One - Running into the Forbidden

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"Let the lord hear our pleas for mercy!" The pastor shouted at the church on the hot Sunday morning that the lord had the grace to let us see. 

"Amen" the church replied heartily. The spirit of the lord seemed to be moving among us especially today. Everyone in the church seemed light and happy and the general atmosphere resonated Christianity. My spirits felt high as I looked at the church from my position in front of the congregation behind the pastor. 

"Choir, lift our spirits even more with your heavenly voices" Pastor John said with a smile as he turned to speak to us. His smile made me smile as well, he was such a good man, not that I expected any less from a man of God but I never thought I could admire someone as much as I admired and respected Pastor John. I stepped forward and took a deep breath and began singing, as the lead. 

"Oh Lord, my God, 

When I in awesome wonder, 

Thou pow'r through out the u-niverse displayed"  

I'm in the choir at church and according to Sister Mary, the conductor/choir instructor; I’m a heaven-send with the voice of an angel. When I sing I just feel so whole and complete. It truly is a gift from God, one of the many gifts he has blessed me and my family with, which is also one of the reasons why he has my complete and utter devotion. He blessed me and I believe my voice should be heard, if not for the word then for my personal joy. The rest of the choir joined in at the chorus and together we lifted the spirits of the congregation in the way only music could.

After the service I stood side by side with Pastor John, shaking hands and greeting everyone at the door biding them a good week and happy life and such. It is such an honor to be able to stand with the Pastor doing such work. I bet God is smiling down at me from heaven. I hope that he is proud of me. 

"Oh, Damien, your voice was absolutely stunning as usual! You just lift my spirits and I feel so....uplifted and filled with the Holy Spirit whenever I hear that voice of yours dear!" My Zellerman gushed at me, shaking my hand vigorously with a huge grin plasted on her face. She is such a nice woman, chubby and short with such life in her. She even bounced a little when she walked making her even more enjoyable.

"Thank you, Mrs. Zellerman, but without the rest of the choir it wouldn't have done the job completely. I just lead, as a team we uplifted your spirits, praise the Lord" I answered politely smiling back at her.

“Oh and you're so modest too! Oh, if I had a son like you deary, I would keep him locked up to make sure he doesn't get contaminated with the filth that most youngsters are these days!" She laughed smacking my arm in what I assume she thought was a light manner when in fact it hurt. I smiled stiffly back at her.

"Well, my parents trust me so much to keep on the right track and thank God for that, I can stand being inside for so long!" I replied laughing so she didn't take it as an insult.

"Ah, well, good boy Damien...Good boy. Well, goodbye, I must go and attend to my family, we are having the in-laws over for Sunday dinner and I must get started a.s.a.p.!" she smiled

"Well then, Mrs. Zellerman, Have a blessed week and may the Lord watch over you and your family so that we may have the pleasure of seeing you next week as well" Pastor John replied to her, shaking her hand and sending her on her way. I chuckled as she bounced away to her husband who was standing at the car with an irritated expression on his face. 

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