the dragon.

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I run out of the village as it burns. I hear screaming around me.

I keep running as I hear the screams slowly die down.

After what feels like an eternity I finally stop running as I feel the fatigue set in.

For three days before this I stayed awake sensing something was coming then all of a sudden bandits attacked. They ransacked everything. They seemed to be taking people away. I don't know where to.

They even killed my parents. From what I could tell I they spared no one.

I look back. I cant run anymore. God damn it why am I so weak. I move to the tree that is near by.

I think I'll just rest on this tree here.

??? POV

I'm walking along with the two others when I smell something, as well as feel something. Or better put someone calling me.

I slow down something the other two girls noticed.

I started to walk towards it.

I hear Flair call out to me "Tiamat where are you going"

I ignored her and kept walking. They started to follow me.

I myself don't know where I'm going. All I know is that what ever it is. It is calling me.

I heard Essos whisper to Flair "what you think Tiamat is doing. I mean we weren't really going anywhere but still this seems odd"

I just ignore her as I continue to try and find what this... is.

What is this magic power its almost as if there is a young dragon here or possibly an adolescent one.

No way that couldn't be though weren't all of the dragons around here dead.

I looked at the other two and see that they picked up on it as well we started to run towards it. It's likely they're lost.

As we approach it I noticed something is off and the other two do as well from the looks of it. It doesn't feel like a dragon or a demon or a god it feels human.

We slowly approach. Carefully and cautiously.

Then we sense a lot of humans approaching fast at first we.

I hear Flair say "damn it. Its a trap"

I put my hand up before she can transform. "I have a feeling its not a trap. Well for us anyway"

Nearby we hear someone yell "its just a kid"

Then we feel that all of them move over to the one that yelled we move in as well and see a kid.

His eyes barley open yet they somehow found mine.

Then I felt it. I felt the zing. I looked at the other two and it looked like they had the same reaction.

Though he passed out almost immediately afterwards.

I then hear one of the people around him say

"we didn't need to worry about the magic power. Though hell make a good slave worker judging from the looks of him. Though he looks like he has been stressed and not sleeping. Don't matter I guess we can put him right to work when we get there. Just tie him up for now he can't go anywhere and we go by here on our way back from the rest of are surch anywhere we will pick him up then"

Then I hear another one say. "Wait a minute he is the one that knocked us and the others out."

The one who just spoke kicked him in the gut I could tell he probably broke something. If it weren't for Flair and Essos I wold have killed those two.

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