Chapter 7

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Harry's POV

"Are you gonna kiss me or what, Styles?" Aubrey questioned me, her words ridiculously slurred. But somehow, I still managed to comprehend them. I pondered this sudden 'request' for a few short moments as we sat in the back seat of my car, my body next to hers, which was lying down on the seat. I looked down at her as my face hovered over hers. My eyes looked down from her big, chocolate brown ones down to her perfectly plump lips. Suddenly I felt my right hand, which was placed on the seat on the other side of her, slowly move up the side of her body until it came into contact with the side of her face. My thumb lightly brushed over her cheek as I got my other hand slightly tangled in her long, dark brown hair, my fingers repeatedly twirling around a particular strand.

The scent of her perfume and the alcohol washed over me, but the two of them seemed to be the perfect combination. I saw her beginning to lift up her left hand, and soon enough, her soft skin of her palm had come into contact with my forearm.

I didn't know what it was about Audrey, but in that moment and in that light, she was all I could think about. I had always thought that she was a beautiful girl, but our hatred towards each other was too consistent for me to be able to notice each time. Now that we weren't attempting to rip at each other's feelings, being in her company felt incredulously.. right. Of course I wasn't going to say that to her. Not yet, anyway.

I lightly exhaled as I watched her eyes slowly close, and I dipped my head down closer to hers, our lips only inches apart. I kept my eyes open as my lips slightly grazed against hers. All I could think about was her, and how perfect this night had actually turned out to be.
Audrey's P.O.V:

By the time that Harry and I had actually arrived at the venue of the party, it was already about eight o'clock. I was nervous about a number of things at that moment in time; things that I just couldn't seem to shake off as the two of us sat in the car in complete silence. Harry had parked his car more down the road than others, since he was afraid that it could potentially get damaged by all of the irritating, rowdy and drunken teenagers who were also attending.

First of all, I was incredibly anxious about who was actually going to be at this party. I mean, was I even going to know any of these people? Probably not. They are Harry's 'friends', after all. I use the quotation marks with the word, as Harry is convinced that all of these people are his actual friends, mad he claims that they are indeed around him because he's a good guy. But it seems that everybody else, other than him, of course, know for a fact that none of these people like his personality. They simply just want to get close to him because of his title. I like to laugh about it a little because I'm around Harry constantly, and we don't even get along. I bet the people he hangs around with, other than his band mates, would kill to be in my position.

The other reason that I'm pretty much petrified about this whole situation is because of this massive lie we're telling. I mean, seriously. It started off as just a plan, and it practically revolved into this massive elephant that's going to be following me around until the truth is revealed. It's going to bother and remind me that I'm lying to two very important people in my life, and that they are eventually going to find out and most likely murder me. But since I'm here, I guess the only reasonable thing to do is get drunk and party, right? Wrong. I don't plan on touching one single vodka shot or beer bottle. I have to stay on Harry's case and look after him. I have to make sure that he gets home safely and he doesn't make a bad move while he's having "the time of his life with all of his cool friends," as he describes the whole thing. Pfft, yea right, like being in a world famous boy band isn't enough of a swell time.

"What's on your mind,Brooks?" Harry asked, breaking the silence, and me from my train of thought. I always seemed to be getting caught up in these idiotic, little trances these days. Ridiculous, really. I glanced over at him, my facial expression as serious as it could possibly be. It soon transformed into a frown, something that I couldn't really help. I slouched in the passenger seat and pouted my lips sadly, "Why are you making me do this?" I whined, looking from him to the house the party was at. The windows of the two-story home were lit up with multiple different coloured lights, and I could feel the vibrations of the music from where we were. There were also a few people out the front, who looked to be smoking. I diverted my gaze back to Harry, "I really don't think this is a good idea," I added, my voice a slight warning.

Harry huffed a laugh as he looked at me in disbelief, "It'll be fun," he simply stated. I rolled my eyes and extended my hand towards him, pointing my index finger in his face. "See! You don't even have much to say about this!" I shrieked. "C'mon, Brooks," he ignored me, pulling his car keys from the ignition, reaching for the door handle. He pulled it and opened his door, stepping out slyly. He closed it and I sighed, not wanting to move from my comfortable seat. I wasn't getting out until he made me. I, after all, didn't even want to be here.

I watched him as he made his way around the front if the car, like it was some kind of routine for him. He opened my door and pulled it out far enough so I could get out. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes at how suggestive his expression was seeming towards me. He looked so eager to have a good time; I really didn't want to turn him down. I pouted and shifted my feet to the side, extending them out of the car, before pulling myself out lazily. I stood out of the way as Harry shut the door and I made my way to the front of the car. I sighed as I looked in the direction of the party. Worst.idea.ever.

"Don't worry about it," Harry said, his voice low and husky as he placed his arm around my shoulder smoothly. I looked up at him, a frown present. Not an uncomfortable one, just an uneasy one. "I'll take care of you, okay?" he added, his face completely serious. All I could manage to do was nod my head hesitantly. A smile grew on Harry's face, showing off his dimple. I smiled shortly in return and we made our way in the direction of the house, his hand still wrapped around my shoulder.


Harry's hand was tightly intertwined with mine as he tugged me through the massive crowd of disgusting, smelly and intoxicated teenagers. I was constantly getting my feet demolished by six inch high heels and pushed by feral, sweaty, sexually frustrated boys. I have to admit, all of the action happening in the place was actually quite terrifying. I mean, I had been to parties before, but not ones that were this intense.

I sighed in relief as Harry pulled me into the kitchen, which was practically empty. He turned to look at me with a concerned expression, "you alright?" he asked, his fingers still laced with mine. I nodded, looking back at the crowd through the doors of the kitchen before I locked my eyes with Harry once more. "I think so," I said, my voice almost a whisper. He frowned at me, obviously not believing it. He let go of my hand as he walked over to one of the cabinets, searching for something. I kind of felt lost when we weren't holding hands. As weird as it sounds, it was actually tremendously comforting. And I wanted that feeling back as soon as possible.

As Harry was raiding through each cupboard, I took the time to glance around, which resulted in me looking down at my outfit. I was still wearing my black skinny jeans, oversized jumper and the ugg boots I had put on before I left my house this morning. I mentally punched myself for letting myself come into a party dressed this way.

"I can't believe I didn't get changed," I spoke aloud, catching Harry's attention. He gazed over at me as he pulled a single glass cup from one of the cabinets, bringing it over and placing it on the table. He scanned my outfit up and down and then looked back up at my eyes. "Well at least you're wearing some weather-appropriate clothes," he said, turning on his heels and walking over to the sink, taking the glass with him. He turned the tap on and filled it up to about three quarters of the way. I watched as he turned off the tap and walked over to the fridge, placing the glass under the ice dispenser and holding it against the lever. "Most of the girls out there are wearing tiny shirts that they consider dresses," he added, placing the ice water in front of me. I guess he knew that I didn't want to consume alcohol, because I never told him what I had wanted to drink.

"Thanks," I said, picking up the glass and taking a long sip. I closed my eyes as I felt the cool refreshing liquid rush down my throat. I returned my gaze to Harry after I put the glass on the kitchen counter again. "But still," I began, frowning. "I look like I'm about to go to a sleep over." He raised an eyebrow at me and huffed a laugh, "you are going to a sleep over," he said. There was a short moment of silence. "Well, you were." I nodded slowly as another silent moment crept upon us. Everything just turned into complete and utter awkwardness from that point on.

"So, what are you going to drink?" I asked him, taking another sip of my water. He stuck his bottom lip out, pondering my words, I figured. "I don't know, to be honest," he simply stated. "Maybe I just shouldn't drink at all. I'm the one who can drive, after all," he added, teasing the fact that I hadn't gotten my license. I rolled my eyes playfully,"shut up," I retorted, my tone failing to sound at all serious.


For the majority of time spent at the party, I stuck by Harry's side, not even contemplating on moving. We may not get along, but I still felt at my safest when I was with him - I never really got the vibe of him being bothered by me being there the whole time either. He'd even occasionally look back to make sure that I was still there; and when he saw that I hadn't even taken a step, he would give me a comforting smile, which was pretty reassuring and gave me actual hope that we'd both make it out of this house alive.

There were of course those times when disgusting and intoxicated losers would approach me, swing their arm around my shoulder and slur particularly revolting invitations into my ears, showering away every speck of innocence from my entire life. But then Harry would trot on over and escort them away, not doing anything major, due to the drunk factor. "Listen, mate. I'm going to cut you some slack since you're not with it right now. But that's not really how to treat a lady." I laughed for the amount of times he had to say it, and he didn't fail at using the exact same words; I presumed he'd done it before. Either that or he was just really good with words.

He's quite the articulate young lad.

Harry's P.O.V:

The night was going really well a couple hours in. That is until I, at one point, noticed that Audrey was no longer standing next to me. A feeling of complete and utter concern practically erupted in the pit of my stomach as I frantically scanned my eyes over the room, hoping to see her amongst the crowd. No luck. I excused myself from the person I was chatting to, who was surprisingly sober - it was quite hard to be like that at one of my home town parties.

I made my way up the stairs, hoping that maybe she'd gone to the restroom or something like that. I walked over to the door at a rapid pace, knocking quite loudly, hoping whoever was inside could hear it over the thumping music that traveled not only throughout the house, but the entire street.

"OCCUPIED!" a high pitched voice, practically shrieked from the other side of the door, and I backed away, merely terrified at the tone she used. Well, at least I think it was a she..

I raced back down the stairs, not bothering to grip to the side of the case. I searched around the living room once more, but then it hit me. She was probably just in the kitchen. I let out a sigh as I realised that I was probably just imagining the worst. But then I walked into the kitchen, the worst had actually turned into a reality. There she was, doing vodka shots, surrounded by guys who had looks of hunger all over their faces. Hunger for Audrey. MY Audrey. Well, not mine. But mine for the night. As bad as that sounds..

I frowned as the guys were bending over each other to be next to her, the sight almost making me sick. I had to stop it. I marched over, pushing through the few guys on her left so I could be next to her. "Audrey," I said, my voice low and calm as I grabbed her wrist gently. She slowly glanced down at the sudden contact and then her eyes scanned up my body, trying to process everything. I knew what she was doing and I knew what being drunk was like, so I just let her eyes wander to where they needed to. A grin exploded on her face when her, now dazed, chocolate brown eyes came into contact with mine. "HARRY!" She exclaimed, yanking my body into hers suddenly, wrapping her slender arms around my torso. She must have been gone for a while before I noticed for her to be this intoxicated. Either that, or she really can't handle her drink - which I highly doubt was the case. She was stronger than she looked when it came to consuming alcohol. I had seen her drunk before. Intense stuff.

"Audrey," I began, plying her body from mine, holding her forearms to keep her steady. "What have you had to drink?" She looked up at me, her expression slightly disorientated. "Umm.." she pondered, and I left her to think about it for a few moments before I spoke up once more, elbowing the guys who we're trying to get at her. I figured I better get her out of there before something violent actually happened with those lads.

I put one arm around her shoulder, forcing her tightly against my side as I grabbed her other hand, guiding her towards the back exit of the house. I slid the door open, closing it behind Audrey as she made her way out, very slowly, I might add. It didn't really feel right at all to be judgmental towards her whilst she was in this state, though. So I kept all thoughts to myself, except for the ones that actually mattered.

"Audrey, please. Just tell me how much and what you've had to drink," I said, my face masked with concern as she sat on the limestone wall out the front of the house. I sighed, kneeling down, looking up at her face and placing my hands around to her back, keeping her stable. "I don't know!" she cried, causing a wave of guilt to wash over me. She was getting to the stage that girls get to when they're drunk. Where anything: a question, a statement, a compliment - anything, can set them off and make them emotional. I'm not being sexist, and maybe that's just from me going to parties and having this happen around me. But it usually does happen with girls, and it's worrying for me, especially when my sisters best friend is doing it.

"Okay, let's get you back to the car, yeah?" I offered, standing to my feet and grabbing her hands. I slowly pulled her up, her feet obviously not able to operate themselves. I figured I had to do it the old fashioned way. "Audrey, I'm just going to pick you up, alright?" I said to her, more of a warning than a question. She nodded her head slowly, and I gently put one arm under both of her knees, and the other around the nape of her neck. She was slightly startled at first, but she was becoming more and more aware as to what was happening with every step we got closer to the car. Great, it was only ten o'clock and I already had to go home. Oh well, I guess it's always safety first.

I opened the door to the back seat and placed a now conscious and aware Audrey on it. She frowned as she saw me getting into the back with her, but she soon shifted over slightly so she was on the edge of the seat. There was a gap on the other side between her and the back seat that she'd made for me, and to be honest, I knew that I was going to be able to fit there. I just didn't want to seem so eager to do it. So I decided to whip out the small talk, unsure if she was going to be able to respond.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked, moving into the space next to her slowly, hovering the upper part of my body over her. She simply just closed her eyes in response, making some kind of groaning noise. I smiled at her expression, which had now turned into a frown. "We'll you shouldn't have drank so much, eh?"

We chatted for about a half hour more, just the casual small talk, anything that we could really come up with, to be honest. Her voice was still slurred, but I understood. I soon came to realise that Audrey wasn't as bad as I had known her for so long. Well, I knew she wasn't a BAD person, but we just weren't fond of each other's personalities. That was all. She was quite interesting, and talking to her while she was drunk was probably best. Because hopefully, she wasn't going to remember it the next morning. That wouldn't be such a fun story to tell Gemma, even though she'd enjoy the bonding. Just not how and where it occurred.

That moment finally arrived. You know, the moment where we had practically just run out of topics to discuss, and we were kind of caught up looking at each other for a minute or two. It was extremely awkward, but then again, extremely comfortable, too. Then she had asked me a question that completely caught me off guard.

"Are you gonna kiss me or what, Styles?"

Audrey's P.O.V:

I did it. I pretty much breathed the question, my words slurred. I may have been intoxicated, but I was aware of what I said, and I didn't really regret it once it came out, either. It felt sort of natural.

Harry's eyes wandered from mine as, I'm guessing, he thought about it. It was silent for a while, but I didn't take it as a bad kind of silence. A few short moments later, he glanced back down at me, and before I knew it, his hand was slowly creeping up my side and slowly gliding in the direction of my face. When it made it there, his thumb slowly caressed my cheek and my body almost relaxed under his touch. I then felt his other hand which was rested above the top of my head playing with the waves in my hair, which was probably the thing I liked the most.

Over all of the crazy things going through my mind, I managed to feel his hot breath fanning against my face. I closed my eyes when it hit me and I let him and the moment carry me.

I heard him let out a deep breath and I knew that his face was extremely close to mine. Suddenly, I felt his lips brush against mine, almost giving me an electric shock that it felt that strange. But strange in a positive and 'new experience' kind of way.

And then finally, he kissed me. I wasn't sure if it was because I was drunk, but my brain suddenly went crazy. My mind was a mess with insane thought and explosions. But it felt amazing.


Hey lovelys!! First; happy belated Easter!! Second, WHO WAS EXPECTING THAT?!? Gjfghdgfhf. I'm REALLYYYY sorry I haven't updated in forever but I've been really busy and some personal stuff occurred I rather not share. But I promise that it will all change and I should be updating once or twice every week :)

If it's not too much to ask i would love to hear some feeeddddback from you guys!! Enjoy lovely ;)

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