Prologue: 8 The Supreme Gods Council and The Seven Deadly Sins

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When Alex and God or Yesh, at the Royal Castle, they were met with Artoria, Grayfia and Gabriel. But when Grayfia and Gabriel saw Yesh, the two have very different reactions, Gabriel was happy that God was still truly alive, while Grayfia was scared of Yesh, but calm herself down when he was with Alex. But Artoria was only confused, but know from the two's reaction, that this person was a very important person. When both Alex and Yesh landed in the ground right in front of the three. Yesh when landed, he only looked at Gabriel and then opened his arms for a hug, to which Gabriel did, while crying tears of joy. Then Alex walked towards Artoria and Grayfia, to which the two immediately rush to him and hug him, when they finished their hug, they looked at where Yesh and Gabriel who to which by now stopped hugging each other, but was talking to each other. Then Artoria asked Alex

Artoria: " Dear, who is that Person?? " She asked while smiling at the two. Then Alex said

Alex: " That, person is, Yesh or also know as God from the Bible " He said. To this Artoria was shocked. Then Alex said

Alex: " Well, we should get going and let them catch up" He said, then the three went inside, the Castle. Leaving both Gabriel and Yesh

Gabriel POV: 

When i saw both Alex and Papa, right in front of me, i immediately run at him to give him a hug. When i hug Papa, i started to cry

Gabriel: 'Papa!,is still alive, Papa, Papa' I thought over and over. When I was done crying i look at Papa, with his smile still in his face

Yesh: " Well you grown up, quite well " he said. To this I only nodded and then I let go of my hug and then looked at Papa

Gabriel: " Yes!, I've been well, Papa " I said to Papa, to this he only chuckled and then he decided to walk to the inside of the Castle. But when I looked around, I did not see Alex, Artoria and Grayfia

Gabriel: " Papa! *Papa look at me* have you seen? Where the others are?? " I asked, to this  Papa nodded and said

Yesh: " There inside *I nodded* it seems that, there giving as space so we can talk to each other " Papa said. To this I only nodded and decided to walk besides Papa. Then Papa said to me

Yesh: " You found a marvelous husband Gabriel " Papa said to me, when I heard it, I only blushed and then Nodded happily

Gabriel: " Yes!, even though Alex is a Devil, I love him with all my heart" I said to Papa, to this Papa only looked at me with a smile, but then he frowned, to which confused me

Yesh: " I wish, that I have the same relationship with you two, with her" When Papa, said that, I felt Great Sadness for, Father since he genuinely in love with her or it 

Gabriel: " Papa, can I ask you a question *Papa nodded at me* do you still love her? " I asked. To this Papa looked, confused? And then Papa said

Yesh: " I don't know??, if I were to be still in love with her then, I will try to gain her love once more. But if not, then I will let go " Papa said while looking determined, but if you to look closely you still see sadness in his eyes, but I act as if I did not see. Then I asked Papa

Gabriel: " Papa! * Papa looked at me curiously* I will find Afriel, and let her introduces herself to you " To this Papa only nodded. To this I ran to the opposite direction to find my Daughter

No One POV:

When Gabriel ran to the opposite direction to get her Daughter. Yesh of the other hand stayed and looked at the nearby window and looked at the bright blue sky 

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