoryia. Her eyes widen as she takes a step back.
"Y-you bought me"she said barely audible. Midoryia nods as he blocks the door.
" your quite expensive"he says looking at his check which he then rips "but it was worth it"he says letting it float down to the ground in front of the two.
"H-how?" she says making her way towards the window.
"Were three stories up, wouldn't want you to hurt your self"he says. "And the reason is simple, so sit down"he demands. (Y/n) Who obviously didn't want to die, so she walks over to the futon and sits down. Midoryia walks in front and bends down in front of her.
"I have a question answer wisely or else..." he demands. She nods.
"Tell me your most recent dream, don't leave anything out"he says pricing his eyes into hers. (Y/n) found his eyes so dark and empty that it scared her yet she couldn't look away.
" was black...then red and this thing would be in front of me it wouldn't do anything to me...then a drop of blood or red water falls and turns the floor into water...and I sink in the water....then I wake up"she says fiddling with her fingers. "B-but...."
"But"he demands. She whimpers.
"The thing....walked towards me but I couldn't see it's face..." she says. Midoryia hums standing up.
"Do want to know what that figure is?" he questions. She nods.
"Well that's me...I've been dreaming of you,you have been dreaming of me"he says as he puts on dark green gloves.
" Woah....I've been dreaming of deku this entire time...scary but cool"
"Also...." he says changing his appearance "I was your teacher"he says earning a jaw drop from (y/n). He changed back.
" That's so cool so are we like mind buddies"she gasped. Midoryia scoffed.
"No, I don't know what that makes us but for now you belong to me, but I'm going to give you to your father, that doesn't mean I won't see you though" he states.I
"Okay!" she grins happy to go home
"But don't get it twisted, your still my property I'm just letting other people deal with you-"
"No I belong to know one" (y/n) pouts. "I'm priceless"
"Or just not worth any thing" he states. (Y/n) pouts crossing her arms. Midoryia chuckled at her reaction " If it was true, that your priceless, than how come you costed more than 90k? "He spat turning to her with a glare. (Y/n) flinched but then huffs.
"Because your cheep"she remarks with a smug smile. Midoryia hunched an eyebrow slightly amused by her personality. 
"Trust me hun, I'm not cheep "he says. "I have a discussion with someone so I will on my way your free to roam but you obviously can't go outside, there are camera's and guards so you won't escape, besides your a smart girl, you won't do anything stupid" he says. (Y/n) nods as she got off the futon.
"So when am I going home?"
"Tomorrow evening, it's too dangerous to let you out? "
"Hero's"he states walking towards the door and opening it for (y/n) to walk through.
"Dinner is at six, I expect to see you there-"
"Like beauty and the beast?"she laughs. Midoryia grunts.
"Sure but I won't be eating with you"he states as he began to walk to the meeting room.
"Why not? "She asked walking next to him.
"I have things to do"he says as he glanced at her.
"Aw...please we ate lunch together"she begs.
"That was different "he sighs.
" But-"
"Shut up, and leave me alone"he says as he walks faster. (Y/n) pouts crossing her arms as she stops. Midoryia glanced back and scoffed .
"Have fun with that tantrum "he taunts. (Y/n) watched him enter a room. She waited till it for serious till she knocks on the door. Someone else opens the door with a look of confusion.
"Is Deku in there? "She asked. Before the man could answer Midoryia pulled him back.
"Please....." she muttred with a puppy face. Midoryia blinks.
"Will you leave me alone?"
"Yes? "
"Fine then..." he says "see you at six"he says closing the door. (Y/n) pumps her fist.
"I just made a friend "she whispers happily. Killua and kunimi turn the corner and froze.
"Dude what if she cries again? "
"Just walk away slowly....-"
"Oh it's you guys! "She says running over. The have her a nervous glance.
"Y-yeah... "
"Thanks for...uh buying me"she smiles. Killua and kunimi look at each other then her.
"Yeah, no problem "kunimi smiles.
"Yeah...." Killua chuckled. Eri walks over as she smiles.
"Hello you guys, (y/n) now belongs to Deku so if she is hurt, taken or anything he didn't order, he will kill you two after he takes your quirks" she smiles.
"So only Deku can hurt her?"Killua says. (Y/n) shivers thinking about it.
"Pretty much and if that were to happen I would heal her so it's no big deal"
"Of course the assistant would know, not to mention the only girl" he says.
"Your the only girl here?" (Y/n) says. Eri nods.
"It's not that big of deal, Deku doesn't want distractions"
" Deku is a pretty level headed villain -" Killua and kunimi laugh loudly.
"Oh man, your funny"
"Why?" she pouts
"Deku is terrible but we'll let you find out when you piss him off"kunimi states.
"Oh, then I won't be bad"she smiles. Killua , kunimi and Eri stare at the girl in shock.
" You pure innocent child"Eri whispers.


Eri walks in Midoryia's room as he snaps the neck of a older male. She flinched at the loud crack from the man's neck that followed after.
"Found the traitor" he says boredly as he drops him on the floor. Eri nods nervously.
"U-uh, you have dinner with (y/n)..." she said quietly. Midoryia hums nodding with a slight irritated look.
"Get someone to clean this up"he says walking past and to the dinning room. (Y/n) was already sitting in her spot at the end of the table so Midoryia purposely say on the other end of the table. (Y/n) blinks as she gets out of her seat and sits next to Midoryia who grunts at her slightly.
"Hi"she smiles. Midoryia glanced at her.
"Hello"he responds.
"How was the meeting? "
"....did you kill anyone? "
"Two or three people"
"Was it scary"
"For the victims"
"Did y-"
"Lets play the quiet game"he says.
"Oh! My mom loves that game"
"Okay ready three"he says. (Y/n) closed her eyes and puffs her cheeks her face scrunched up.  Midoryia chuckled at her.
"I can't I like talking "she gasped as she turns to Midoryia who looked disappointed.
"Why am I not surprised" he muttred.
"What's for dinner?"
" I was going to go out tonight but since your here I guess not "he shrugged.
" Aww, let's go to that place "
"No, your underage"he states. She pouts.
" age is just a number -"
"Do me a favor and never say that again" he says standing up. She stands with him.
"Where are you going?"
" Out, you wanted to go remember? "He says. (Y/n) nods as she ran next to him.
" Where are we going? "She asked. Midoryia looked at his watch as he smirks.
" you'll see"

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