chapter 6: Honest lies

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One of my food gifs, don't forget to vote comment and follow me😋💗

(Y/n) sits across from two officers as she taps her fingers nervously.
"What happened yesterday?"
" i- I got scared and I ran I'm not too sure? "She says nervously.
"Memory wipe, nakamitti, memory check"he says as the other officer he stands as he harshly grabs (y/n)'s forehead. She whimpers slightly as she grabs his hand.
" s-stop your hurting me"she says tearing up. The officer then quickly let's go as he falls back on the floor. His eyes on complete horror.
"What is it"
"T-that girl....s-she's....-" he gags blood flowing out his mouth as his eyes rolled back. The officer turns
"You can go"he says nervously. (Y/n) nods walking out of the conference room.

Her first day at her new was better than she thought it would be. Her brother was able to eat lunch with her and he was complaining alot about work as she giggled at his groans.
And her favorite part of the day was snack time.
(Y/n) was drawing a sunset trying to seem normal so she wouldn't be judged when a boy walks over to her.
"Hey I'm Takru monama" the boy smiles. (Y/n) glanced up as she smiles back.
"(y/n) nice to meet you" she says kindly. He smiles.
"I know you don't have a but that's okay, everyone deserves a friend" he grins.
"Oh...that's nice, what's your quirk?" she says closing her coloring book.
"Mine is peck, I can find out any weakness and create a quirk that's designed to make someone else lose, it can be for anything really"he says.
" That's pretty cool "
"I know right even my dad is jealous" he teased. (Y/n) laughs.
"So uh...tomorrow do you want to hang out with me at lunch"he says shyly. (Y/n) nods excitedly.
" Yeah! I'll ask my dad to bring extra snacks! "She smiles.
" Cool! "He says the bell ringing.
"Oh, I have to go, see you later "he says waving and running off.

(Y/n) squeals as she spins in a circle.
"I just made a friend! "She squeals as she got in the house. But paused Midoryia stood there as her father was passed out on the couch.
"What did you -"
"Its just some sleeping pills"he says looking at pokoni, the father.
"Anyways, I have something important to tell you -"
"No no I'm first"(y/n) says waving her hand. Midoryia sighs rolling his eyes.
" What? "
"I made a friend"
"No you didn't, it's a trick" he states.
"Takaru is honest and he wouldn't trick me"she pouts.
" Its a boy, yeah sorry sweetheart he's playing you like a violin "he chuckled. (Y/n) growls.
" your just jealous cause you don't have any friends "she muttered
"Aw, and here I thought we were friends" he says sarcastically. "Anyways more important matters, I want to see you after school every day"
" you'll find out tomorrow,I'll pick you up at the first alleyway"he says "also here, if you need me press this button"he says giving her a small badge. Midoryia walks past her making a portal to the door.
"Oh and let me know how that boy works out for you" he says before walking through his sinister laugh echoes till it was silent. She grumbled something as she kicks the air stomping to her room.

Midoryia walks back Eri and kunimi waiting.
"Is Killua out again"he says.
"Yes,and hawks body has been disposed"Eri says.
"Good" he says. "I'm bringing another one in...depending on the outcome of tomorrow". Eri and kunimi exchanged nervous looks.
"You did take his quirk though....right?" kunimi says. Midoryia blinks as jet black wings sprout from his back.
"Yes, it's quite useful" he says.
"Okay fair...but did you tell her"Eri says.
"Most of it, I rather tell her the more important things when I know it's safe to tell her"
" If the hero's find out they'll take advantage of that, most likely causing her to go insane or traumatized "he says walking past the two. Eri and kunimi gave Midoryia a small smile but quickly followed after him.


(Y/n) smiles as takaru held her hand and then stops in front of her.
"Pass the snacks and close your eyes"he says. She does so as she follows his voice.
"And stop, ready open your eyes" he says. When she opens the room was dark and something wet and sticky poured onto her as she looks to see purple.
"Surprise quirkless!" some kids cheer.
"Just wanted to let you know that your still an outcast" a girl taunts. (Y/n) tears up running out of the room and out of the school. (Y/n) remembers the button she wanted to buy she didn't want to get teased by him either. But it was going to come either way so she pressed the button. A moment later the familiar black portal opens as Midoryia steps out. Midoryia hunched an eyebrow as he looks at his watch.

"I owe killua 50 and Eri owes me 20" he sighs with a minor smirk.
"Purple looks good on you"he says with a small chuckle. (Y/n) not really caring walks over and hugs his leg and began to cry loudly. Midoryia was shocked by her action standing still for a second to process the sudden contact. He expected (y/n) to try and defend her statement seeming that was something she normally does.

"You surprise me everyday "he muttred walking through the portal without a limp.
"Where Eri? "
"At the other base"kunimi says. Midoryia hums.
" I don't trust you with kids so I'll take care of this "Midoryia says as he walks to his room.
"I'm offended" kunimi says.
Midoryia steps into his restroom he easily pulled off (y/n) who was now quiet and placed her on the counter.
"Get out of those clothes, the paint luckily isn't permanent" he says. (y/n) have him an uncomfortable. Midoryia hunched an eyebrow.
"While you change I'll get your bath ready"he says walking away from the counter placing a towel next to her. (Y/n) changed covering herself with the towel. Midoryia came back as he placed her on the floor.
"I figured you like bubbles, shampoo is there as well as conditioner -"
" I-i don't know how to wash my hair...yet"she says. Midoryia sighs.
"Fine then after your done, I'll wash your hair" he says walking out of the bathroom.

(Y/n) got the purple off her skin as she sat in the tub. She really wanted a friend she sees them in movies at school on the news seems like everyone has a friend except her. She paused.
Midoryia didn't have a friend either.
She walks out with a different towel Midoryia who was reading a book glanced up at her. He grabs a dark orange shrit and have it to her.
"We'll go shopping for clothes this weekend"he says. (Y/n) nods taking the shirt closing the door quickly putting it own. She opens the door as he lead her to a chair where there was warm water.
"Sit down and I'll clean your hair"he says. (Y/n) does as told as Midoryia began to clean out the sticky slime from her soft (h/c) hair.
" Uh....Deku "she mummbled. Midoryia hums in response.
"Can...we be friends?" she asked. Midoryia stayed quiet for a bit before answering.
"I thought you didn't want to be my friend"
"I was just mad....I'm sorry"
"Forgiven but not forgotten, how about we start out as acquaintances"
"Okay..."She smiles. "Also...what's your name -" . Midoryia tugged her hair. She yelps licking her feet.
"That hurt-"
"Don't ask me that"
"It's not important"
"Your name is -"he tugged he hair but it was harsher.
" O-ow, Deku -"
"You'll know my name when you earn it"he hissed.
"...okay" she grunts. Midoryia sighs as he finished letting her hair air dry.
"Listsn, there is something you need to know"he says.
" Okay... "
"Remember when I told you about those dreams..." he says slightly playing with her hair. She nods slightly playing with her fingers.
"Well, apparently we have some sort of bond through that"
"Mind buddies" she says. Midoryia sighs at her annoying name she gave it.
"Sure whatever, but that officer from yesterday that I killed-"
"He's dead?!"
"Yes now listen, don't let anyone find out...people might think it's Stockholm syndrome"he says disgusted.
"What's that? "
"When a person falls in love with there kidnappers"
" Ew, I didn't fall in love with you "she gags.
"Glad you didn't" he states. "Anyways, just be careful okay"he says.
" alright I will, but can I stay here tonight? "
"Why?" he asked.
"Daddy has night duty"she says. Midoryia hums.
" Sure I guess"he says "stay in your room though"
" I will... "She says thinking about hawks.
Midoryia stands up as he pays (y/n)'s head.
" I have some things to do so don't worry about me, oh you said the boy's name was takuru...what's his last name? "
"Monama" she responds confused "why"
"No reason" he says.

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