A hybrid?

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Troll Jim POV

Today is the day me and the gang are on patrol but I don't see anything. Yet I think. "Hey Clair you see anything?" I ask Clair (Clair and Jim aren't dating) "no nothing yet. I think." I hear Clair say "hey Tobes aarrrggg see anything?" I ask the two friends "No nothing yet Jimbo. Wait does anyone else hear breathing?" Toby asks and now that he said that I do hear it " yeah does anyone have eyes one the source?" I ask them all "yes master Jim I believe it is a girl running through the forest. In a cloak?" I hear Blinky say confused "ok everyone get to Blinky." I say to everyone

"Ok are we all here?" I ask "um yes we are." Blinky says making sure everyone was there "now where's the girl?" Clair asks "over there." Blinky says pointing at a girl breathing heavily by a tree then all of a sudden her body moves into a half troll like me!!!

"For the death of Morgana and the glory of Merlin darkness is mine to command." She says. All of a sudden she is in armer!?!? "Ah that feels better." She says "now to change." She says wait change all of a sudden she is now a sorceress!?!?

"Wait guys is she a....." Toby says word stuck in his mouth "hybrid. She is a hybrid." Blinky whispers startled by the hybrid

Hiiii! I hope you like this first chapter! It look awhile and next chapter I'm gonna upload her marking that are one her arms! Thank you so much for reading and see you next time bye bye!


A sorceress and a troll? (Troll JimXreader)Where stories live. Discover now