Chapter 2

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'Ok so as you probably have already figured it out my name is Kameron. Age 19 and yeah i guess I'm interesting at some points in time. You know about my pact and my dead friends and me being able to hear them and all that shit. But the truth is i really miss them...'

I have long straight/wavy purple-ish blue hair. Green eyes that go blue when I'm mad and a dark -ish brown hazel color when I'm upset or really angry at someone. I have a stud for my nose and a black lip ring. i love to wear ripped skinny jeans and over-sized sweaters i love keeping my hands in the sleeves of the sweaters. I love band tees. I am NOT a girly girl. I hate dressing up. I'd take sweatpants and a t-shirt and combat boots rather then dressing up in an actual dress any day! I usually throw my hair up in a messy bun. I really only wear mascara and blush and almost always have a winged eyeliner. My fingers are always painted black. My favourite color is black. And yeah that's pretty much me oh wait i forgot my height hehe oups... I'm tall for a girl i guess... I'm 5'11 so yeah that pretty much sums me up. Other then if you haven't figured it out already I'm a suicidal freak. I cut, i starve and really everything else lol.

-2 hours later-

"Do you guys think she'll wake up soon?" "Ashton calm down! The doctors say shes stable and should wake up soon!" "I know i just, i watched her fall you guys... I saw that happen..." "Ash we know we're sorry too." 'So his name is Ashton? Hmm cute name' My eyes open and my breathing monitor beeps abnormally loud to let them know  i woke up and suddenly the room fell completely silent. "Y-you're awake?" Says the voice i heard to be i think his name was Ashton? "Yeah." My voice comes out just barely a whisper "Uh, i uh watched you jump..." "Oh, i, I'm sorry... I just don't really want to be here..." "Uh I'm Ashton, this is Luke, Calum and last but not least Michael." He says pointing to everyone of them. They were all extremely hot but i thought Ashton was the hottest in all honesty. "Uh, I'm Kameron..." "Nice to meet you Kameron." The cute blondie Luke says "Nice lip ring." I say and giggle "Same to you." Luke says and winks which only causes me giggle more "GUYS I LIKE HER!" Michael screams "And why is it you like me so much??" I say while slightly laughing "Because i like your hair. Finally someone else of this boring ass group likes to dye their hair. I'm not alone anymore!" He screams the 'I"m not alone' part and i just laugh at his sillyness.

-1 month later-

Honestly i haven't tried to kill myself since i met these boys and more and more everyday i fall for the angel named Ashton Irwin. But we could never be together... Hes an angel that's bound to go to heaven and I'm a devil that's bound to go to hell... I heard from Luke that Michael has a crush on me but i don't care if he has a crush on me i only want. Ashton. But I'm 100% sure he doesn't like me that way.... I found out a lot of new info on them! Ashton is around my age hes 20, Michael is 19, Luke is 18 and Calum is 19 too. I also found out that they all are a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer and that they are somewhat famous. They like the same music as i do. Its like god made these boys. Just. For. Me. 'They're your reason to live babe.' Amiee mind messages me 'Its true.' Felicia adds and i just smile in response and the boys look at me "WHAT?!?" "Well nothing you just randomly smiled..." "I'm going to get food. Is anybody gonna come with me? Or do i have to go alone again?" I ask the boys and Ash stands up i grab my over the shoulder bag and we start walking and i feel Ashton's hand slowly find its way into mine and soon are hands are intertwined. I keep walking on thinking Ashton is still walking with me when he pulls me back and turns me around so that I'm facing him. His hands are at my waist our chests are touching our noses just barely touching and then i feel a pair of soft lips on mine and i don't hesitate to kiss back my hands find their way around his neck and he lifts me up so that my legs are around his waist i moan because he 'accidentally' squeezed my butt and he slipped his tongue into my mouth and soon we slowly part our lips and rest our foreheads on each other "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." Ash says and smiles and i nod and smile "Same babe same." And he laughs at my response. He just intertwined our fingers again and we kept on walking. His hand fit perfectly with mine and it felt great.

-Back at home-

Me and Ash are back with the food i drop the bag on the floor and Cal, Luke and Michael look up and i run behind a couch and Ash laughs at me "WHAT THE SECOND THEY SEE OR SMELL FOOD THEY ATTACK! THEY'RE LIKE HOUNDS!" I scream at him and the boys had almost devoured all the food when Ash went to reach for a chip from the bag of chips we bought Luke pounced on him and i burst out laughing and could barely get my 'I told you so' Out because i was laughing way to hard. "Aww i ship Lashton!!!!" I scream and Ash and Lukes heads both crane their way to see me and both get up and i run and scream for Michael to help me "MICHAEL HELP!" I scream as i run into his arms and he turns around and i hop on his shoulders and he runs to my room and i grab my bathing suit and he drops me off in the bahroom and he stands in front of the door and i hop into the shower and change into my bekini and i throw my shorts back on and he crouches down again and i hop onto his shoulders and he unlocks the door and i duck my head while he runs out of the bathroom and jumps into the pool. By this time Ashton has like pinned me to the bottom of the pool and hes just staring at me and soon he leans in and so do i and we kissed underwater. I've always wanted to do that and then i hear cheers coming from the guys and Ash just giggles and takes my hand and we swim back up.

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