Larry Dads

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Harry and Louis are now both sitting in their bed room while Kate and Briana are fast asleep.

L: So

H: yeah...

L: Im so sorry baby you know i am

H: Dont mention it

L: I really really am Haz

H: i know...

//Then there was just awkward silence.//

H: so what were you working on in the studio?

L: Oh just a 13th song to my album

H: Oh cool, What is it called?

L: Oh its called-

//Right as Louis went to say it they heard a little knock at the door. They looked at each other confused until Harry said come in. They saw alittle girl walk in with a blanket in her hand//

H: hey Kate

Kate: Hi..

H: whats wrong love?

Kate: *Kate mumbled* mommy door was lock and i had a nightmare and i wanted to lay with someone..

H: You can lay with me and Louis

L: Yeah c'mon

//Kate then lays in between of Harry and Louis and soon after she is fast asleep//

//Louis and Harry say goodnight to each other then both go to sleep//


//it's now 8:00am Louis just woke up and forgot Kate was in the bed//

//when he looked over at Harry he seen Kate cuddled up with harry and harry hugging her back, thats when Louis thought how he could never be as good as a dad as harry and that was Louis' own kid.//

L: *he whispered* Harry.....harry

H: goodmorning Lou *he then see's Kate* oh haha forgot she was here.

L: Me too

//they both laugh and stand up leaving Kate in the big bed by herself//

L: You know your like such a great "dad" to Kate.

H: Im not her dad

L: I know you just...your just so nice to her. And im so awakward, and im her real father.

H: Hey your trying your best and i love that.

L: Yeah i guess

// Harry then walks over to Louis to give him a kiss but right as he went to he heard a scream coming from out of their room.//

//they both look at each other before Louis ran out of the room and to the door where Briana was in, it took Harry a couple seconds to catch up ti him. Louis pounded on the door until it finally popped open. Him and Harry bith saw Briana sitting there holding her stomach while crying and screaming.//

L: Bri whats wrong?

Briana: The baby it hurts

H: Are you in Labor?

Briana: No... well I don't know im only like 6 months in its way to early.

H: Its okay here squeeze my arm if it hurts. *Harry then sat next to her on the bed*

L: What do I do?

Briana: Call ambulance please *she then lets out another loud scream* NOW LOUIS

L: Okay I will

// Louis runs back to his room and grabs his phone and dials 911//

             Phone call with 911

911 whats your emergency?

L: Hello so my like well girlfriend no not really i guess my friend no not that either-

911: Sir please just get to the point

L: She is having pain in her stomach

911: Okay does she have any medical conditions?

L: Well I don't know I think she normal

911: Okay and where is this pain?

L: Her stomach?

911: Sir... if this is a prank we are going to have to ask you to stop

L: Im sorry im not good with this

911: Is she pregnant?

L: yes, that is true

911: Okay we are going to need an address to send someone over.

L: sorry im famous i dont give that out

911: Do you want our help or not sir?

L: Okay fine its-

911: Okay we will be down their soon. They are on their way just make sure she is calmed.

L: Thays not going to happen

911: goodbye

L: Bye bye

                Call ends with 911

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