Chapter 18: Bigger

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Checkmate"Midoryia says placing the chess piece down. (Y/n) looked shocked.
" How?! No fair~" she groans
. Midoryia smirks as he takes his prize.
"One more round -"
"Noooooo" she groans slouching in her chair. Midoryia hunched an eyebrow
" what's the matter? "
"Your gonna wiinnnnn" she complains. Midoryia rolls his eyes.
" That's cause I have more experience-"
"Let me win once "she begs. Midoryia sighs as he gave her a bored look.
" My pride is at stake here-"
"So is mine"
" What is yours? "
"That I'm better at one thing that you," she says. Midoryia gave her a confused look.
" what are you talking about you are better at something than me"
"Really what?!"
"Being short I wasn't that short when I was your age-"
"since when did you care?!"
"Everything about you matters, it's to keep you safe and to make sure your not an imposter" he states putting the board away. (Y/n) nods slightly as she looks around making sure no one was there.
"Izuku?" she says. Midoryia looks up at her stopping what he was doing.
" I-i...uh" she bites her lip. She wanted to know why Midoryia hasn't killed her tortured her. They had a mind link but Midoryia could easily use that to his advantage.
"Why do you keep me around?" she says as she glanced at him. Midoryia thinks for a bit as he continues to put the chessboard away.
"I don't know, you know you the first person I haven't tried to kill," he says. "It just felt wrong". (Y/n) tilts her head confused. Midoryia sighs.
"I know I would have felt bad for killing you" he explained.
"Oh...." she says. "So I'm here because you don't want to kill me?"
" I didn't finish, I enjoy wasting valuable time on you," he says with a small smile.
"You make it sound like it's a bad thing"
"It is in a way," he says resting his cheek on his hand. "The more time I spend the more I want you to stay," he says. "Your like a healthy drug, good to have but addicting"
"You're Pretty much saying I'm a best friend"
"More like a little sister," he says standing up.
(Y/n) smiles as she walks next to Midoryia.
" We have somewhere to go, so I'll get this away and we'll make our way to our destination"
"Where are we going?"
"To another one of my hideouts, my portal isn't working well so we'll have to walk"
"That sucks"
"It does, there's a chance the heroes might come"
"I meant walking"(y/n) muttered. Midoryia turns and flicks her forehead.
"Don't be lazy" he sighs calmly. (Y/n) whines as she follows midoryia.
"Your mean"
"I prefer the word sadistic," he says sarcastically. (Y/n) thinks as she follows.
"what does that even mean?" She asked. Midoryia sighs.
"Oh (y/n) you innocent bean..."

A few owls lada

(Y/n) sat bored in an office. Midoryia had another meeting and had locked her in his office with a jar of cookies her favorite show on and a blanket in case she wanted to sleep. But she felt lonely. She liked it when Midoryia would criticize her shows and she liked it would have to explain. She liked it when she ate cookies with him and she would make him smile when she had milk mustaches or when her cookie fell inside of the milk and he would give her his own. But she liked it when he would take naps with her as well sometimes staying awake and comforting her when she had nightmares or falling asleep with her.
Doing all of those things without him made it almost boring and sad. Before she could think of anything else a shock was activated in her neck as she whimpers falling on the floor from the chair as she tried to take the pain but it seemed to be getting stronger. Eri who was checking on her walks in as she gasped.
"(y/n) what's happened?!" she yells. The pain in her throat caused her not to speak as she held her neck as tears fell from her face.
It then stopped she slumps on the floor catching her breath. Eri frowns as she examines (y/n)'s now sore neck.
Midoryia slams the door open causing both girls to flinch.
"I can't fucking believe that I forgot" he growls. Eri trembled his eyes once again blood red as he bends down his pointer finger Turing into a sharp thin needle as he carefully stabs it in her neck causing (y/n) to yelp.
"W-what are you talking about?"
"Danm trackers pay attention" he snaps " they put them in your neck when you get caught so when you escape, you get a false sense of security and when they begin to make there a way to you they active the tracker with a shock that causes pain to inflict on you and keep you in one place so it's easy to capture you again, "he says as he pulls the needle out. "Right when I felt it I first didn't care since it doesn't bother me, but (y/n) can't defend that and she didn't even know," he says with a minor frown. (Y/n) sighs as Midoryia also eased her swelling.

"Anyways we got to go-" the wall explodes causing Midoryia to quickly grab (y/n) and turn his back as the debris hits his back as he grunts at some but not most of them.
"Danm it took forever for them to get that tracker working," a familiar voice said. Midoryia glares as he turns instead of seeing (y/n) it was some rocks.
"The hell-"
"Looking for her"Bakugou says pointing at a younger winged hero he held a smug smirk as he held the tired (y/n) who kept her eyes on Deku with a sad look. Deku glares.
"That's not all"Bakugou smirks he dove for him as Midoryia dodged but only to be tricked into getting exploded in his back causing him to fall forward. When Deku looks back up there where multiple heroes in the sky and ground. Deku frowns.
" That's a lot of deaths "he muttered. He glanced to find (y/n). She was nowhere instead she was father away as the winged hero flew away from him. Deku growls as he tried to follow.
Every time he was in arms reach he would get pulled back and taken down the hero's began to pile on him. He watched (y/n) get a father from her.

'Damn it think think quirk that can be me to her in a heartbeat...Think God danm it or else I swear to god-'. Midoryia growls loudly as he tried to get off one again.
'think come on' he thinks. He then reached towards (y/n) as his vision went black the weight that was on him soon disappears he felt something in his right hand. He opens his eyes. He was out? He looked at his hand. It was (y/n) laying down as she looked at him in shock. Midoryia was also shocked his eyes drifted towards the winged hero who was also in his hand his wing slightly twisted.
Midoryia's expression changed from confusion to anger in a heartbeat. The hero's face turned white his body cold.
That's when it hit Midoryia.
He had killed two people with giant quirks and he's never used him lucky his clothes changed with him as well. He was glad he did now. He grabs the winged hero and slams to to the ground stepping on him a loud crunch was heard.
'That satisfying sound of stepping on a leaf" he smirks. He looked at (y/n) who still has a shocked look. He pats her head lightly with his finger.
"I'll be done in a minute," he says "but for now..." he placed her in his chest pocket in his buttoned shirt. "Have some time to yourself"

With that countless heroes were killed mainly rookies who thought they where tough. Midoryia grabs Bakugou as he threw him harshly into a building. Midoryia soon escapes after stepping purposely on citizens. Completely forgetting about the child in he his pocket.

(Y/n) had covered her ears trying to ignore the screams as she cries. He had to hide in the woods seeming he didn't know exactly how to handle this quirk.
(Y/n) kicks him.
Midoryia hums as he reached back ok his pocket and pulls her out of his pocket.
"I forgot you were there" he chuckled. (Y/n) hides her face as she pouts tears still slightly falling.
" You didn't have to be so mean today"
"It's just a few people"
" Izuku! You already had your tantrum when I was aba-"
"Because I thought you were dead" he snaps earning a flinch from the child. He sighs calming himself before doing something he may regret.
"Look let's not talk about this," he says rubbing her back in hopes to call her down. She gave him a sympathetic look before nodding.
" Why...didn't you tell me about this quirk? "
"I honest forgot not that I'm mad but it's hard to hide when your this size"
"Oh, do you like being huge," she says
"No, it kinda scares me," he says placing her on the floor as he lays on his back. (Y/n) tilts her head as she sat next to his head.
"Izuku scared... Must be important"
" it is... "
"What is it?"
" You of course, if You think about it I can hurt you without even trying, "he says glancing at her. "I would never forgive myself if I did," he says frowning. (Y/n) walks over and kissed his cheek giving him the best hug she could.
" You need to have more faith in yourself, "she says. Midoryia chuckled as he lays her head.
" That was... "
"Cool -"
" No cringe-worthy, "he says with a smug smile. (Y/n) kicks him as she growls.
"I was being nicer "
"Yeah but geez, what do you take me for"
"The nicest person in the world," she says innocently as she gave him puppy eyes.
Midoryia hunched a brow before standing up and walking away.
" Izukuuu!! "She says jumping into his shoe. Midoryia chuckled as he kept walking. (Y/n) made herself comfortable as she begs for Midoryia to talk to her.


Midoryia was once again lying down but (y/n) sat on his forehead. It was night and Midoryia was simply listening to (y/n) ramble on about anything and everything. He found it funny that she could change the subject and later go back to that subject after remembering angst about it.

He soon fell asleep. (Y/n) paused when she heard a soft snore. She giggled as she crawls back to her pocket falling asleep there.

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