Chapter 32: I Give Up

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"Find him at all cost!" Lan Zhan exclaimed sternly at his newly hired detectives. They immediately bowed and stormed out of his office.

He massaged his temple and closed his eye.

"Mr. President, you need to cool off your head." Mr. Lee said worriedly, he is holding a cup of tea for Lan Zhan as he enters his office.

"How?! It's been six years and the detectives I've hired haven't had any information about Wei Wuxian?! Useless!" He gritted his teeth in anger, his golden-yellow orbs are turning into crimson red.

He spent six years hiring and firing detectives tracking Wei Wuxian, but neither of them found any trace.

He clicked his tongue and clenched his fist tight.

Mr. Lee gulped, he never saw Lan Zhan that angry before. He set the tea on his table and clasp his hands together.

"He died without me explaining and telling him how much I love him. Now he left, without any trace. The second time, I'm left alone again." His fist relaxed, his expression softens, turned into grief and sadness.

Mr. Lee just listened as Lan Zhan's voice contains pain at every word he utter.

"What did I do to receive this punishment? Everything's not coming on my way." Lan Zhan lowered his head. Tears started to flow from his eyes.

Mr. Lee watches Lan Zhan break down, he has known Lan Zhan as one of the strongest businessmen of the world. He always does his job right without a room for mistakes. That made him successful. But he never knew that Lan Zhan was holding a massive pain all to himself. That Lan Zhan also has his downs, regrets, and pains.

"I met him at the seashore." Lan Zhan smiled bitterly.

"He was naked and unconscious." He continued.

"His skin was fair and porcelain-like. The most beautiful creature I ever saw." Lan Zhan stared far from his thoughts as he reminisces those small details of him.

"He has this beauty mark below his lips that makes you drawn to it and claim all of him." The image of Wei Ying appeared in his mind.

"I loved him but the relationship between us is unknown. I'm born in a self-restraint household. I never know what is emotions, skinship, and warmth." Lan Zhan continued.

"But the warmth and emotions, I felt them all from him. My trance and self-restraint were taken away by him." He closed his eyes and smiled bitterly as he remembered how he loses his self-control and ends up pouncing on him.

"But I end up hurting him. He left my side and when the time he showed up, he hated me. I never knew what I did wrong, but when I look into his eyes, it's reflecting pain." He bit his lip to contain his tears but it just flowed unconsciously.

"Then the war came, I was not able to protect him." Lan Zhan's heart is clenching in pain as he utters every word.

"I'm useless, I failed and never told him my real feelings." He cried. His tears continuously flowing.

"But after so many years, I saw his reincarnation. The moment I laid my eyes on him, I immediately knew that it was him. I tried making up the things I've had not done, but it was all washed away just like that. I'm left alone again." He sighed and wiped his tears and smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Lee?" Lan Zhan suddenly uttered and heaved a deep breath.

"Yes, Mr. President?" He asked. He listened intently to the story of Lan Zhan, he felt the pain of him to every word uttered. It must be hard to lose your beloved not just once but twice.

"When the detectives will come back with no results. I'm giving up." He smiled bitterly and looked at his secretary.

"But sir,.." Mr. Lee retorted. He can feel how much Lan Zhan loves Wei Ying on how he sacrificed his time for him. He felt bad if he just gave up just because he's nowhere his range.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan asked, waiting for Mr. Lee to continue.

"You love him, Sir. Why give up?" He asked curiously.

"There are things that you should know how to give it up. In my case, I waited one hundred sixteen years before I found his reincarnation, now I looked for him for another six years, he's nowhere to be found. I want to look for him even more but it's getting pointless." He sighed and clasp his hands together.

"If it's for you, it will come back for you even when it takes a hundred years, huh?" He scoffed and chuckled bitterly.

"It's pointless already." He whispered to himself.

"Sir?" Mr. Lee snapped at him.

"Oh yes, Mr. Lee. Thank you for listening to me. You may do your work now." He faked a smile and grabbed a document.

"T-then, if you'll excuse me." He bowed, he's still curious but he knows it's pointless to ask.

"Mn," Lan Zhan answered and focused on his work.

Mr. Lee sighed and turned to the door. He feels sad that Lan Zhan is already giving up on his beloved.


Afternoon came, the detectives entered his office with no good news on hand.

"I'm sorry, sir." One of them said and gave him their report.

Lan Zhan smiled bitterly.

"The person you have been looking for is nowhere to be found. No traces in any airlines and transportation vehicles of leaving the province and the nation." The other detective answered.

Lan Zhan chuckled bitterly, "I'm expecting this to happen." He said, his heart is squeezing tight that the pain is becoming numb. He became accustomed to it already.

"I'm sorry, Mr. President." The two bowed as they apologize.

"It's okay, You did your job." Lan Zhan uttered and sighed.

"Thank you. My secretary will wire your payment. Please proceed on his station just outside my office." Lan Zhan said as he turns to his window. He stared blankly outside as he reminisces everything.

" l love you, Wei Ying," he uttered as the image of Wei Ying smiling brightly projected in his mind.

"I love you." He whispered faintly and closed his eyes.


Picture source: Pinterest

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