Chapter 23: The Escape ~ Shadow Blade and Paladin-Blades Clash

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Within deep of the hallways Keith run very fast as he started to notice that he is at the southern part of the ship. By using his nose, he can easily be guided to the Southern Deck of the Hanger. Feeling the pull, Keith can started to hear his lion loudly purring within his head.

Don't worry Black, Keith communicated with Black within his mind. I can feel you and I'm coming at your way,

Black Lion replied gently as it waited for Keith.

Within the hanger of the Southern Deck, Keith have finally entered. He was almost out of breath, but still able to go on. "Not so fast Galran Paladin," a familiar voice at his right. Keith nearly sniffed the air as he recognized both his voice and scent.

"You," Keith turned with a growl. Seeing Nephrite, standing alone with a sword in hand.

"What do you think you're going?"

"Home!" Keith growled, "That's where I'm heading,"

"Not a chance," Nephrite shook his head. "We're not done with you, yet."

"Well, I'm through with you." Keith grabbed his dagger that has quickly turned to a blade, "Through with Shadow Mother. Through with everything that lives within this ship," Keith summons his bayard. Suddenly, his bayard has transformed into a sword.

"Well, we shall see about that." Nephrite smirked, "If you ever dared to try,"

"Then come and get me," Keith snarled. "To prove me wrong!"

"Very well," all at once, both Keith and Nephrite has begun to battle.

While Keith and Nephrite are battling, the boys can easily hear the fighter pilots from both sides are still blasting at each other. Still keeps on going while Keith and Nephrite are clashing their swords towards each other. "You're no match for me, Galra Paladin." Nephrite nearly hissed.

"Says who about that?" Keith growled,

"By me," Nephrite clashed his sword again. Covered in scratches, both Keith and Nephrite begun to lose some energy that they have left.

"Keith, where are you?" Pidge's voice has spoken through the inner comm link from Keith's helmet. "We're outside of the ship, where the quiznak are you?" Instead of replying, he put on his speak on without Nephrite noticing it.

"You think that you can't escape," Nephrite growled. "Well guess what, you are not going anywhere till Shadow Mother says so,"

"Sorry pal," Keith snarled as his bayard-sword has turned into a huge blaster. "I can't wait that long," with one shot. He was able to push Nephrite away from him.

Once Nephrite is few feet away from Keith, Keith turned to the opening of the hanger. "Black!" Keith called out,

The Black Lion roared as he appeared to the ledge of the hanger. Opening his mouth, ready for Keith to hop on. Keith jumped so he could get to Black. When he landed, Keith collapsed to his right side.

Keith shouted in pain,

"Keith!" Pidge called through the inner comm. "Are you okay?" Keith didn't answer, he begun to pant while he is recovering his strength.

"Keith!" A familiar voice spoke through the inner comm.

"Shiro?" Keith turned over to his right side,

"Keith, what's going on?" Shiro asked, "Are you alright?"

Keith grunted as he turned over, "I'm okay," he nearly whispered. Making sure that the enemy didn't heard him. Keith painfully lift himself up and looked to his legs. As he look, he as blood seeping through the white armor as there was a lump on or in his left leg. Keith painfully sigh, "Except for my left leg though,"

"Your leg?" both Matt and Pidge echoed,

"What?" Shiro's voice jumped, "What about your leg?"

"Did you do something to it while your battling against that guy?" Hunk asked, "Or is it...?"

Keith grunted, "Lance..." Keith nearly growled, "How much of that orb did you break?"

"Not much," Lance replied through the inner comm. "It's just a small, single crack."

"Wait," Matt spoke. "You mean, you almost dropped the orb?"

"It almost hit to the floor," Lance replied. "So be glad that it didn't hit the floor fully,"

Keith growled through his painful grunt, "Well thanks to you, I have a broken leg."

"Sorry," Lance apologized. Keith slowly, painfully turned to his stomach and begun to crawl towards the air lock.

Black purred to paladin for comfort and supporting his to keep on crawling. Knowing that Keith is leaving traces of blood, yet he kept on crawling.

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