Chapter 5

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Gemma's POV

"So, wait a second" I began, walking speedily after my boss, Gale, as he stormed behind the counter, opening up the cash register and carefully placing some money into it's allocated spot. "You want me, to train her?" Gale smiled sarcastically and nodded, "Glad you finally understand, Gem," he replied, his tone more than rude. I rolled my eyes at how he was acting. "Well, who is she? What's her name?" I questioned him, as to who the girl was. I was really good with meeting new people, so I was more than content with getting to know her. Gale turned to face me as we both stood by the kitchen bench where the cooks were making the weekly special; Chicken Hamburgers and Fries. Something simple and that has always been one of my favourites. He let out a sigh and glanced over the top of me at absolutely nothing. I figured he was attempting to recollect all of the new girls qualifications and personal attributes.

"Her name is Audrey" he began, looking at me. "Audrey Brooks. She only recently just turned eighteen and she's from Manchester," he added. "Now," he said. "What did I come in here for?" I huffed a laugh, "You tell me," I replied and he rolled his eyes, turning on his feet and walking back out of the kitchen. I thought over how he explained Audrey to be and I nodded my head, only to myself, of course. So she was my brothers age? I suppose I could work with that. But then again, I have never really gotten along with my brother a tremendous lot was under pressure. It's just going to be sharing a job with him. Oh, shit.


"Gemma, meet Audrey," Gale said, introducing me to the new girl. She smiled shyly at me, but I could instantly tell that underneath that timid exterior, she was just as insane as I was. I had a gift of picking out people like that. "Nice to meet you," she spoke up, extending her small hand, with perfectly manicured nails in my direction. I looked down at her hand and smile, getting a grip on her which slightly startled her. "I love your nails!" I exclaimed, causing Audrey to let out a giggle and got Gale to sigh. "Silver palm trees," she simply stated, her small, Manchester accent echoing in the back of the kitchen, where Gale had brought us to meet. "Lovely," I replied, letting go of her hand as she placed it by her side, a huge grin present on my face. "You girls are going to get along just fine," Gale spoke up, making his way around the two of us and strolling out of the kitchen, his tall figure having the ability to dominate practically anything and everything that would get in his way. A lot of people thought that he was terrifying, but as I knew him, how the rest do us workers here did too, and how Audrey would soon learn him to be, he was just a big puppy dog who was just really good at acting angry.


"Oh my god," Audrey whined, a more annoying and sassy alter ego radiating from her. It was her second day, and it was just after closing time. I suggested that we both stay back and I could teach her how to learn the till, and she was having absolutely NO luck paying attention and learning. "I don't get it!" she added, pouting and folding her arms over her chest. I rolled my eyes playfully and nudged her arm. "Audrey, you just need to concentrate," I encouraged her. "I'm here to help you out, but if you're not willing to listen and take my assistance, you're not gonna get very far in this job." She nodded her head, her expression partially glum. "Now," I began, inhaling and exhaling slowly, indicating for her to copy my actions. I knew she could do it, she just needed a little reinforcement. She took those breaths, closing her eyes as she did so. When she re-opened them, she nodded slightly, letting me know she was ready. "Okay, just point out which food is what, but you're not allowed to look at the tags on them," I reminded her, my instructions reasonable.

She pointed towards the first one; I knew all of these by heart, so whenever she fumbled up, I wasn't even allowed to prove my skills. She'd see them soon enough, I reassured myself. "Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake," she spoke up, looking at me for approval. I smiled and nodded my head, motioning for her to continue. I was only making her do the front row for tonight, the entire thing would have been way too much for a beginner; traumatising even. "Sweet Pumpkin Scones," she said, followed by gliding her hand in the direction of the next one. "Poached Apple Pie," she added. "Coconut and Raspberry Dazzle Muffins," she said, giggling at the name, causing me to, too; sort of like a chain reaction. That dessert was probably the one she knew the most, since it had such a whacky name. "Lemon and Orange Brittle Slice," she slightly stammered a bit on that one. I nodded my head grinning like an idiot at her success. "And.." she began, looking like she had almost forgot it. "Tangy Banana Tarts," she finally added, it coming out as more of a question than a statement.

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