Get away

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Nialls pov
Well here we were, with 5 girls, for us 5 guys, since Harry finally decided to show. Ella, Kaitlyn, Stella, Paige, Aiden. I had Ella, of course, Kaitlyn was Liam's, Stella was Zayns, Paige was Louis and Aiden was Harry's. Everything was set and ready to go. But I, I didn't want to do this any more. I think I actually love her.

The girls were all talking and getting to know eachother, probably confused why they were all here.

"Time to go ladies." Louis said, motioning them to come to us.

"Why are they all here? What's happening?" Ella asked me.

"I'll tell you soon. Just stay away from them. Please." I whispered to her.

"Niall lad, come." Louis said.

He handed me a packet of white pills.
"When we go, put this in her drink." He told me and smiled.
I put it in my pocket and walked back over to her.
"Now. I need to tell you now." I grabbed her hand and we walked over to the movies, where no one was.

"Babe, they are trying to get us to drug you so we can..rape you. But I don't want to...I uh..." I tried to explain.

"Really? Can we get outta here? Please. And you what?" She asked, with a scared expression in her face.

" wanna go get icecream or something?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I don't wanna be here. Niall I'm scared." She began to have a panic attack.

"Just breath. It's okay. Shh." I held both of her hands to try to calm her but nothing was working. "Ella, please calm down." She began to relax a little bit and I pulled her into my chest.

Louis texted me and asked where we were. I didn't text back, I just grabbed her and began to fast walk to the front entrance. We were out, and away from them. Finally.

Ella's pov
What's happening? Why did he want to do this to me? I thought he actually liked me. Was he just using me? I was beginning to like him, but now? I'm so confused. Why would he do this?

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Icecream?" He asked.

"Are you gonna hurt me?"

"For fucks sake. I just helped you get away from them, after they wanted to rape you and basically poison you. I wouldn't have done that if I didn't.."
He stopped.

"If you didn't??"

"If I didn't fucking love you. Alright. I love you." He blurted out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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