Sweet Creatures

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H: So this is where you work.

< Harry said that as he looked around the small studio. It had some soundproofing with microphones, head phones and some computers. >

L: Yes sir, this is my little area to record. I don't need all the huge stuff i like it simple.

H: Im alittle scared to sing in front of you. I only sing by my mom she loves it, but all moms do.

L: I will be recording you sing so I won't be next to you Hazza.

H: Okay, let's start

< After an hour of Harry singing Sweet Creatures to Louis they were almost done. When Harry finished Louis was in tears. He never knew his baby could sing like that. He knew Harry would be famous if this came out. >

L: Wow you know Harry we are making you an album when you sing more songs.

H: An album I only have one song

L: Yes when you write more songs we will make an album.

H: What would I even sing about?

L: Something you love

H: Oh......,I know.......


                 To Be Continued

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